Let the sunshine in....

Jul 05, 2019 12:19

On this really very wet, rainy, and grey day! I hope all this rain puts the kibosh on 5th of July fireworks, as one night was enough, thank you!

Here's the second Sunshine Challenge: What's In A Name?, or - Fannish Identity.

What does your username mean? How is it pronounced? What's your origin story? Is it fannish?

What is your default icon about? Does it have personal meaning? Why did you choose it? What is it from? Tell us anything else you want to share publicly that would help people know how to interact with you. Preferred pronouns? Do you have a first language other than English? What does "fannish identity" mean to you?

My name is the character of the Jackal from Rudyard Kipling's 'The Jungle Book'. I have always loved those stories, and read them many times as a kid, and still re-read them. It's actually pronounced 'TAH-bar-kee' - I actually wrote to the Kipling Society to ask, and they were kind enough to tell me. :D I don't know why, but since I first read Tabaqui's introduction in the book, I was enamored.

It was the jackal-Tabaqui, the Dish-licker-and the wolves of India despise Tabaqui because he runs about making mischief, and telling tales, and eating rags and pieces of leather from the village rubbish-heaps. But they are afraid of him too, because Tabaqui, more than anyone else in the jungle, is apt to go mad, and then he forgets that he was ever afraid of anyone, and runs through the forest biting everything in his way. Even the tiger runs and hides when little Tabaqui goes mad, for madness is the most disgraceful thing that can overtake a wild creature. - The Jungle Books, Rudyard Kipling.

Now. My default icon, as you can see, is Spike. It's pretty much *been* Spike, one way or another, since I joined LJ waaaaaaaaay back in April of 2004. This one says 'Gonna live forever'. Spike is...well. I just really like him. He's the kind of ideal of what I like in a character. Tough as nails, can cold-cock you in one blow, snarky, snotty, a bit irrational, definitely got some trauma going on. BUT...also.... He sees the beauty in the world, he loves (and loves intensely, and to distraction), he's a poet at heart, and a lover, and a tender soul. But don't mistake him; fuck up too much, get him on the wrong day, and he's gonna rip your throat out. I just love him. :D

Spike wasn't my first fannish 'love' (nor my last); i don't see myself in Spike too much, other than having a lot of emotions going on under a fairly placid exterior (that's growing up, too, though; good, solid German calm, that you don't *allow* emotions to ruffle). Sadly, I'm not now and probably will never be as fit as Spike, heh, though I wish I could fight like he does. :D

Um...as for the rest - i'm a hard-core, far-left, utterly liberal hippy-dippy type. Bisexual woman who is divorced and happy to be (i rather like being alone), with one daughter, the Monstrous Bebe. And three cats.

I don't hide my fannish, fangrrl light, but most of the people i know in 'real life' are simply not interested. I've been a writer and a shipper all my life, and the internet, fandom, Livejournal/Dreamwidth and AO3 are a really huge part of my life. The first place *ever* that I found people who felt and thought like me; were excited for the things I'm excited about, wanted to *talk* about, and write about, and talk about writing about, the things I was interested in.

YAY, and thank gods, and i have so many lovely, wonderful, creative friends from these sites and pages.

And most especially thank gods for my beloved platonic soulmate 4evah, sweptawaybayou. She's just...my rock. Anchor. Everything. :D

My goodness, so that was a lot. :D Happy weekend, everyone!

ALSO - if you have any fannish questions for me? Feel free to ask! :D

Originally entered at https://tabaqui.dreamwidth.org/207854.html - comment where you please!

fandom, personal, sunshine

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