Bloodlust: A Supernatural Episode Review

Jun 03, 2008 06:54

You can read my review of the Supernatural episode "Bloodlust" at Thank you!

An excerpt:

How on EARTH can a man look so good with blood and ichor on his face like that? It’s bad enough that Ackles is already more beautiful than this Earth should allow; the blood, you would think, should somehow dehumanize him so that we can see the ( Read more... )

review, ackles, spn, padalecki, kripke

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Comments 20

x5vale June 3 2008, 14:30:39 UTC
I think Ackles is a killer machine. His fangirls die and resurrect in a neverending game :)

Even angels were human once, walking around in their thick soled boots, wearing leather jackets, and wondering about the sacrifices needed to save others, and the ethics of killing what must be killed. Yeah, I just compared Dean to an angel, go ahead and take a look at this scene and tell me I’m not right. Hell, look at the whole episode and you’ll see that I am.

I have the feeling well the feeling we are going to find out more about Dean and his purpose in S4, but no matter what Kripke will do with him, imho he is an angel. For the reasons you wrote and many others :)


sylvia_bond June 4 2008, 14:05:58 UTC
You're right, you're right, you're absolutely right. Ackles ROCKS and then he messes with my head and then he ROCKS again and's a fine, fine torture he puts us all through!

As for Kripke's plans in S4 - I know that I must trust Kripke and all, but I'm fearful for Dean. He hurt that boy awful bad in the finale....but I like the image of him as an angel. I mean, if Sam's going darkside, don't we need something to balance that out?

Thank you for your lovely comments!


x5vale June 4 2008, 14:16:14 UTC
I am worried for Dean too but just think how much awesome Jensen will be in playing a hurt, broken Dean :)


sylvia_bond June 4 2008, 14:19:29 UTC
Jensen will be AWESOME, of that I have not the slightest doubt. But I feel for much more can he give before he breaks for reals and for trues? I worry about him.


ckll June 3 2008, 15:55:12 UTC
Great review. In this episode we see a more deep, revealing and sometimes cruel side Of Dean concerning his hunter 'beliefs' and to Sam


sylvia_bond June 4 2008, 13:52:21 UTC
Hey thank you! Yeah, I thought it was interesting the way Show delved into that - not all hunting is pretty and sexy. Sometimes it's just messy. : D


apgeeksout June 3 2008, 19:25:53 UTC
Great review! It makes me want to watch the episode again, if only I were recovered enough from the finale to watch anything angstier than "Hell House" or "Tall Tales".

the Weekly World News (now sadly defunct)

*hangs head in mourning* Oh, how I miss that paper! I can't even tell you how excited I was about those episodes that referenced/tied-in with it.

And you know what they say about men with big feet.

They wear big socks? Sorry, I couldn't help myself.

I’ve got visions of them either ordering it online (can you do that?) or, most likely, making it, melting the silver and dipping the arrow in.

I'm sure you probably could buy them somewhere, but since "Sin City" demonstrated that Dean-with-crucible is itself hot enough to melt iron, I'm going to pretend that they're hand-crafted.

You seem to be tackling season 2 in order - does that mean I have zombies(!) to look forward to next week?


sylvia_bond June 4 2008, 13:58:54 UTC
Great review! It makes me want to watch the episode again, if only I were recovered enough from the finale to watch anything angstier than "Hell House" or "Tall Tales ( ... )


apgeeksout June 4 2008, 14:36:59 UTC
Wiki said you can read it online, but it's just not the same as the grey/black/white newsprint version.

It really, really isn't. The web version has way fewer, generally less bizarre/hilarious stories.

Dean likes working with his hands. I like watching that. Is that so wrong?

If it is, who wants to be right?

Zombies? Let me check...that's Children Shouldn't, right? I guess those are zombies, but I never thought about it like that!

Yeah, I'm kind of a zombie-slut (Wow! There's a sentence I never thought I'd say!) & defining it loosely means I get a larger number of zombie stories to squee over. I tend to count any reanimated corpse (other than a vampire, or, apparently, Sam & eventually Dean) or any ravening mob of things that were recently human. Angela is totally a zombie in my book, as are the infected people in "Croatoan".


sylvia_bond June 16 2008, 15:22:25 UTC
My mother always told me it takes all kinds. : D

Okay, so I'm at work, catching up on my posts, and I'm reading your sentence..."other than a vampire, or, apparently, Sam & eventually Dean..."

My nicely made tea went EVERYWHERE I laughed so hard. Because if the definition of a zombie includes every reanimated human in any form, then YES, Sam's a zombie. And Dean too (because he's coming back, right??? Right???) ANd the thought of them as zombies, for some reason, Sam shuffling around with that hair falling all over his forehead, and Dean staring at himself in a mirror as a zombie, thinking "AWESOME!" just CRACKED me up!!!

Thank you for that. : D


runedgirl June 4 2008, 05:11:28 UTC
Yes, you are right. SO right. Also right about the car porn. :)

As much as I appreciate Show for going where it should, making use of vampires as metaphors for not-monsters so we can make the developmental progression from black and white thinking to shades of gray and acceptance of ambiguity, I love it more when it's subtle. When those tiny seemingly inconsequential details are tossed out with what seems like abandon, but we all know better. Sammy left to wait in the Impala at twelve, that little bit of information deepens our understanding of both boys and their father (not to mention gets instantaneously incorporated into fanfiction). And I love that Show keeps doing that, as though it's working on two levels, and I always love the beneath-the-surface one best.

Well, actually I love Dean's oh-so-green eyes and stubble and bowlegs and the way he's always looking out for Sammy best. But you know what I mean. :)

Thanks for a great review,


sylvia_bond June 4 2008, 14:02:40 UTC
I live to obsess about this subject. It's nice to know I'm not the only one! There's car porn and shirt porn and gun porn....Lord, wouldn't I love a ride in that Impala.

Re the vampires. Not so subtle, and you pointed out something to me I wasn't aware of, because I didn't realize that Show did this - we get the way obvious and then we get the tucked away stuff. I didn't realize that I got peeved when Show spoonfed me the obvious, because it's much more fun to hear a tidbit and internalize it. Like Sammy at 12, waiting in the car. I'm sure he tried to be brave, but jeeze! So vampires, yeah, metaphor for evil, blah blah. Show has GOT to know that we're smarter than that!

As for the green eyes and everything else Dean is - I did not make as much of them as I should this ep. As I always should, beautiful, beautiful boy.

And you are MORE than welcome. As always, my pleasure.


keks80 June 5 2008, 09:26:54 UTC
Mmmhm, car porn.

the local sheriff who understands “what gravity does,”
Teehee, he was fabulous, wasn't he? Show does a great job when it comes to casting guest actors.

we’re introduced to Gordon Walker
For some reason Gordon freaked me out right from the beginning, probably because he already showed the first signs of the complete whackjob he was about to become, but I liked every episode he was in. He just knew how to make the boys' lives so much more complicated. :D

Gordon makes the mistake of calling Sam Sammy - and we get the lovely retort, “Only he gets to call me that.”
Oh, how I love that tiny little scene! It reminds me of S1 Sam, who was repeatedly telling Dean 'It's Sam', but then accepted the nickname somewhere along the road. (And I'm convinced he loves Dean calling him Sammy now.)

there’s Dean practicing in the woods somewhere, The Dad coaching him, Sammy wanting a turnCan we please get a flashback of this? Or of some sparring? Or, even better, grown up Sam and Dean in hand-to-hand combat training? *falls to knees ( ... )


sylvia_bond June 16 2008, 15:18:31 UTC
Mmmhm, car porn ( ... )


keks80 June 24 2008, 13:49:14 UTC
I would KILL or DIE to have a flashback of the boys training, sparring, or even TALKING to the Dad about their training. They were raised as Warriors - why can't we SEEEEEE this???And oh, yeah, good point! They train while on the road...behind those crappy motels and stuff!!
You know, we could fit all this wonderfully into one episode, combined with some first aid and Sam carrying Dean out of danger in his arms. It could start with the boys hunting the MotW. Dean gets hurt in the process, Sam rescues him and patches him up (and we actually get to see the patching up this time!). Dean needs some time to recover, so they rent a house/flat/cabin to lay low and then start training to get him back in shape. During the training Sam has the loveliest flashbacks and the boys share some childhood memories. Ok, ok, I seriously suck at plotting, but who needs a plot when you get hurt!Dean, protective!Sam, sparring and flashbacks including The Dad? Not me. :)

And me so bad in responding. I rather got behind a bit with real life and all that.Hey ( ... )


sylvia_bond June 24 2008, 14:34:56 UTC
I LOVE LOVE LOVE this idea! Especially the flashback part, natch, cause, yeah, The Dad. Guh. Jeeze. You can get Kripke's addy, why don't you mail a synopses to him? Because surely, this ep would give fangirls exactly what they want. Can you imagine Dean bitching because he doesn't want to do any more situps? And Sam used to love to do situps...did not...did too...and then Wham. It's 1996 or something and they're in the woods, with The Dad, and it turns out that Sam is right!

And me so bad in responding. I rather got behind a bit with real life and all that.

Hey, don't worry about responding. Real life can be pretty demanding, I know it first-hand. *glares at university* As long as you keep posting your wonderful reviews all is good. :)

I'll keep doing them as long as there are SPN eps to review!!!


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