See you in Calais/OR HELL!!!

Feb 07, 2011 11:49

Get a load of this tomfoolery, AKA: How to make your employees really paranoid that Work is Trying to Off You. (Courtesy of my office.)

1) Issue your employees a letter stating that you are initiating a 3-strike system ending in firing for 'unexpected absences' and 'tardies' and write-ups.
2) Specify in said letter that a 'tardy' is anything over ( Read more... )

fabulous drunk!sam seal of disapproval, rage, is this real life?, ow, work sucks, omgwtfbbq, is it on me i feel like its on me, mr beaumont dnw this fuckery, magic hate ball answers stupid questions

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Comments 31

twasadark February 7 2011, 16:53:54 UTC
Holy shit! That's some harsh stuff going on there, honey.


tahirire February 7 2011, 16:57:49 UTC


may7fic February 7 2011, 17:14:30 UTC
Not only is that utterly ridiculous, I'm betting it's going to be counter-productive. What idiocy!


tahirire February 7 2011, 17:42:23 UTC
So many people are looking for other jobs, me included. It's just like - a race to find another job before you get to have 'getting fired' on your resume.


feliciakw February 7 2011, 17:16:58 UTC
Sounds like they want to replace you with robots . . .

Or Robo!Sams.

Seriously, some of those seem randomly not right. Particularly #6. Because if I were a client, and whoever I was talking to put me on hold/made me wait to answer the phone? Not happy.

The time clock thing is very suspicious shenanigans.

As is everybody having a strike by default just by receiving this informative letter.

Also, per #5, it will only be a matter of time before your space is a germ-infested hive of cold and flu viruses. Because if staying away from work, even when you're contagious, is grounds for dismissal . . . yeah. Be prepared for that.

Basically, this seems unrealistic for a human work force. I'm thinking they're looking to replace you with androids.


tahirire February 7 2011, 17:41:43 UTC
If they replaced everyone around me with Robo!Sams, I might not mind so much. I would work very hard and be a good girl and not mess up at all ... and then have insanely hot office sex with him in the janitor closet.

*drifts off into fantasy land*


(The comment has been removed)

tahirire February 7 2011, 17:44:02 UTC
INORITE. *headdesk*

My coworker thinks that they just want all of us to leave b/c we are getting paid too much, so they can hire new people for cheap. In this economy, everyone out there is cheap.

Oh, I've been hunting heads for a while now. No luck so far, but ... here's hoping.


blackcat333_99 February 7 2011, 17:48:02 UTC
Bzwah???? Honestly that looks like a lawsuit waiting to happen if someone does get fired because of this and wants to dispute it. I just... *shakes head* Sorry you're stuck in that kind of work environment right now.


tahirire February 7 2011, 18:40:24 UTC
Need. Escape ...

*claws at windows*


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