Sunshine Challenge!

Jul 01, 2019 19:04

Even though I would rather hide in a hole than go out into the miserable, muggy, bug-infested SUNSHINE. Like sunshine is such an amazing thing, wth.

ANYWAY. :D I thought i'd do it so i'd have an incentive to post more, like the Snowflake Challenge.

SO - the first challenge is Fannish Housekeeping but, to be honest, I don't have much of that to do.

I will, however, post this, because i think it's important, and it's also true. From my AO3: "Transformative works statement: I give blanket permission to podfic my work or create other fic, art, or etc., based on my fic, so long as your work contains a link back to my original fic. Please also leave a comment in the original and/or email me with a heads up."

I am looking forward to the third season of Stranger Things (on the 4th). I am *not* looking forward to morons with fireworks. I do get a four-day weekend, though. Whooo!

Also - pretty Steve Rogers icon, because why not? :D


Originally entered at - comment where you please!

fandom, sunshine

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