POLL! \o/

May 11, 2011 22:13

I have a srs bsns question for my flist. Just because I'm curious. Please take le poll. dark chuckle

Poll Viewing vs Fandom Involvement No really, answer the poll. I want to know how old I am around here. Lately I feel Of The Ancient Times.

PS - If you had to stop and think 'what show', you don't have to take the poll. ;)

flistofawesome, epic show pwns everything, poll

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katiestitch May 12 2011, 02:50:14 UTC
Define "actively enter." Do you mean 1) browsing internet forums, reading fic (and mentally writing it, without writing it down) and leaving anonymous comments, or 2) actually getting an LJ account and establishing an online identity?


tahirire May 12 2011, 02:56:00 UTC
Well, I wasn't thinking that technical, but I'd say if you are reading and commenting on fic, that means active to me. :)


katiestitch May 12 2011, 03:22:21 UTC
Then season 2. I watched the first half of 2 and got hooked, then watched the first season during the winter hiatus and have been watching live ever since.


gaelicspirit May 13 2011, 02:04:03 UTC
(totally unrelated to subject of post)

OMG, I love your icon. I adore Hyperbole and a Half.


katiestitch May 13 2011, 08:24:14 UTC
Oh man, when someone first linked me to her I was crying with laughter. I went back and read every post in like one weekend, and I was mildly afraid of peeing myself I was laughing so hard.


gaelicspirit May 13 2011, 14:11:16 UTC
*virtual high-five*

ME TOO!! I found her through The Bloggess (and I can't remember how I found The Bloggess) and then friended her on Facebook just so I would be sure not to miss a thing. Did you hear she has a book coming out? *plans to stalk Amazon until it's out*


tahirire May 13 2011, 14:29:14 UTC
*butts in*



katiestitch May 14 2011, 00:06:41 UTC
I am vibrating with excitement! I'm normally not a big book buyer (I tend to go to the library instead) but I am so supporting her by buying this book. I might even get several copies if it's released near someone's birthday.


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