Parenting: H's Attitude

Sep 01, 2011 12:51

I just got back from the daycare. H's tantrums are now to the point that he's taking his shoes off and throwing them at the other kids. Today's issue seems to have been caused by singing "The Itsy Bitsy Spider." The director actually videotaped his outburst, which shows him sitting outside the circle, screaming his head off, and scratching his face ( Read more... )


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Comments 4

kitashla September 2 2011, 14:02:32 UTC
response to him acting up is to yell at him, engage in the power struggle, then disciplineI have to say that this would not cause the behavior problems that H is displaying. Even inconsistencies in his schedule and whatnot would not have this affect, either ( ... )


tabloidscully September 2 2011, 17:18:25 UTC
Agreed. And I don't think the daycare should be asking me for my opinion on P's parenting, because although they don't know the entire story, they know that B and I have been together for six years and H is only three (so, they probably think he's the result of an affair or something). They know it took P over six months to even add me to his daycare approval list. And they know that the history between us hasn't been great ( ... )


thenextcentury September 3 2011, 02:17:24 UTC
I really hope you can all get to the bottom of this, and I'm sorry to bring this up, but someone else on my Flist has been dealing with this since her daughter was born (she's now 6) and it turns out she is bipolar. They aren't medicating her at this time, but knowing the cause of the behavior has allowed them to improve their daughter's environment, not let her get overwhelmed, make sure she's always rested, etc. Like I said, I hope this is NOT it, but it's just something to consider if everything else fails.


tabloidscully September 6 2011, 19:27:53 UTC
Thank you. Bipolar hadn't even entered my mind as a possibility, but reading it over, it could make sense. It's sad that children so young can be clearly suffering from a major mental illness.

Keep your fingers crossed. I'm not sure what I'm rooting for at this point...


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