See you in Calais/OR HELL!!!

Feb 07, 2011 11:49

Get a load of this tomfoolery, AKA: How to make your employees really paranoid that Work is Trying to Off You. (Courtesy of my office.)

1) Issue your employees a letter stating that you are initiating a 3-strike system ending in firing for 'unexpected absences' and 'tardies' and write-ups.
2) Specify in said letter that a 'tardy' is anything over 5 minutes BEFORE YOU OPEN.
3) Set time clock 10 minutes AHEAD of the clocks that you ACTUALLY OPEN AND CLOSE BY.
4) Tell employees that just getting the letter is strike 1.
5) Add that if they get sick and miss a day, that's a strike.
6) Announce the addition of a new corporate write-up system in which if anybody ever lets a phone go to voice mail, everyone on shift at that time, regardless of if they were with a client or not, gets a write-up.
7) Add that if they get written up, that's a strike.

Three strikes and you're out, no exceptions.



fabulous drunk!sam seal of disapproval, rage, is this real life?, ow, work sucks, omgwtfbbq, is it on me i feel like its on me, mr beaumont dnw this fuckery, magic hate ball answers stupid questions

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