Bloodlust: A Supernatural Episode Review

Jun 03, 2008 06:54

You can read my review of the Supernatural episode "Bloodlust" at Thank you!

An excerpt:

How on EARTH can a man look so good with blood and ichor on his face like that? It’s bad enough that Ackles is already more beautiful than this Earth should allow; the blood, you would think, should somehow dehumanize him so that we can see the hunter within and be appalled by it. For I’m sure that’s what the scene is meant to do, what it’s supposed to do, and Sam’s look of HORROR just adds to this - we’re supposed to be up close and personal with the ugly, ugly mechanics of hunting and be worried or disgusted or put off. Wrong, wrong, wrong. Watch this scene and try to believe that. Better yet, sit next to a fangirl and listen as she watches this scene. You’ll hear it: GUH. It’s the sound of her lungs contracting, and her stomach clenching up, and her thighs igniting on fire, and maybe some other things too that I’m too polite to mention. That’s how good this scene is.

Car Roof Porn:

review, ackles, spn, padalecki, kripke

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