Additional note of meta rec post.

Apr 20, 2010 21:16

Dear my flist,

In case you were thinking about skipping blacklid's 5.16 review, just so you know, Dean's secret? The one I've been wanting to know since season 1? Yeah, THAT one?  It's in part two.

My Show is so ninja.


ETA: And LEAVE HER COMMENTS, dang it. Don't make me whack y'all with a spoon. *Missouri voice*

i stole blacklid's tag again, meta, gore!, sam is dean and dean is sam, squee, but it's *science!*, fear does not exist inside this dojo, epic show pwns everything, samndean own my soul, it ate my brain, tahirire needs counseling, i don't have a tag for this ..., tv: supernatural, dean!, winchesters, trancendental squee, flistofawesome, blacklid sucks me into things, i before e except after icwydt, fear the wrath of the eta, what am i the master of again?, *dies*, when our powers combine, tahirire is a tag theif, flail, samhair watch, relevant relevant relevant, thinky-thoughts, picspam, episode review, wiki is for cheaters

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