The Next Big Plan [Open Commentlog]

Dec 13, 2009 17:41

[Musashi has set itself up in an empty space and is lecturing to whoever comes along. Yes, it has visual aids. No, we don't know why. It's a tachikoma, just go with it.]

NOW THEN! I'd like to talk about the amphibious mer-Tachikoma that played such an integral role in the offense against the Individual Eleven!

And don't ask any silly questions about whether or not they actually existed, this time! And awaaaaay we go!

As you can see, instead of tires, propellers are now attached, so our top speed depends on how much effort we put into it!

In addition to the usual weapons, two torpedo tubes have been added!

Yes, it's clear that with these modifications, the fear of water-based terrain will be a thing of the past for all Tachikoma-kind! It is my humble opinion that with successive improvements, a fully submersible Tachikoma cannot be far off!

!odette, !blitzwing, !lily, talking to myself (again), stupid ideas, !open commentlog, !ratchet, !razer, this one's hopeless, complete idiocy, but it doesn't have a rudder!

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