The Next Big Plan [Open Commentlog]

Dec 13, 2009 17:41

[Musashi has set itself up in an empty space and is lecturing to whoever comes along. Yes, it has visual aids. No, we don't know why. It's a tachikoma, just go with it.NOW THEN! I'd like to talk about the amphibious mer-Tachikoma that played such an integral role in the offense against the Individual Eleven ( Read more... )

!odette, !blitzwing, !lily, talking to myself (again), stupid ideas, !open commentlog, !ratchet, !razer, this one's hopeless, complete idiocy, but it doesn't have a rudder!

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Comments 59

[ HELLO ] lilyground December 13 2009, 23:41:32 UTC
[Lily, who had been ambushed by this lecture, is seated cross-legged on the floor, mesmerized. She slowly raises her hand and waves it a few times.]


[ HI! :3 ] tachikhromatic December 13 2009, 23:45:09 UTC
[The Tachikoma gestures with it's baton, pointing imperiously at Lily's hand]

Yes, you there, in the front!


[ 8'| sorry ] lilyground December 13 2009, 23:49:14 UTC
[Lily drops her hand.]

Um, what's "amphibious" and "integral" and "Individual Eleven" and "propellers" and "torpedoes" and "water-based terrain" and, ummm, what's a "Tachikoma"?


[ Why? This is the kind of thing a Tachikoma lives for! ] tachikhromatic December 13 2009, 23:57:58 UTC
An amphibious vehicle is one that can travel equally well in or on the water as on land! Like a frog, which would be a biological amphibian!

[It spreads it's 'arms' emphatically, gesturing with one upraised finger as it continues, like a lecturing professor.]

If something is 'integral' then that means it's very very important, or else central to the task at hand!

The "Individual Eleven" were a group of terrorists that sought to needlessly kill and assassinate multiple persons of authority for some reason. At that time, it was up to Section Nine to put paid to their dastardly deeds! [One manipulator held high, with great enthusiasm!] So Heroic!

Propellers are the spinning pieces on the back of watercraft- the part that makes them go!

Torpedoes are like missiles, except underwater. They explode! [Musashi raises both arms high to demonstrate, then crosses it's arms in a conciliatory manner] It's really quite impressive ( ... )


electroniccrane December 14 2009, 00:51:32 UTC
[She doesn't even know where to start. Why did she bring them back after they died the first time?]


tachikhromatic December 14 2009, 00:55:43 UTC
Major! [It waves cheerfully.]

Thank you for attending my very important instructional series! I think I'm getting pretty good at this.

[Musashi taps it's stylus on it's manipulator and surveys it's visual aids, for all the world like a proud professor]


electroniccrane December 14 2009, 01:04:45 UTC
Except for the part where none of it is true.

[The hell? No, seriously, what the hell? Usually it's just weird about philosophy.]


tachikhromatic December 14 2009, 01:11:00 UTC
Well, of course not! Sheesh, if I had propellers I would have just jumped in.

[Silly Major, you are hip-deep in a conversation only meant to include children, Tachikoma and autistic-savants. Use unicorn-logic!]


medicalofficer December 14 2009, 02:54:03 UTC
[Oh my, do I sense science in progress? I do believe I do!

A (miniature) hummer has parked to listen to your lecture, at rapt attention, not that you can tell by looking at his... headlights.]


tachikhromatic December 14 2009, 03:01:01 UTC

[After the 'lecture,' Musashi turns to regard the vehicle with curiosity]

Oh, it's so small! [prod prod prod- Musashi's poking you with it's stylus!]


medicalofficer December 14 2009, 03:08:17 UTC
[The prodding causes him to back up slightly, rocking back slightly on his tires. The voice seemed familiar - from the network. He recalled speaking to the Tachikoma earlier.

Of course, it likely wouldn't have recognized him in his vehicle form, particularly since they had not yet met face to face. ]

Excuse me.

[ He spoke up through the radio, still unused to the idea of transforming in plain sight of humans. It often seemed to upset them on the Earth he had known, after all. ]

Our Earth disguises were sized down when our robotic forms were.

I believe we have spoken before, via the communicator? My name is Ratchet - We discussed the habits of Cybertronians briefly.


tachikhromatic December 14 2009, 03:12:04 UTC
[Ratchet's voice rocks Musashi back a little on it's legs. It leans forward again, bouncing excitedly.]

Oh! I didn't realize your shell was so mundane! It's pretty clever, though. Going around like that must make interacting with humans much easier! You have another form? Oooh, it's like a cartoon show!

Did you enjoy the lecture? Thank you for attending my very important informational series.


farfairersoul December 14 2009, 17:21:00 UTC
[The blue deathbot is talking about making deathbots that can swim. This is riveting, really.

All right, Razer actually stopped because he recognized the thing's voice from his argument with Batou about his mistreatment of Erol Jak, but he's still standing there, arms folded, one eyebrow raised.]

Is there an actual reason you are detailing all this?

[Good AI, bad choice of voice modulation, strange choice of subject matter. Razer is at a loss as to what he thinks about the thing.]


tachikhromatic December 14 2009, 18:12:45 UTC

[Musashi taps one claw with the stylus held in the other. It's eye swivels to look at him curiously for a moment- the Tachikoma recognizes Razer's voice as well.]

Well, receiving constructive criticism of potential modifications is a key component to the engineering and design processes!

Ordinarily, I'd go through this sort of thing between myself and my fellow Tachikoma exclusively, but the others aren't available right now due to the lack of a cohesive wireless network with which to sync. I have to get the proper feedback, somehow, don't I? Two heads are smarter than one!


farfairersoul December 14 2009, 20:35:51 UTC
Unless neither head has anything in it...

[He sighs.]

I do believe you look a little too heavy to swim very well, even with propellers on your feet. Not to mention your little lecture did not seem to cover any method you would use to steer.

[He puts his hands on his hips.]

Is there a particular reason you are programmed to sound like a little girl? It hardly seems to match you well with your cohorts.


tachikhromatic December 15 2009, 07:45:20 UTC
Well, it's just a prototype, of course! Plenty of changes have t come along before it's ready for live testing. Besides, weight isn't the issue, it's buoyancy! Even a submersible made entirely of steel alloy can float if it needs to!

[The Tachikoma tilts its body to the side a little, like a curious dog]

What do you mean? This is the default setting. We Tachikoma have always sounded like this! Of course, our voices are entirely synthesized, so it's technically possible for us to sound like anyone.


aswanbyday December 14 2009, 19:52:06 UTC
[Odette didn't understand any of that. But she stopped anyway, to listen to the big giant...thing talk. So there you go, Musashi. Have a swan staring at you like you've got two heads.]


tachikhromatic December 15 2009, 07:46:35 UTC
[Musashi whirls its main eye at Odette, sinking on its legs to get a better look at what is, for it, a very small creature]



aswanbyday December 15 2009, 14:09:19 UTC

[She smiles and waddles a little closer. Even if she didn't understand what Musashi has said, she still seems very nice.]

My name is Odette. And yours?


tachikhromatic December 16 2009, 04:55:34 UTC
Oh! You can talk? Wow, that's an oversight; I wasn't aware that waterfowl had the ability to speak.

[The Tachikoma bounces excitedly- new data!]

My name is Musashi!


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