
Dec 20, 2010 15:40

Type of Gift: Wallpaper / Icon / Fic
Author/Artist: synergyfox 
Recipient: pristineungift 
Pairing: Jennsen / Werewolf!Cara
Rating:  T+ (PG-15)
Summary: When escorting the Mother Confessor back to Aydindril the D'Harans are attacked by beasts, Cara looses her memory in a fight with one and is found by none other than Jennsen Rahl.
Notes: Set after Season 2, background mentions of Richard/Kahlan and some Cara/Kahlan subtext. Roughly 4.5k words.
Disclaimer: D'oh... uh... I obviously just own the cracked out mind on caffeine? Nothing else, honestly.

<= Wallpaper

< = Icon


Berdine frowned as she pushed her horse towards the Mother Confessor, the rest of the Mord'Sith closing in on the woman - boxing her in and protecting her. Kahlan did not question their actions, all to accustomed to Cara doing so in the past. The blonde in question drew her blood red Agiels, lips pursing as she looked from left to right, surveying their surroundings.

The small escorting unit from the D'Haran Army drew their swords; General Meiffert sped his horse up slightly, entering the circle of Mord'Sith around Kahlan without hesitation.

"Mother Confessor... I suggest you go ahead with the Mord'Sith-"

"No." Cara cut him off, shaking her head, "no. The Mother Confessor will go ahead with a selection of Mord'Sith and most of your soldiers. The smaller group will draw whomever or whatever is following us out and lead them away from her."

His bottom lip jutted out momentarily and he nodded, "very well. I will pick out a few soldiers to remain."

Kahlan glanced to her friend, frowning as the blue eyed General returned to his men, "why do I have the feeling that you are going to be one of the ones to remain behind?"

"Because I am."

Kahlan sighed and narrowed her eyes, "I don't suppose I can convince you otherwise?" Silence was her only answer and Kahlan brushed her fingers through her hair, agitated, "fine, but don't put yourself in any unnecessary danger. You're getting worse than Richard with your hero complex."

A glare.

"Don't you glare at me. You know I speak the truth."

Primal growls reached their ears and the horses began prancing about nervously as they kept forward, "Dahlia. Garen. You will remain behind with the small group of D'Harans and mysel-"

"ATTACK!" One of the soldiers shouted, his baratone voice ripping through the air and something hard collided with Cara, knocking her off of her horse.


Kahlan's scream.


Berdine's cry.

She rolled around with the beast, struggling to get whatever it was that had attacked her off of her immensely smaller body. Teeth gnashed and the beasts rancid breath filled her lungs; claws ripped through her leathers and she let out a cry.

All around her Mord'Sith and D'Haran men fought off similar creatures, noting that with every beast that fell, two more seemed to appear.

"Cara!" The creature was ripped away from her and Benjamin pulled her up by her wrist, neither minding their the wounds, merely focusing on getting up and to safety. Cara pulled both of her Agiels out and gripped them tightly, "are you alright?"

"I have had worse." Cara snapped, "focus on the battle."

"Your wounds are deep, Cara. We need to get you to-" he hissed in pain as her Agiel ran across his ribs.

"If you finish that sentence, you will not have to worry about these creatures killing you. I will."

He nodded his head and kept a firm grip on his sword, turning away from just as a creature lunged for him. The cold metal slice through the air, cutting the creatures head off in one movement.

She knew something was coming her way, the hair on the back of her neck stood straight as she ducked forward into a crouch, sighing with relief as a arrow whizzed where her head had been. The Mord'Sith turned her head to give the D'Haran soldier an incredulous look only to be tackled yet again by another creature, both of them tumbling off of the side of the path and down the steep hill.

Her body connected with rocks and branches as they continued to roll and she attempted to keep the monsters teeth from ripping her throat out. By the time they came to a stop she was on her stomach, flat against what felt like sand. She groaned and turned her head, thankful for her luck as she spotted the creature lying dead next to her, a large branch sticking out of its throat.

Razor sharp claws sank into her back and tore at her flesh, cutting through the muscle and into the bone - she screamed in pain, unable to hold back, not having expected it. Cara forced herself to roll them over and slammed her fist into the vile creature's mouth, ignoring the pain of its teeth ripping through her flesh, concentrating on every ounce of anger she had ever felt. Her Agiel reached the back of its throat and she focused harder, letting out an angered scream.

It happened.

Something she had never seen before.

The creature's head exploded from the rage she had managed to focus through the weapon of her trade, covering her in chunks of flesh, blood and what she assumed was brain matter.

She was drained emotionally and physically.

Part 1

Jennsen Rahl frowned as tendrils of pink mingled in the stream; she pulled her white dress out before it could touch the fabric and followed the path upwards with her eyes. The sight caused her to throw her dress to the side and rush into the water - a woman was floating towards her, face down, clearly the source of the tainted water.

Carefully the youngest Rahl turned the woman on her back, registering the all too familiar red leather.

She was half tempted to leave the Mord'Sith to die, they were so horrid even with Richard on the throne of D'Hara. Common decency swayed her from this however, it was clear the woman was barely alive and, as she was Pristinely Ungifted the single Agiel at her thigh would not harm her. She would however, make sure to keep the Agiel hidden from her, maybe even leave it at the stream, buried.

Jennsen quickly pulled her from the water and against the shore, bringing her fingers to the blonde woman's throat. A heartbeat thrummed rapidly against her fingertips and she frowned - the woman should have been near death. She guessed it had something to do with the woman being Mord'Sith, they were cruel beings, yes, but different. Maybe the increased heartbeat was natural for them.

They do always play with those Agiels, Richard said they cause intense pain...

The blonde Mord'Sith groaned in pain and Jennsen sighed, standing and dragging the woman up with her, not exactly minding her wounds. She grunted under the weight and dragged her towards the path which led to her home.

It took nearly half a candle mark to make the ten minute trip to her home and she quickly opened her door, panting and out of breath. Jennsen dragged the woman into her home and let her drop onto the bed - instantly regretting it when she realized she was going to have bloodstained sheets. Jennsen sighed and moved around her small cabin, collecting ointments, bandages, along with a needle and thread. It took her a few minutes to muster up the courage to undo the woman's leathers, slowly unlacing each lace, expecting the blonde to wake.

A small whimper escaped the woman's lips when Jennsen pulled her the leather top away from her skin none-to-gently. She felt a bang of guilt for having hurt the woman more and made sure to keep her touches gentle as she moved to remove the boots and pants. Once the blonde was naked on her bed she moved to collect the bucket from outside, it having caught fresh rain from two days prior.

Jennsen grabbed an old top and sat next to the nameless woman, dipping what was soon to be a rag into the bucket and wringing it out. She started the slow and arduous task of cleaning the wounds and excess blood that had oozed from the wounds after she had been pulled from the water. An accidental graze of her knuckles against the woman's stomach revealed heated flesh, which she also assumed to be a Mord'Sith trait. Her eyes scanned the bronzed skin she was cleaning, taking in the intricate scars which decorated the woman's body.

Another candle mark passed by the time she managed to get the back and front of the Mord'Sith clean. She decided she would stitch up the woman's back first, it having worse gashes than her front - but she would do this after wrapping the poor woman's hand. Jennsen paused and ran over her words mentally.

Poor woman? She is a hardened Mord'Sith.

No, she is someone who needs your help.

Oh stop arguing with me!

Stop arguing with yourself.

Jennsen narrowed her eyes and shook her head, quickly lifting the woman's hand to wrap it gently yet tightly in clean bandages after applying ointment to keep her hand from becoming infected. Once she was finished wrapping (which went from elbow to fingertip) she turned the woman over and wiped at the angry wounds with the bloodstained rag, cleaning away the still flowing blood she had only just cleaned away.

It was hard work, she forced her hand to remain steady and her touch to stay gentle as she stitched the skin - soft whimpers escaping the woman's lips every so often. Once her back was stitched Jennsen gently rolled her onto her back and started stitching the gashes on her front - grimacing when she hit a particularly sensitive spot apparently and the Mord'Sith choked in pain.

Her skin is warmer... she has a fever...

Jennsen closed her eyes and broke the thread after tying it off; she pulled the woman into a sitting position and awkwardly began to wrap her upper body up with the next set of clean bandages. Once she was satisfied that they were tight enough she put the woman back down and wondered idly how to change the sheets so she did not have to sleep in her own blood. She made sure to rinse the ruined top out and placed the cool cloth against the forehead of the Mord'Sith; Jennsen cupped her face gently, frowning deeply at the burning skin.

Part 2

Nearly four days passed and the Mord'Sith had still yet to wake up, only whimpering and mumbling in her sleep. Sometimes she could make out the word "rat" or "help," but other than that her unconscious patient remained quiet. Her fever remained and Jennsen had to force feed her soup in order to keep her with enough nutrients in her body to fight off infection (as well as keep her hydrated with water).

Jennsen gently ran her fingertips over the woman's arm - it was getting easier and easier to change the bandages without causing her any pain. She found it odd that the wounds were healing so quickly - the smaller ones were barely there, scarred over now and the larger ones were merely wrapped to keep them from opening if she happened to wake up before they were completely healed and panicked. She chalked it up to some sort of Mord'Sith magic - the fast healing that is.

Four days prior Jennsen had done as she intended and hid the woman's Agiels, only briefly wondering why she had two. Shouting from outside distracted her from her thoughts and stood slowly, moving to the front door and standing on her front porch, crossing her arms over her chest.

A group of men were laughing and walking around drunkenly, talking loudly about the "good ol' days" and lamenting the death of Darken Rahl. She tensed when she recognized one of the men - he had beaten her a little over a year prior resulting in amnesia and her believing everything Darken had to say.

She backed away slowly, hoping he hadn't seen her.

Her luck never was in the positives.

He spotted her and leered, "'ey! It's the wittle sibter of Lorb Rab! He slurred excitedly and the drunken group set towards her.

She backed into her home and slammed the door shut quickly, pushing a dresser in front of it. Quickly she rushed towards the backdoor to lock it only to have it slam open and collide with her face.

Blood gushed from her nose and she bit down on her tongue accidentally, Jennsen stumbled backwards and fell onto her backside - looking up fearfully at the man of her nightmares. He sneered down drunkenly at her and moved to kick her only to be cut off by a growl. Both he and Jennsen turned their gazes to the feverish looking blonde woman dressed only in her bandages and a pair of Richard's old breeches she had found to keep her warm at night (winter was coming, she didn't want the woman to get sick).

The blonde took one step forward and he took one step back, she barred her teeth and he gulped. In half a second the Mord'Sith was on him, hand on his throat, straddling his hips, her free fist reigning down upon his face. An animalistic roar tore from her throat and her fist met his face hard enough to break his skull open. Jennsen stood quickly and grabbed the woman by her shoulders, quickly pulling her back - eyes wide.

"No! Stop!"

The woman slumped against her and the soldier slowly crawled from the home, blood gushing from his head and face. His friends stared in horror and a few ran way, one remained behind to help the man to his feet and get him away from the small cabin.

Jennsen didn't care.

She held the woman to her chest and dropped to her knees, pulling the blonde against her chest, rubbing her side soothingly as the growls turned to whimpers. Jennsen gently began to rub soothing circles into the woman's side and held her closer - no blood had soaked through the bandages so if any of the wounds had opened they were minor.

Soon the woman was asleep in her arms, completely out of it and Jennsen didn't associate her with Mord'Sith for the first time in four days.

Part 3

Three days passed before the nameless woman was able to stay awake more than 5 to 10 minutes at a time. She was sitting up on the bed, back resting against the wall as Jennsen helped to feed fresh chicken stew to her. Jennsen was worried, the fever was still there but she reminded herself that the woman was functioning.

"What is your name?" The woman asked - her voice was rough from not having been used for so long but it sent a jolt through Jennsen.

Her voice is so pretty...

Stop that.

"Jennsen Rahl."

The blonde frowned slightly at her, "why is a Rahl living out here alone?"

"I like being able to live my life on my own." A comfortable silence settled between them and after a few more spoonfuls of stew were taken in Jennsen broke it, "what's your name?"

"Cara..." she paused and screwed her face up in concentration, "Cara Mason." Cara looked down at the white sheet and frowned deeply before looking at Jennsen, "what happened to me?"

"I don't know, I found you floating in the stream near here. I can only assume that you were attacked by an animal of some sort from your wounds... or what wounds you had. I checked last night, you're completely healed up, you just have the scars left. If magic weren't real I would have called it impossible."

Cara looked at her, puzzled, "I'm magical?"

Jennsen's stomach dropped.

She doesn't know that she is Mord'Sith...

Don't tell her... she has a fresh start...

It's who she is.

No... who she is is the woman that saved you from that soldier.

Stop talking to me!

Stop talking to yourself!

Jennsen gave her an encouraging smile, "I don't know... do you remember anything? Other than your name...?"

Cara blinked slowly, thinking, "I am true D'Haran..." Jennsen nodded, she had figured that with the blonde hair and breathtaking blue-green eyes, "I... am from Stowecroft... I have a sister whose name is Grace and a niece named Sara..." her brows furrowed, "I don't know who I am..."

Jennsen placed the bowl to the side and brushed her knuckles against Cara's cheek, "it will come back to you." Cara gave a small smile and nodded, closing her eyes and leaning into Jennsen's cool caresses, "you're still so warm. I'm worried."

Cara shrugged her shoulders, "I feel fine."

Part 4

Twenty-one days.

Their relationship had changed quite a bit in twenty-one days, Jennsen slept in bed with Cara (at Cara's insistence of course), the bedroll Jennsen had been sleeping on was just not comfortable enough. Jennsen cooked the food that Cara caught - it had become very clear to both women that Cara could not cook to save her life. A melted, iron pot and a meal of rock-hard goo (which was supposed to be pheasant stew) proved this.

So they developed a system.

Cara would go out and do the necessary hard labor that Jennsen had never been good at - she chopped wood for the coming winter, caught food Jennsen cooked, tended to the cow that provided milk and repaired the fence line.

Jennsen would tend to the domestic side of things that Cara failed completely at (the cooking obviously) and the washing.

Everything worked out and everything was peaceful.

At least it was working out and it had been peaceful.

Night fell and Jennsen began to worry about Cara, she had yet to return from hunting that day. She glanced up at the sky, taking in the full moon. Cara was always home before night fell.

A blood curdling scream pierced the air.

Jennsen rushed from their home, her stomach churning.

It took three screams and a determined Rahl-woman but she managed to find the blonde who was curled up just off of the path - body contorting violently.

Another scream.

Jennsen dropped to her knees and pulled Cara into her arms, gently brushing her fingertips over Cara's cheek - cooing softly.

"Shh... it's okay. I'm here Cara. What's wrong? Are you hurt?"

Cara's body shook violently and she let out another agonized scream, panting and breathing hard, "it's ripping apart!" She choked, "I feel it! My body is tearing apart! Jennsen! Make it stop!" Cara begged, her body twisting uncontrollably.

Jennsen held her closer, rocking her back and forth - pressing her lips to the side of Cara's head, and she began to sing.

It was soothing, something her mother used to sing to her when she was younger.

The effect was almost instant as Cara calmed in her arms, nose pressed firmly into her neck. She took slow, calming breaths and listened to Jennsen sing, eyes closing.

Jennsen sighed - hopefully she could get Cara back to the cabin before she fell asleep completely. Tomorrow she would go into town and inquire about a healer.


"There's nothing wrong with her. She's perfectly healthy aside from the torn muscles. She just needs to rest."

The healer was obviously daft - only the night before Cara had been writhing in agony, body twisting uncontrollably. Cara was resting in bed, curled up into a ball - when she attempted to get up earlier that morning her body refused.

"And the fever?!"

"Well she obviously has a higher temperature than-"

"If I wanted too I could probably cook an egg on her! She's feverish."

"I'm sorry. She's perfectly healthy."

Jennsen brushed her fingertips over Cara's heated, furrowed brow - attempting to sooth her, "would you like some water?"

Cara shook her head and Jennsen smiled softly, pressing her lips to the side of her head, "food?"

"Alright." Jennsen brushed her fingertips through Cara's hair before getting up to prepare food for the tired woman.


Twenty-eight days later it happened again.

This time Cara was in their home when she collapsed - writhing in pain and screaming in agony. She was wearing a loose shirt and Richard's pants again but this time Jennsen saw it before she wrapped her arms around Cara - holding her tightly. The shirt had started to ride up and the woman's ribs popped out one by one. It stopped and her ribs popped back into place as soon as Jennsen held her.

Cara sobbed into Jennsen's shoulder.


It was when Jennsen wasn't there in time that it finally happened - she screamed and fell to her knees, pain ripping through her body as her bones broke and realigned.

Her body was almost fully transformed by the time Jennsen dove on top of her and she began shifting back slowly - agonizingly slow.

By the time her body was back to normal she was in a pool of her own sweat and her body strained at any movement. Jennsen held her close and she clamped her eyes shut, rubbing soothing circles into Cara's back, trying to unknot her muscles.

"I'm an animal."

"No... you're not."

Cara nodded into her shoulder, "I've no humanity. I'm a thing."

Jennsen shook her head and kissed the top of her head, holding her close, "you aren't a thing... you're Cara, and you still have your humanity."

"No... I'm an animal. I have no humanity. It's abandoned me."

Jennsen smiled softly and caressed the side of the woman's face, "No Cara. Humanity didn't abandon you. Look inside of yourself. It's still there. Humanity isn't what you are... it's your compassion... your love." She cupped Cara's face gently and kissed her slowly, whispering against her lips, "all of which I know you are capable of."

Part 5

"Cara! Oh Creator we thought you were dead." Jennsen watched, wide-eyed as the Mother Confessor pulled Cara into her arms, holding her tight.

She frowned, they were in Aydindril for Richard and Kahlan's wedding and the Mother Confessor was hugging someone she knew to be Mord'Sith.

She felt rather sorry for Kahlan, "I'm sorry, do I know you? I mean I know you are the Mother Confessor but have we met before?" The look on Kahlan's face was heartbreaking, Kahlan gently cupped Cara's face and brushed her thumb against the scar on Cara's face, light but still visible.

"Oh Cara... what happened?" Kahlan frowned even deeper when Cara pulled away from her and moved towards Jennsen, "where are your leathers? Your Agiels?"

Cara froze mid-step and looked back at Kahlan, confused, "Why would I have Agiels?"

Kahlan's eyes widened, "because you are Mord'Sith!"

Cara looked from Jennsen to Kahlan, brows furrowing, "no... I am a... I'm..."


"Come on Cara, it's a party you're supposed to have fun."

Lord Rahl and the Mother Confessor flirting...

A Wizard doing magic in front of her.

Mistress Nathair being confessed.

Lots of hair flying around.

Sisters of the Dark.

A giant weight tackling her off of a horse...

Rolling down a hill...

Body burning.

Cara stumbled as memories poured into her, Jennsen was at her side instantly but she pushed the woman away, "you lied to me. You knew I was Mord'Sith! I was in my leathers when you found me! I know I was!"

"Cara. Calm down. You know what happens when you get angry!"

Jennsen gripped Cara's arm trying to keep as much contact as she dared and not piss her lover off. She had to keep her from turning in the full palace, Cara wouldn't forgive herself if she killed people.

"Let go of me Jennsen."

"No. My touch keeps you from turning. I'm not letting you turn. Not here where you can hurt people. I know you're angry but I did it for your own good!"

"My own good?! You've been lying to me for a year! I've shared everything with you."

Kahlan's eyes flicked between them and she moved towards Cara, placing a soothing hand on the small of her back, "let's go to my chambers... you two can discuss this in private." She gave an encouraging smile to Jennsen who returned it with a thankful one.


It took a few hours (and quite a bit of shouting on Cara's part) but Jennsen and Cara were sitting civilly next to each other - Jennsen's hand on her arm.

"We looked for you but even Shota thought you were dead... she couldn't see you." Zedd sighed and Cara nodded her head, "though I suspect it has to do with the creatures that attacked you. I take it you were infected with their disease? You become an animal once a month?"

Cara's eyes narrowed to slits at the end of his words and Jennsen squeezed her arm lightly, "it isn't a disease and she doesn't turn... I hold her at night and my... ungiftedness keeps her from turning."

"I am not an animal... I... still have my humanity."

Zedd's eyes softened, "of course, I did not mean to imply that Cara."

Richard placed his hand on Cara's shoulder and squeezed as she stood behind her, "I'm sure we can find away to cure you though."

Kahlan's head snapped to the side along with Jennsen's, both women glared up at him as Cara wilted in her seat, "Richard!"


"It isn't a disease. It's part of who I am now. I've been living with it for a year. It's proved helpful.. it kept me alive when were attacked by those creatures... it helped me save Jennsen from those men a while back... and... it's just... part of me now." Jennsen squeezed her arm lightly and smiled softly at her, "it is like being Mord'Sith. It is a part of me. I did not know that I was Mord'Sith but there were times this last year when I acted like one."

Zedd gave Jennsen and Cara a fatherly smile, "well then it is settled. No more will be spoken of it. It just is who you are." He nodded his head and stood up, "now I am in need of some mutton! You two!" He pointed to Kahlan and Richard, "No sleeping in the same room, your wedding is tomorrow." He proceeded to point to Jennsen and Cara, "I expect to see a ring on my granddaughters finger soon." Cara's eyes widened and Jennsen turned bright red at her grandfather's words.

Potentially going to continue this but for now fin.

pairing: cara/jennsen, fandom: harry potter

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