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Comments 12

contrary_lady April 21 2010, 01:47:28 UTC
Ah, shit, I totally didn't see that! Hm.. So Dean is supposed to have special powers too?


tahirire April 21 2010, 01:54:58 UTC
If Show sees what they did there? I'm voting yes.

*quietly glees*


contrary_lady April 21 2010, 17:44:17 UTC
That would be interesting. Of course, if Dean turns out to have powers like Sam does, I really hope they allow Sam to do something angel related that's awesome. I'm afraid that Dean plus powers might equal a diminished role for Sam. I love Dean, too, but season 4 has left me hankering for more Sam.


tahirire April 22 2010, 15:28:05 UTC
I'm not worried about that at all.

rocks in a corner


authoressnebula April 21 2010, 02:21:48 UTC
Holy SHIT. 0_0 I think she's right! By jove I think she's got it!

It makes sense. Why would Dean be able to be Michael's vessel otherwise? Sam's got angel blood (NOTHING will convince me otherwise I KNOW IT IS TRUE) inside of him, so I'm betting Dean's got something, too. I don't care about bloodlines. Dean HAS to have something that makes him extra special so he could be Michael's vessel. Azazel worked his ass off to make sure Sam was the right one for Lucifer: kinda makes you think someone else on the other side was prepping Dean for the same thing, right?




tahirire April 21 2010, 02:24:20 UTC
Honestly? I think if Azazel had gotten there 4 years sooner, his 10 year deal would have been for Dean instead.

But think about it - BEFORE Azazel got there, Heaven had ALREADY arranged John and Mary's marriage. ^.^

So, um. DUH. Lol. It's just nice to finally feel like we have proof!!!

*flails with you*


force_oblique April 21 2010, 19:16:22 UTC
Ahaha your show is so ninja? lol


tahirire April 22 2010, 15:33:20 UTC
So Ninja IT doesn't even know what it did half the time. That's like, the Ultimate kind of Ninja. :)


may7fic April 24 2010, 03:42:10 UTC
Day-um, that is one hell of a brilliant and entirely plausible theory! I'm gonna have one helluva time trying to un-think that if Kripke et al go a different route! It explains so much about that impala scene from the pilot, doesn't it? Wow! I mean... just... WOW!


tahirire April 24 2010, 03:44:43 UTC
Lol I know right? Hopefully they see what they did there, 'cos now anything less will make me sadface. ;)

I want my Fire and Ice, dammit.


bistokids April 25 2010, 22:23:49 UTC
I already left an OMGYAYSQUEE post on the 5.16 review, because OMGYAY (not sure where I stand on who has what angel mojo, but just the 'Dean always knew' thing was enough to set me off.)

But I just wanted to say here that I have missed kroki_refur's ep reviews like burning. Srsly, she left a hole, and it hurts so bad I can’t take it etc, and I really didn't anticipate anyone being able to take that on and run with it. But you two are doing the most awesome job. These reviews have made me think over every (ridiculously wacky) theory I've ever had about Show - and I've had a few! So thank you both. ♥


tahirire April 26 2010, 03:24:38 UTC
OH. You like Yates. I titled a fic after that poem once. Equilibrium is my favorite movie, lol.

/random rabbit trail.

AWWWWWWWW. Seriously. That's so nice of you to say - I miss her too, and I don't feel anywhere NEAR her caliber but I'm really glad they are helping to ease the pain. :)


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