Of course fake!Hermione isn't dead. We're not getting rid of her that easily.
“Lets hurry go skin that predator so we can collect our reward and get out of this cold.”
Lucky there happened to be someone around who knows how to skin a wolf, really. It's not a very common skill round these parts, because there's not been much call for it for
quite some time.
Both men started to run toward the hill, but suddenly stopped and looked at each other.
“What the hell are we doing out here running in the snow?” Ian asked his friend.
I can't recall if I've ever seen something like this in a fic, where Muggles blunder into the Hogwarts wards. It's an interesting idea to explore and a shame it had to be as part of such an inane subplot.
“Damned if I know. I should be…” Elliott hesitated. “I know I’m supposed to be someplace. But I can’t remember where.”
“Me too,” Ian responded. “I have to see somebody. It was important. Damn, my mind is a blank.”
Elliott looked at Ian. “It’s that damn old castle. Every time I get anywhere near it, I have a memory lapse.
How do you know?
The Headmaster had stopped by the infirmary to check on Caitlin’s condition, but was extremely saddened at the news.
“She is quite sick and weak,” Madame Pomfrey reported. “Besides all the injuries she has sustained, I fear the girl now has pneumonia.”
Which I'd rephrase in a more logical order as:
The Headmaster had stopped by the infirmary to check on Caitlin’s condition. “She is quite sick and weak,” Madame Pomfrey reported. “Besides all the injuries she has sustained, I fear the girl now has pneumonia.” He was extremely saddened at the news.
This is still not perfect, of course. It doesn't work as the first line in a new scene, and I'd rather see his reaction than just be told that he was sad.
Severus just stared at the sleeping child. He touched her forehead, which was sweaty and hot. Suddenly, the girl was jolted awake and screamed. Her body convulsed two more times and she lost conciseness.
This author wouldn't know
conciseness if it landed on his head.
Madame Pomfrey ran to the young girls bed with a look of horror on her face and pulled the sheet off that was covering the girl. Caitlin’s hospital gown was red with blood.
“Quickly Severus! Cut off her gown. Hermione has been shot.”
She can tell that just from seeing her bleeding, not from actually seeing the injury or anything? I know she's good but that's ridiculous.
Jamie and Alex had stood staring at the snow, not talking, just thinking. Finally, Jamie looked up at Alex and said, “I guess we should get back to Gryffindor Tower. Its still early, maybe a good long shower before breakfast will make me feel better.”
As they turned Alex said, “Lets take a short run in the snow first.”
“Are you crazy?” Jamie responded. “You don’t even have your robes on. You’ll freeze.”
“No I won’t. Just a short run toward the Quidditch Pitch and back.”
Jamie hesitated, realizing that she too would be quite cold since she was bare under her robes, but she hated to refuse Alex. It was so seldom that he wanted to do anything spontaneous.
More secondhand characterisation and yet another reminder that she's naked under her robes which is certainly not going to lead to her ETA: losing them at some point. (Thanks
otakukeith for spotting the error.) This scene is filler. We know Hermione has been shot but there's no way she's going to die, so it doesn't even work to build tension.
Some ice had remained on the path when it was plowed and now was covered with snow. As Jamie looked back to see what was keeping Alex, she stepped on one of the patches of ice and lost her balance. Before she realized what had happened, she found herself laying spread eagle on her back with her knees in the air. Her robes had flown open to the waist. Alex ran to her yelling, “Are you alright, Jamie!”
“Yeah! Nothing hurt but my pride.”
As Alex went to help her up, it was impossible for his eyes to not follow her bare legs to where they connected. Immediately he found himself aroused as he turned his head away hoping Jamie wouldn’t notice.
Things we learned from this scene: firstly, Jamie doesn't wear anything under her robes; secondly, Alex would fancy the pants off her if she wore them. The author must think we're all in the habit of walking around near the site of Hogwarts.
They both just stood and took in the beautiful scenery.
This is all the description it gets.
Jamie turned to leave as Alex took in the view one more time. Then he saw it. “Jamie, what is that over at the bottom of the hill? It looks like a …”
Jamie looked in the direction Alex was pointing and before he could get the word out of his mouth, she yelled, “It is!”and began running toward the motionless figure.
Would you mind sharing it with the class?
Jamie threw herself on the ground grabbing Hermione’s wrist and at the same time placing her ear against Hermione's chest. “She’s alive, but barely.” Only then did Jamie see all the blood.
Yes, it's not like blood would stand out very much against snow.
Harry ran through the halls and burst into the infirmary. “How is she?” He looked at the Caitlin lying there so tiny and frail exposed to the world as Madame Pomfrey and Severus worked on her.
“We’ve stopped the bleeding,” Pomfrey said. “Severus is using his Hyperempathic powers to heal the wounds.”
Translation: Snape is fondling an eleven-year-old girl. D:
I've probably mentioned this before, but of all the characters in Harry Potter who might plausibly have something called "hyperempathy", I'd have thought Snape was pretty far down the list.
Harry realized that Severus was in deep concentration as he held his hand just above Caitlin right breast. “It appears Hermione was shot three times. Once in the right shoulder just above her breast. The second shot was to her extreme upper thigh. A few more inches and it would have done irreparable damage to her reproductive organs.
The worst possible fate a woman can suffer in the author's world, and it doesn't make sense that an injury caused by an unmagical bullet couldn't be fixed by magic anyway.
The look on Harry’s face was indescribable.
There are ways to convey the feel of a situation without actually describing it, but actually drawing attention to the fact that you're not describing it is not one of them.
Madame Pomfrey had tears in her eyes. “Very soon. Caitlin and Hermione will be together.”
Harry knelt down and kissed Caitlin’s check and then dropped to his knees next to the bed. He held her hand in his as he stroked her forehead with his other hand. Tears flowed freely from his eyes.
Severus strained to keep his concentration as his eyes moistened and a tear dropped on Caitlin’s chest.
Ever since I noticed that characters have absolutely no other emotional response in this fic, I haven't been able to take these frequent crying fits seriously.
Abruptly, the door to the infirmary burst open. Jamie Zacherley, clad only in boots, held the door as an extremely tired Alex Ward carried Hermione into the room.
“Oh! My God!” Pomfrey cried.
Click to view
“Quickly bring her back here.” She held the door to the emergency treatment room open as Alex carried the nearly lifeless body through and laid Hermione on the table. “Jamie, I’ll need your help. Harry I know you’ll want to stay. The Headmaster will need assistance with Caitlin.” Pomfrey looked questioningly at Jamie. “How would Caitlin feel about Mr. Ward seeing her without her clothes?”
“She wouldn’t care. He’s already seen her nude.”
Because nudity is such an appropriate topic of conversation in the middle of a life-threatening emergency.
“Good! Alex, please go assist the headmaster.”
The door closed behind Alex. Sheepishly, he walked toward the Headmaster.
Alex looked down at Caitlin, who looked to be asleep. A sheet covered her to just below her breasts. The Headmaster was just removing his hand from that area.
I wish I'd been wrong about this.
“Mr. Ward, as you know
"... your father, the king..."
The Headmaster looked Alex directly in the eye. “Shall we start with Miss Zacherley? Could you please explain why I was the only one in the room that was shocked to she her running about without her clothes? Secondly, how is it possible that you have seen this eleven-year-old girl naked?”
There's a time and a place for discussions of nudity, and this isn't it. Nudity for this author appears to be serious business on a par with life and death, which I doubt very much is the case for most naturists in the real world. I'd be quite interested to read a naturist's perspective on this fic, come to that.
“Caitlin grew-up with her grandparents and then in an orphanage. I doubt very much she practiced nudity in either of those places.”
It could have been a nudist orphanage. They probably exist in the HEverse. Strictly speaking, of course, most people do practise nudity in their everyday lives and it's nudism that wouldn't be accepted at the orphanage.
Severus was dumfounded. He couldn’t believe this was going on at Hogwarts and he had no knowledge of it.
Neither do I. Canon!Snape is very astute and knows everything that's happening in the school even without having access to all the resources of the headmaster. Never let it be said that I don't like Snape. He's a great character, but I prefer him as a bastard who sometimes has good intentions than as a supportive and empathetic friend of the trio. Or as the Snapewives' misunderstood woobie. Give me dramatic conflict any day.
Alex did as the Headmaster instructed, but felt like it was exceedingly wrong. He felt like he was undressing Caitlin. When he saw the wound he cringed. If the bullet had hit two inches up and two inches over it would have struck her reproductive organs.
I know being rendered infertile must be a traumatic experience, although in the Potterverse there's no reason aside from plain old
deus angst machina that it couldn't be fixed just like any other non-magical injury. However, the way this fic portrays it as a fate worse than death in the context of its other problems with gender makes me uncomfortable. Contrast it with the offhand way in which the nameless Auror got castrated earlier on. The clear implication is that if a woman (and only a woman) is no longer able to reproduce then she's a lesser person at best and might as well be dead at worst.
The Headmaster saw Alex’s reaction. “I felt the same way when I saw it. Your job is mainly to witness that I do nothing improper.
This is an uncharacteristic bit of self-awareness from this fic, actually acknowledging that a teacher healing an eleven-year-old girl by laying on hands might be misinterpreted by a casual observer.
…and she was lying there in the snow. Jamie knew she would be naked, but couldn’t allow the possibility that someone would see Professor Granger in that state.”
Alex finished his story just as the thirty minutes elapsed.
I'm surprised there was a cut here. I wouldn't have put it past the author to reiterate the entire plot.
Alex could not believe his eyes. There was no sign of the wound, not even a tiny, faint scar. He asked, “Are all wizards able to do that or is it a special ability?”
“All wizards have the ability, but some to only a very small degree. For some the healing of the tiniest nick can take hours. Others such as Professor Granger have the ability to absorb the pain and scars of a burn victim. All sixth year students are tested in order to determine the degree of their power.”
Alex looked down at Caitlin. He was amazed at what the Headmaster had done, but he was reluctant to stare in that area for fear Professor Snape might get the wrong idea. “She has the power, doesn’t she?”
“Definitely. I’ve never seen it so strong in one so young. She is not only a Hyperempath, but also one with telepathic powers. Let us pray she lives to use that ability for good. Now, if you would? Help me turn her over so that we can heal her third wound.”
I'm going to assume that Caitlin has been secretly using her powers to manipulate people and events, because that makes more sense than accepting that the girl Hermione took pity on just happened to be an ultra-powerful Hyperempath.
“Mr. Ward. I feel that to this point you have been truthful and honest with me. I also don’t believe that either of the young ladies in question looks upon their nakedness as being remotely connected with flaunting their sex.
Of course he doesn't. Considering that everyone denies that the characters going naked has nothing to do with sex, they certainly seem to talk about how it might a lot.
I believe Professor Granger handled the Halloween situation admirably.
Snape praising Hermione is something that would only ever happen grudgingly, but we get no hint of that.
“I do, however, have one concern and that involves you and in all probability more so Caitlin’s two young male friends. You indicated that you have seen Jamie nude easily over a hundred times. Would I be correct in assuming that most of those were in the girls’ dorm?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Were you ever there alone or was someone else always present?”
“Both. Mostly there was someone else there, but many times we were alone.”
“How old were the two of you when you started having sexual relations?”
Alex looked at the Headmaster bewildered. “Sir, Jamie and I are just friends. We’ve never had sex. We’re both virgins.”
He's discussing his sex life with Severus Snape. Even if he wasn't the headmaster, this would be ridiculous. Of course, canon!Snape would proceed to give him detention for going in the girls' dorm.
Severus studied Alex’s eyes. Something he saw told him the boy wasn’t lying.
This was written before Snape was explicitly established as a Legilimens in canon, but he displays hints of that ability in the earlier books. JKR is the queen of foreshadowing, which makes this author's faltering attempts at it look even worse by comparison.
“I believe you. Hopefully you can understand my concern. You and Jamie are both now of legal age and should you want to enter into consensual sex that is your business. Madame Pomfrey will even supply, without question, a potion to young ladies that will prevent unwanted pregnancy.
And yet, somehow, Hermione managed to be pregnant without it being established that she and Harry were trying for a baby. This could work if (for example) the existence of a bad batch of contraceptive potion had been established, but as it is it looks for all the world like a plot hole.
The school, however, can’t be seen as promoting sex and I question whether allowing boys to be alone with girls in the dorms is proper, especially unclothed girls.”
“Sir, that totally depends on the boy and girl in question. I think some could actually sleep in the same dorms without anything happening while all the security in the world would not prevent others from being intimate. Can I be completely honest?”
“Honesty is always the best road to take, Mr. Ward.”
“When I was eleven and first saw Jamie nude, I couldn’t take my eyes off her down there.
This contradicts what had already been established earlier, that he'd only just started to take notice of her in that way.
As soon as he opened the door he realized something was terribly wrong. Jamie was sitting in the corner crawled up in a ball crying her eyes out. Harry ran immediately toward the emergency treatment room just as Madame Pomfrey was opening the door. Her eyes were red and when she saw Harry they filled with tears. “I’m sorry Harry. Please believe me, I did everything I could. Hermione was just too weak from all the injuries and the pneumonia.
Obvious fake-out is obvious.