Bloodlust: A Supernatural Episode Review

Jun 03, 2008 06:54

You can read my review of the Supernatural episode "Bloodlust" at Thank you!

An excerpt:

How on EARTH can a man look so good with blood and ichor on his face like that? It’s bad enough that Ackles is already more beautiful than this Earth should allow; the blood, you would think, should somehow dehumanize him so that we can see the ( Read more... )

review, ackles, spn, padalecki, kripke

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x5vale June 3 2008, 14:30:39 UTC
I think Ackles is a killer machine. His fangirls die and resurrect in a neverending game :)

Even angels were human once, walking around in their thick soled boots, wearing leather jackets, and wondering about the sacrifices needed to save others, and the ethics of killing what must be killed. Yeah, I just compared Dean to an angel, go ahead and take a look at this scene and tell me I’m not right. Hell, look at the whole episode and you’ll see that I am.

I have the feeling well the feeling we are going to find out more about Dean and his purpose in S4, but no matter what Kripke will do with him, imho he is an angel. For the reasons you wrote and many others :)


sylvia_bond June 4 2008, 14:05:58 UTC
You're right, you're right, you're absolutely right. Ackles ROCKS and then he messes with my head and then he ROCKS again and's a fine, fine torture he puts us all through!

As for Kripke's plans in S4 - I know that I must trust Kripke and all, but I'm fearful for Dean. He hurt that boy awful bad in the finale....but I like the image of him as an angel. I mean, if Sam's going darkside, don't we need something to balance that out?

Thank you for your lovely comments!


x5vale June 4 2008, 14:16:14 UTC
I am worried for Dean too but just think how much awesome Jensen will be in playing a hurt, broken Dean :)


sylvia_bond June 4 2008, 14:19:29 UTC
Jensen will be AWESOME, of that I have not the slightest doubt. But I feel for much more can he give before he breaks for reals and for trues? I worry about him.


x5vale June 4 2008, 14:36:48 UTC
I know...



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