Road to Ruin 3c/?

Dec 21, 2010 00:15

Title: Road to Ruin 3c/?
Author: synergyfox 
Pairing(s): Cara/MC!Kahlan
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Um... the potential to severely dislike MC!Kahlan? Borderline rape... nerm... blood... hearts to break and tears to fall?
Disclaimer: Terry Goodkind [and Disney] own the Sword of Truth/Legend of the Seeker... I honestly just own the demented brain behind this fic - oh and an Optimus Prime helmet I write in.
Summary: Post-Torn, things don't go as planned and the two parts of Kahlan are not reunited.

Part: | 1 | 2 | 3a | 3b | 3c | 3d |

The ancient magic which flowed through her veins became visible in her eyes as they swirled to an inky black, a magical wind blowing through the chambers of the Mother Confessor. The scream coming from her throat turned guttural and a white ball of light slammed into the woman's back, her arms tightened around her mate as she shielded her from the unknown force.

The Mother Confessor's head dropped forward, inhaling Cara's scent as her nose grazed the woman's hair. She pressed her lips to the top of Cara's head, nostrils flaring, her body glowing violently with the light. The Wizard's own eyes flashed white and he fell back onto his backside, blinking, trying to clear his vision.

Slowly the light faded and for the first time in months Kahlan felt complete, the flames of duty and compassion burned bright within a single body once more. She loosened her arms slightly around the precious cargo against her and lifted a hand, taking in the blood that stained her skin... Cara's blood.

Kahlan lowered her hand back to Cara's side, holding pressure against the place she instinctively knew was not fully sealed yet., "I'm so sorry Cara..." she breathed, rocking her slowly, closing her eyes as she attempted to push away the visions flashing before them.

Cara shallow breathing against her neck was her only answer for the moment, "oh Cara..." Kahlan choked, tears flooding from behind her closed lids.

"Kahlan." Zedd's heavy hand fell on her shoulder, "I need to see her wound properly. We need to lay her out."

Kahlan rested her cheek against Cara's head and nodded her head taking a calming breath and standing slowly, the Mord'Sith cradled in her arms.

"What are you doing? I can look at her on the floor." Zedd exclaimed, his eyes wide as he took in the deep red staining her dress.

"No." Kahlan whispered and gently placed Cara on the large bed, "you'll see to her here." She brushed her fingertips through Cara's hair, ignoring the blood as the Mord'Sith slowly opened her dull , green eyes.

Her mouth opened and closed a few times before a word finally escaped, "Kahlan..." and Kahlan fell to her knees to be closer to the broken woman.

With trembling fingers Kahlan caressed Cara's bruised cheek, a bruise she had caused from her own actions, "I'm here."

Zedd examined the wound, poking at it as gently as he could while Kahlan stared into Cara's eyes, silently praying to the Creator. Begging her not to take her beloved Mord'Sith. The one she had harmed in so many ways, been cruel too and yet... the one who had remained faithfully at her side the entire time without needing to be Confessed. All it took was the pleading look in Cara's eyes for her to break inside. She leaned in and planted a sweet and tender kiss upon the blonde's lips, sighing with relief when Cara's sought hers slowly.

When she pulled back Cara gave her a weak smile and Kahlan gently pressed her lips to Cara's forehead, continuing to apologize over and over against - begging for forgiveness.

"Kahlan! This isn't you!" Richard shouted as he was held by two confessed guards, the executioner held the Sword of Truth in his large hands.

"You have been tried and found guilty of treason, Richard Cypher. The penalty is death."

Richard struggled violently, looking up at the Mother Confessor, "think about what you're doing Kahlan! You've confessed Zedd! You've done who knows what to Cara and you're about to have me decapitated with my own sword! This isn't you!"

"Let the execution begin."

"Kahlan! NO!" He screamed as he was forced to his knees, struggling the entire way down, "the Stone needs to be found, Kahlan! The Ston-" he was cut off with a nod of the Mother Confessor's head and the swinging of his sword in the hands of the giant, hooded man.

His head rolled and not a word was spoken from the onlookers.

Kahlan suppressed a sob as she clamped her eyes shut, letting her head drop forward next to Cara's shoulder as guilt filled her.

She smirked as she ran her fingers against the once bronzed skin of the Mord'Sith hanging in front of her - pale from lack of sunlight and stained with her own blood, "tell me Cara. Why is it that you always manage to aid in the deaths of Rahls? Because of you Darken Rahl was killed. Because of your hesitation Richard failed... tell me. Why?"

A gentle hand caressed her face and she forced her eyes to open, looking into Cara's, "Kahlan..." she panted, already exhausted from moving so much against the Wizard's apparently loud protests, "why?"

Kahlan lifted her hand to take hold of Cara's and leaned in to kiss her again, choking slightly as she pulled away, "I don't know why... Cara... why that part of me is so dark and cruel and easily angered." Kahlan breathed, using her other hand to push Cara flat on the bed again, allowing Zedd to work while she spoke in soft whispers, "it is a darkness that has always been within me... when I was split..." tears threatened to fall again at the small smile Cara gave her; she knew the blonde held no grudge against her, not for breaking her - she knew, also, that she could not forgive herself, not for hurting Cara in so many ways on so many levels.

She planted a soft kiss on Cara's shoulder, continuing with her whispers, "I'm so sorry... I know... it does not mean much... and certainly cannot heal the wounds I have caused you Cara... but I am so sorry. I love you, please believe that."

"There... is nothing... to forgive..." Cara panted, eyes screwed shut in concentration as she fought to ignore the pain of Zedd's prodding and magical use, "you weren't... Kahlan..." she mumbled, sweat forming on her brow.

Kahlan shook her head violently, tears falling fast as she looked at Cara, "No. Cara... I..." she wiped at her tears, unknowingly smearing blood there, "I raped you Cara. Hurt you because I could not carry a child."

"You are my Mistress and you were angered. Wounds h-heal..." Cara stuttered and Kahlan's eyes snapped towards Zedd as he continued to work on Cara's side.

"Why is she stuttering?"

"She is in need of a transfusion of blood. She has massive internal bleeding." He pressed his hands firmly against her abdomen and Cara cried out, more sweat forming on her body, "I'm sorry Cara... but this is going to hurt. I need to find out what your blood type is."

She cried out again and tried to get away from Zedd's ungentle hands, "Mistress!" She cried and Kahlan caressed Cara's face gently, pulling her attention away from the pain, "please... it hurts..." she mumbled, gasping for breath, "I am true D-D'haran. Can only have... th-tha..." she panted and tried to pull her words together before doing the one things Kahlan had never heard her do, she slurred her words together as she tried to formulate sentences, "M-K-K..." Kahlan gently ran her fingers over Cara's face, cupping it.

"Shh... I know it hurts..."

"If... I c-could..." she shuddered and Zedd felt around her stomach, moving to grip her hips gently, feeling his way up and avoiding her wound as much as possible, "bare... your child..." she panted, "... I w-would." Her breath caught in her throat as she tried to pull enough oxygen into her lungs, "I am sterile." She forced before passing out, her head lulling to the side.

Kahlan panicked and looked from Cara's closed eyes to Zedd's worried ones, "what's happened? Why did she pass out?"

"Her body is conserving energy." Kahlan nodded her head and returned her attentions to the blonde, fretting over her unconscious mate, "I need to travel to D'Hara... find someone with her blood type. D'Harans have a specific blood type not common in the Midlands." Kahlan's brows furrowed and she pressed her hand gently to Cara's cheek before looking to Zedd, "don't worry. I will be quick. It will be faster if I use magic to get there." With that he disappeared, a loud crack echoing throughout her chambers.

Kahlan gently brushed her fingertips over the angry wound on Cara's side, not responding to Zedd's disappearance. One of her chambermaids tentatively stuck their heads into her room and she turned her head, looking at the young girl, "M-Mistress?" The girl asked, gulping.

"Mariya... go draw a bath please. A warm one. Please send someone to clean up the blood in here and have fresh bandages brought in as well as soothing creams and..." she took pause, wondering what she could put Cara in so she would remain comfortable and warm, "a fresh top from the washroom the Home Guard wear."

The chambermaid nodded her head and scurried off to do as she was told; Kahlan gently moved onto the bed and pulled Cara into her arms - kissing the side of her head and rubbing her back gently, careful of the bruises she had caused.

"Mistress..." Cara moaned and Kahlan brought her hand gently over Cara's pale cheek and smiled tenderly.

"I'm here, Cara..." Kahlan cooed and pressed her lips to the top of Cara's head, "I swear Cara... no harm will ever come to you again. Not by my hand... not by any other. I will protect you. Always." She cradled the blonde in her arms and forced herself not to cry, "my sweet Cari..."

"Mistress..." Kahlan gently brushed her fingers over Cara's cheek again and looked up.


"The bath is drawn, Mistress."

"Thank you." She returned her attentions to Cara and brushed her fingers through Cara's hair, lowering her head to whisper in her ear, "I'm going to lift you up."

Cara let out a soft whimper and Kahlan pressed her lips to the blonde's forehead, gently moving her arms under Cara's legs and behind her back. She lifted and smiled lightly when Cara pressed her nose to her neck, head lolling against Kahlan's shoulder.


"Shh. Cara. I've got you. I know it hurts... but Zedd will be back soon. I need to get you cleaned up and bandaged."

And A Scene Switch Cos My Attention Span Decided To Suck.

The private bathing pool of the Mother Confessor was pristine with white marble stone covering every inch of the room, busts and statues decorating the interior. In the centre was a luxurious pool, steps leading in - large enough to sit on and be comfortable but not large enough to strain in step. At the far side of the room, facing the Palace wall was a giant, stain glass window - a red sparrow etched against the white glass, elegant red roses weaved intricate patterns.

Kahlan carried Cara down the stone steps, sitting on the third with her precious cargo on her lap, "is the temperature alright?" She breathed, her voice wavering as she studied Cara's abused body - the abuse she had wrought upon the woman.

Cara nodded into Kahlan's neck, too exhausted and woozy from the loss of blood; she closed her eyes as one of Kahlan's gentle hands produced a soft piece of cloth and slowly began cleaning the blood from her body. Cara instinctively pressed her hand to Kahlan's bare stomach and flexed her fingers, breathing out a slurred apology for being disobedient.

Kahlan frowned as she wiped away at the blood, rubbing soothing circles once she finished - letting the cloth float away, "you haven't been disobedient Cara. I am the one who should be apologizing... if apologies could right the wrongs I have committed against you. I harmed you in so many ways." She gently caressed Cara's back and held her close, careful of the wound on her side.

Cara pressed her nose into Kahlan's neck and closed her eyes, they remained like that - silent and in the water for quite some time. Kahlan managed to wash Cara's hair without causing her too much pain; Kahlan pressed her lips to the side of Cara's head, the Mord'Sith had fallen asleep at some point in her arms.

Kahlan sighed as she stood, lifting Cara as she did so and holding her like the precious cargo that she was. She didn't care that she was dripping a heavy water trail, she only cared about getting Cara dried off and bandaged up so she could rest properly until Zedd returned. Kahlan gently placed Cara on the marble bench and grabbed a warmed towel to dry her off before drying herself off and snatching up another one to wrap Cara tightly up in it.

Cara let out a small, appreciative sound at being so warm in her sleep and Kahlan smiled softly - at least she was able to do something right when it came to her mate. She wrapped her arms around Cara once more and pulled her up, holding her protectively - a silent promise that she would protect Cara.

After almost half a candle mark Kahlan managed to get Cara bandaged up and into loose clothes (a set of soft breeches and a loose shirt since she knew Cara greatly disliked dresses and wanted her to be comfortable). Gently Kahlan pulled the fresh, white sheets up to Cara's chin and brushed her fingertips over Cara's forehead before leaning down to kiss her lips.

"I'm so sorry, Cara. I know it doesn't mean much but I am. You deserve to be treated so much better and I swear to you that I will treat you as you should be." Kahlan breathed against her lips, closing her eyes as tears threatened to escape, "you are my equal in all things, Cara. I intend make sure you are treated as such if you will give me a second chance. Not as your Mistress, but as your mate." Cara didn't respond and she certainly didn't expect her to, the blonde was completely out of it, exhausted.

Kahlan moved to leave her Mord'Sith in peace so she could rest but Cara's hand latched onto her wrist, keeping her there. Slowly she lifted her gaze to Cara's, frowning at the small smile there.


"There is nothing to forgive."

Tears flooded her eyes and she was unable to stop them, Kahlan moved forward and wrapped her arms tightly around Cara - careful of the wound on her side, pulling her close. Cara blinked in astonishment, not used to Kahlan being so affectionate with her, but her Mistress was in pain and needed comfort. The Mord'Sith wrapped her arms weakly around Kahlan's waist, holding her close.

"Mistress... please..." she was a t a loss as to how to sooth her mate.

Kahlan continued to sob, face buried firmly against her chest - shaking violently as she begged Cara not to forgive her. Cara looked down at her, horrified at her words, she forced herself to pull Kahlan up gently. Cara brushed her fingertips through Kahlan's hair and kissed her sweetly, "Mistress please... calm down. You need to breath or you're going to hyperventilate." She was weak and her vision was fuzzy, doubling even but she needed to clam Kahlan down.

"Mistress..." this only caused Kahlan to cry harder and Cara screwed her face up, thinking hard, "Kahlan. Please!" Cara groaned in pain and wrapped her arms tightly around Kahlan, holding her close.

"I abused your trust!" Kahlan sobbed, body shaking still, "hurt you. I don't deserve your forgiveness. Cara..."

Cara pressed her lips gently to Kahlan's throat, sweating from the effort and strain of moving so much and pushing her body's limits at the moment, "you taught me to forgive... please... stop crying..."

It took quite a bit of time before Kahlan calmed down, resting comfortably on top of Cara, unconsciously careful of her side. She pressed her lips to Cara's throat and frowned against her skin when someone knocked heavily on the doors do her chambers.

"Kahlan? I have the blood."

Kahlan forced herself off of Cara and kissed her forehead, wiping her face with the back of her hand, sniffling slightly as she moved towards to the door. Kahlan made her way to the door and opened the intimidating things, looking at Zedd with red eyes.

"Kahlan?" He asked, immediately becoming concerned, "is Cara alright?"

Kahlan nodded and wiped at her face more, "yes... just... make her better..."

Zedd nodded his head and hurried into her chambers, clutching a rather large vial of red liquid, "it took a few hours and an ending trip to Stowecroft but I managed to find someone with her bloodtype." He smiled and Kahlan blinked at him, nodding quietly.

And A Time Skip Cos My Attention Span Decided To Suck Moar

Kahlan smiled softly as she brushed her fingers over Cara's leather-clad hip, enjoying the fact that she was taller than her mate - leaning forward she claimed her lips tenderly. Cara made an approving sound and gently ran her fingers over Kahlan's sides.

Nearly a week had passed since Kahlan managed to pull herself into a whole and Zedd had given her the transfusion (which she later found to be from her sister). Kahlan still found it necessary to try and make up for her past actions when she was split in two and Cara found it endearing (unnecessary though it was in her opinion).

"Is your side okay today?" Kahlan asked softly, running her fingertips along the scarring side hidden by red leather, "I had duties to attend to and did not have a chance to look at it."

Cara rewarded her with a smile and a sweet kiss, "it is fine, Kahlan. The ache isn't even noteworthy anymore." She gave Kahlan a serious look and moved her hand to cup Kahlan's cheek, "your meeting is with Zedd this afternoon, correct?" Kahlan nodded her head, "would you like me to be there with you?"

Kahlan turned her face and leaned into Cara's gloved hand, "yes..."

Cara nodded her head, she knew Kahlan was worried that she would still not be able to conceive a child, a Confessor to carry on the line. She pressed her lips to Kahlan's shoulder and pulled her close, caressing her back lightly as she did so, "don't worry.

"If I cannot bear a child, I most certainly deserve it for the horrors I have put you through, Cara." Kahlan gave her a sad smile and Cara felt a rage build up deep within her, her eyes narrowed angrily.

"Don't you ever say that again." Cara snapped.

Kahlan flinched and had the decency to look properly chastised, "I'm sorry."

Cara's jaw clenched and she brought her hand to grip Kahlan's face, stroking her cheeks with her thumbs, "if there is one person in this world who deserves a child, Kahlan Amnell, it is you."

Kahlan gave her a sheepish smile and nodded her head, turning to kiss Cara's gloved palm, "I'm sorry..."

Cara nodded her head and pulled Kahlan flush against her, kissing her tenderly, "I told you I forgave you... now get it through your stubborn skull. You weren't you..."

The Confessor in her arms began to tear up and brushed the tip of her nose against the side of Cara's head, "I cannot forgive myself..." a sigh met her ears and Cara tightened her arms around Kahlan's waist.

"Kahlan... you need to." Kahlan shook her head and Cara sighed softly, bring her hand to tangle lightly in Kahlan's hair, massaging lightly, "please?" Another head shake and Cara held her closer, kissing her shoulder, "very well, but this issue will be resolved," she left no room for argument, "I will be in your office when the Wizard arrives?"

Kahlan stiffened slightly, "where are you going?"

Cara pressed her lips to Kahlan's shoulder repeatedly, "I feel the need to explore."

After a few minutes the two women parted ways with a soft kiss and an uttered promise on Cara's part to be there later that afternoon.

Cara grazed her gloved fingertips over one of her Agiels as she slowly made her way down an older looking passage - vaguely recalling having been carried almost a year ago to the day. She frowned deeply and trailed her fingers against the darkened stone walls, has it really been a year? She asked herself as she continued down.

She followed the winding passage deeper down into the depths of her mate's Palace before coming to a long passage - oddly reminiscent of the passages which led to the torture chambers in Mord'Sith Temples. Cara slowed as she approached a large door made from redwood; her brows furrowed - aside from the cells in the Temples all doors were made from redwood. It was a trademark and she was quite sure that the doors in the Confessor's Palace were all made from oak.

Her gloved hand gripped the handle of the door and turned slowly, opening the door of its own accord. Cara forced herself to move forward and slowly moved down the steps, her eyes darkening so much they were almost a deep emerald. She studied the black marble beneath her boots, streaks of crimson guiding her way deeper down into the bowels of the Palace, stopping at yet another redwood door. Cara was grateful nobody was around to see her hesitate as she opened the heavy door, the breath left her lungs as soon as she gazed at the upon the two pits evenly spaced in front of the white, marble throne.

It stood in stark contrast with the room, drawing the eye immediately; Cara bit her bottom lip hard as she walked further into the room.

She stared at the chair and the chains... around the room.

It hit her in the chest like a ton of bricks and she stumbled backwards, only stopping when her back collided with the wall; Cara slid to the ground slowly and pulled her knees to her chest, eyes glued to the white chair her Mistress had once sat so regally in. Something wet rolled down her cheeks and she didn't bother to lift her hand and wipe whatever it was away.

She continued to stare at chair for Keeper knows how long when her entire body was pulled back to reality as she was shaken, her view of the chair obscured, "Cara?! Cara!" She focused slowly on the figure in front of her, "Cara? Cari? Please. Answer me."

Her eyes are so blue... so pure... caring... not like before... they're not hard anymore...

Cara slowly shook her head, trying to clear her mind of the fog that had taken over and blinked a few times - she drew in a shaking breath, "Kahlan."

Kahlan visibly calmed and Cara barely registered that her mate was straddling her legs, why are my legs stretched out? she wondered idly and Kahlan's soft whispers met her ear.

"I was so worried about you... I thought you just weren't coming to the meeting with Zedd... but... when dinner came around..." Kahlan pressed her forehead to Cara's and the Mord'Sith frowned.

She's scared... her body is shaking...

Cara wrapped her arms around Kahlan's waist and pulled her close - she felt numb, "I should have looked for you as soon as I felt my stomach twist. I'm so sorry sweetie." Kahlan's lips were on her forehead... on her lips... on her cheek... eyelids...

"I don't want to be here... I'm scared." Her mouth betrayed her with the small, quiet admission.

Kahlan's body tensed against her and warm hands cupped her face, body cold from the temperature below the Palace, "why? Wha..." Kahlan trailed off and looked around the room - that was all it took for her to climb off of Cara, stand and scoop the blonde up into her arms, cradling her gently, "shh... close your eyes."

Cara did as she was told and her Mistress moved - she pressed her nose into Mistress' neck and kept her eyes closed, ignoring everything except for the sound of her Mistress' footfalls and the feeling of being in her Mistress' arms. She felt...

Safe. My Mistress will keep me safe... my Mistress will make it better.


"Open your eyes Cari..." she did as she was told and calmed even more - she was safe in her Mistress' private chambers, laying on the bed. Her Mistress gently slid into bed next to her and held her close, pulling a sheet up to cover both of them.

Her eyes leaked once more and her Mistress ran her thumbs lightly against her face, wiping each new trail away, "you're safe now."

TBC... with a... 3d... =.= *glares at Kahlan*

pairing: cara/kahlan, fandom: legend of the seeker, fic: road to ruin

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