Road to Ruin 3b/?

Dec 10, 2010 01:36

Title: Road to Ruin 3b/?
Author: synergyfox 
Pairing(s): Cara/MC!Kahlan
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Um... the potential to severely dislike MC!Kahlan? Borderline rape... nerm... blood... hearts to break and tears to fall?
Disclaimer: Terry Goodkind [and Disney] own the Sword of Truth/Legend of the Seeker... I honestly just own the demented brain behind this fic - oh and an Optimus Prime helmet I write in.
Summary: Post-Torn, things don't go as planned and the two parts of Kahlan are not reunited.

Part: | 1 | 2 | 3a | 3b | 3c | 3d |

Days blurred together and soon another month passed; her Mistress had been nothing but caring and gentle with her while she healed in both body and spirit. Today she stood dutifully next to the ancient throne of the Mother Confessor, clad in a new set of red leathers - the symbol of Aydindril branded on her left shoulder, darkening the leather.

Her Mistress sat majestically on the chair, a bored look gracing her beautiful features as she listened to the farmer drone on about how his neighbor had stolen his prized sow. The doors opened to the Council room and everything went quiet as Zedd walked in - the Mother Confessor sat up and focused on the man pleading his case.

"Butcher the pig and split the meat between both of your families, issue resolved. That is my final ruling. I will be in my office, Council is to continue. Zeddicus, come with me. Cara..." the Mother Confessor trailed off and Cara looked down at her, waiting for an order which did not come.

"Mistress?" Cara asked, her voice no higher than a whisper.

The Mother Confessor stood slowly and looked at Cara, bringing her hand to caress the side of her Mord'Sith, "go to my chambers. I will be there in a while."

Cara nodded her head quietly and offered a small smile, "if that is your wish..."

"It is. Go. I have private matters to discuss with the Wizard..." Cara bowed her head in acceptance before turning on her heel and moving gracefully towards the exit.

The room remained silent until Confessor and Wizard disappeared into one of the passages.


Nearly four hours had passed since her Mistress left Council after the Wizard showed up - Cara was thankful for the magical fire heating the Mother Confessor's private quarters as she was not allowed to wear her leathers inside of them.

Cara looked up in the middle of reading an old tome from her Mistress' personal collection when the heavy, double doors were thrown wide open. The Mother Confessor stood in the opening, cold eyes falling on Cara who stiffened on the large, lavish bed. Cara shivered as her eyes met her Mistress' cold ones, angry ones.

Her Mistress slammed the large doors shut and took deliberately slow steps down the stone steps, boots hardly making a sound, "get off of my bed," her voice was steely and capable of putting even the strongest of Mord'Sith to shame.

"Mistress? Have I done something to anger you?"

If at all possible her Mistress' eyes hardened even more, rage radiating off of her body - she was across the large room in seconds, hand threaded firmly in Cara's hair pulling without mercy. Not expecting this, Cara cried out in pain, unable to brace herself as her Mistress threw her across the room. Cara groaned as she tumbled across the floor, only coming to a stop once her back hit the leg of an aged, oak table.

Before she had the chance to sit up the pain of an Agiel pressing into the small of her back dominated her mind and she let out another pained cry - tears threatening to fall. Pain ripped through her body, coursing a path up her spine - white sparks flashed behind her eyes. It had been nearly 5 months since an Agiel touched her skin - in those months her body had gone soft. No longer was she the hardened Mord'Sith traveling companion of Richard Rahl.

"Mistress! Please! Tell me what I've done!" Cara begged, her voice cracking.

Her Mistress' free hand gripped her hair once more and yanked, pulling up onto her knees - the tip of her Agiel digging painfully into the side of her neck, "shut your mouth before I gag you, you weak, emotional, broken whore." Her Mistress yanked upwards and Cara was forced to stand, legs trembling as she did so, "you are useless, Cara. You always have been and you always will be. You are merely here for my personal entertainment," the hand tightened and Cara grimaced. Sweat formed on her body as the scream of the Agiel met her ears and the weapon dug into her hip hard enough to split the skin with its magic and the rage in her Mistress' body.

Slowly the weapon was pulled upwards, splitting the skin at an excruciatingly slow pace - her body began to heat up from the pain as she tried to embrace it. Her Agiel came to a stop just under her armpit and dug in, the scent of burning skin and the sound of hissing filling the chambers. Cara gasped in pain but refused to scream, biting into her bottom lip - enduring. She had either done something to displease her Mistress enough for this punishment or her Mistress needed to do this for some unknown reason. Silent tears streamed down her cheeks and Cara barely registered the removal of the weapon, body shaking. Her Mistress slammed the weapon onto the ancient desk and a thud echoed throughout the room.

"Mistress." Cara choked, grunting as she was forced to bend over the oak table - a hand pressing into the nape of her neck, her left cheek against cool wood.

"I said shut your mouth you spineless bitch," three fingers plunged into her centre and her Mistress snarled, leaning over her to hiss in her ear, "look at this. Darken Rahl's hardest Mord'Sith bent over the desk of the Mother Confessor... crying. You've gone soft Cara," the hand worked hard on her - body responding in only a way a Mord'Sith could when pleasure and pain mingle together. "When you joined us we only ever saw you as a tool, Cara." Cara's throat tightened and she clamped her eyes shut, trying to focus on anything but her Mistress' words and the pains her fingers were causing. She decided on the wound the Agiel had caused, reveling in the slight tickle each individual path of blood took, "replaceable. Unimportant. Expendable."

The force behind the thrusting increased and Cara tensed, her hips slamming into the edge of the desk each time. Cara tensed and clamped her eyes shut tighter, focusing on the pain of her wound and not the pain caused at her Mistress' hand. Sweat covered her body and she cried out - throbbing as the boundaries of pain and pleasure were pushed in her mind. The hand on the nape of her neck snaked around and gripped her throat painfully - Cara choked and gasped for breath.

"I could Confess you right now Cara." Her Mistress threatened, letting out a low growl, "at the edge. Let you die. You are nothing to me. The ground I walk on from day to day is more precious to me."

"Mistress..." Cara forced out, "please..." she begged, barely able to draw enough air to breathe properly.

"Mistress, please." Her Mistress mocked in her ear, "please what, Cara? Please put you out of your misery? Hmm? Please... what?" She growled, teeth grazing her the scarred bite on her shoulder.

And then her mind was clear, she focused on her Mistress completely - the feel of their bodies together, the cruel words coming from her mouth, the fingers buried inside of her, even the hand around her throat and the teeth on her shoulder. The tears stopped and Cara took a few calming breaths before speaking the words of a Mord'Sith completely devoted to her Mistress.

"Do with me as you please, Mistress. My life is yours."

She heard a gasp near her ear and her Mistress' fingers pulled from her - her warm body moving away completely. Cara remained bent over the old desk for a few moments, registering the sounds of her Mistress' booted footfalls and the opening of the two ancient doors. Once they closed Cara let out a rattling breath and moved her hand shakily towards the Agiel to grab it and seal her wound. She could not reach it however, body slipping slowly off of the table and hitting the cold, stone floor like a pile of bricks.

Slowly Cara's vision cleared and she instinctively curled into a ball near a leg of the desk, one hand moving to apply at least a little bit of pressure to her wound. Hopefully she could sort out some of the damage and stop the bleeding... maybe even clean the mess she had caused on the regularly pristine stone beneath her up.

She failed.

Her body slowly began to tremble as her failures came to the front of her mind.

She failed in protecting her Lord Rahl... Richard was dead.

She failed in protecting Kahlan.

She failed in pleasing her Mistress.

She failed the Wizard she had grown to think of as a grandfather.

She failed at a large scale... the Stone of Tears had yet to be found and the veil was still torn.

She failed her fellow Sisters of the Agiel.

She failed everyone.

[And here I was going to end the chapter but lexus_grey saved you all]

An hour barely passed before the ancient doors swung open; the Mother Confessor surveyed the damage she had caused - concern ebbing its way into her raging, sapphire eyes, "Cara?" She tried, her voice soft as not to startle her mate.

The Mother Confessor froze in her descent down the stone steps, her eyes settling upon the sight of her Mord'Sith lying broken on the floor in a pool of dark fluid. Her heart hammered in her chest and she took a few hesitant steps forward, "Cara?"

Without a second thought she flew across the room and landed on her knees, ignoring the pain from the drop and the blood soaking through her white dress, "Cara?!" The blonde did not respond and it took her a few seconds of feeling around to find a heartbeat - faint though it was.

"FYREN!" She screamed, not caring who else heard her as she pulled her mate into her arms and cradled her gently - careful not to harm her any further. Her stomach churned at the chill upon the skin of her Cara, she pressed her lips to the blonde's clammy skin and pressed her hand to Cara's still bleeding side. Fyren slammed to his knees next to her, panting as he tried to catch his breath, "Cara..." her heart tightened in pain and her eyes snapped to the Confessed man at her side.

"Go get the Wizard." He hesitated for a mere second before scrambling off at the look in her eyes.

A soft, ragged whisper pulled her attention back to Cara - dull, green eyes unfocused and half open, "Kahlan..." Cara's voice was thick with liquid in her lungs.

Her heart seized at the single word - she was not Kahlan. She was the Mother Confessor. The thing that had nearly killed its mate.

"Cara... I..." a single tear rolled down her cheek and Cara stared up at her with the same dull expression, "I..."

She knew this feeling somehow.


She was not the whole Kahlan... but she needed to be right now.

She needed to be Kahlan because Cara needed her to be Kahlan.

Cara trembled in her arms and she felt a cold hand against her cheek, a thumb wiping a foreign wetness away, "Kahlan..." Cara wheezed and the Mother Confessor pulled her closer - pressing her nose into the blonde's hair.

Her own body trembled as well - emotions slowly trickling into her body, fear, compassion, guilt and love registering on the top of the list - flaring brightly in her mind's eye. Cara needed to know why she had harmed her but she had no words to explain the sense of failure she felt when the Wizard explained to her that she would not be able to conceive an heir. It was her duty as the Mother Confessor... the last Confessor... as the ruler of Aydindril... her duty to the people... her duty to her mate.

"Cara... I... I..."

Emotions, feelings, experiences - they slammed into her like a tidal wave, tears streamed down her cheeks and Cara mumbled incoherently into her neck - breath coming out in small pants against her neck.

Heavy footfalls.

Zedd knelt easily next to her, "Mother Confessor?"

"Heal her." She begged and felt one of Cara's hands twitch.

Zedd frowned and examined the wound, brows furrowing as he did so, "I cannot heal her fully."

"I love you." The words were almost inaudible even with the closeness.

"HEAL HER!" Her body trembled violently and she pressed her lips to the top of Cara's head, whispering softly, "I love you too, Cara. Do not doubt that."

Zedd nodded and quickly set to the task of mending the Mord'Sith - only managing to seal the wound somewhat, "she will need rest and-" he was cut off when the Mother Confessor's head snapped back and she let out an ear splitting, agonizing scream, an unseen wind blowing around the three of them, "Mother Confessor! Calm yourself! You'll Confess her!"

Her eyes swirled.

A/N: Huh... so... while writing this chapter... MC!Kahlan hijacked it and decided to throw my entire plotline out of the window... but I think I'll go with what she has planned... *points*

1. Comments fuel my crack in the early morning hours of writing.
2. Remember there are more parts to come...
3. Denna hasn't been forgotten...

pairing: cara/kahlan, fandom: legend of the seeker, fic: road to ruin

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