In Plain Sight Chapter four

Sep 26, 2008 05:12

Title: In Plain Sight
Rating: R [Violence, language, smut between Adam and Sylar, later Mylar fun]
Pairing: Sylar/Adam K., Sylar/Mohinder
Cross-over: Heroes/24
Characters: Adam Kauffman,Sylar, Mohinder, Tony Almeida, Chloe, Kim Bauer.
Spoilers: Season 1 of Heroes and some of season 2. No real 24 spoilers to speak of.
Word Count: 1,221
Summary: Adam Kauffman is back at CTU overseeing the latest threat. A virus has affected the L.A. area and a geneticist named Mohinder Suresh is working with CTU to help stop the Shanti Virus. But when he sees Sylar's doppleganger in Adam, things get complicated, especially when the actual Sylar hits CTU. Adam and Sylar meet and it changes both their lives, and Suresh's, forever.
Author's Notes: So this fic idea came from the desire to see two Zachary Quinto characters meet up. What would happen when Sylar meets his twin in Adam? How could Mohinder work with a man who reminds him of one of his greatest fears, and worse, what if he started to feel for him? So basically it's angst and smut with a plot, enjoy!

All previous chapters at my journal here:

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Back in the exam room that earlier hosted Adam's DNA test, he once again sat in that same chair. His shirt was off and folded in his hands as Mohinder examined the nasty gash on Adam's chest. His gentle mocha fingers expertly worked over the wound. With each touch, Adam twitched and had to hold himself down so that he wouldn't run out of the room. His eyes glanced down his smoothly-shaven chest to get a better look at what Sylar did.

A long red fresh slice stood out from pale skin. Mohinder remembered the same clean cut on Peter Petrelli's head for a brief moment before he healed back up. One could never deny Sylar's precision, like that of a surgeon, with each cut. For a couple seconds, Mohinder just stared at the cut.

“Mohinder? H-how bad is it?”

The sound of Adam's voice so eerily familiar snapped Mohinder out of it. He blushed slightly as he moved to the other end of the room.

“It's not too deep Adam. There will be, however, need for some stitches.”

The man nodded softly, his eyes closed as Mohinder came back over. White latex gloves on his hands as he set up. After a few minutes, Mohinder finished the last stitch. The curve of stitches marred his flawless skin. Of course, Sylar would want want to not only hurt Adam but mark him as well.

“Is that all? Can I go Mohinder?”

As he pulled off the gloves, a concerned look creased Mohinder's face.

“Go? But Adam, the virus...we need to get to work on this. More innocent lives will be lost if we don't figure this out.”

Adam slid his shirt back over his head and broad shoulders, down over his chest. His hands, ran over the wrinkled material and smoothed it while he slowly stood up. Knees still weak, they shook as he steadied himself and looked away from Mohinder as he spoke.

“Mohinder...I can't be here right now. I just, can't. I'm going home, there are plenty of other analysts here, they don't need me.”

Adam moved to the door, his hand on the handle. He felt a firm hand on his should urging his body backward. Mohinder stood in front of him, eyes locked with Adam. He sighed softly as he spoke.

“Adam, I know that you want to leave and probably never come back. But...what this man has done to you, you can't let it affect your work. People need help, this killed my sister when she was very young. My father started his genetics research because he didn't want anyone else to suffer as she did. We can work together to stop this but you need to stay strong Adam. Sylar...he tried to kill me once. There are still scars on my body from that day but I just have to press on. Because Sylar has killed many people but if the virus is not contained, that man's body count will seem like nothing in comparison. So please, Adam, let's go back downstairs and get to work.”

His eyes stared into Mohinder's own. Adam took a moment and thought about what he said, his eyes full of genuine concern. When he said that he too lost his sister to something that could have been prevented, it burned Adam deeply within. Thinking about how he couldn't be so selfish as to just walk away. Adam used everything he had to force a grim smile on his lips.

“Ok. Let's get to work.”

Over the next couple of weeks or so, the two were inseparable as they used their collective respective knowledge and expertise to assist the rest of CTU. Each day brought them closer to fully containing the virus. Unfortunately, not to pinning any of it on the mysterious operative and heads of the Company. Adam felt uncomfortable left alone which Mohinder picked up on instantly and so he offered the man to stay with him for a few days. Being the generous guy he was, Mohinder took the couch and gave Adam the bed.

Eventually Mohinder learned about what happened to Adam's own sister when he left CTU three years ago. One night, when Mohinder couldn't sleep he thought that he'd make himself some tea to soothe himself. Some nice steamy Chai in his hands, Mohinder strolled down the hallway to the bedroom so he could check in on Adam.

He slowly opened the bedroom door and peered inside. Deep down, Mohinder felt guilty as he curiously watched Adam sprawled out on top of the bed. Flashes of dragging Sylar's unconscious body across his living room floor and into the chair went through his head. He looked down at his mug and the back at Adam. He snored softly, twisted up in the sheets due to a series of restless tosses of his body.

It was at times like this when Mohinder was alone with his thoughts and Adam's unique personality wasn't on display that the oddness of it all was clearer. It seemed as if...well, like Mohinder had started to care for this man. But it was so jarring to watch him move his lean-muscled body and not feel a twinge of fear. At one point, Adam flung his arm out across the mattress and toward Mohinder.

All prior experience with such a motion left Mohinder to act purely on instinct. As his fingers slid from the mug handle and to the mug itself from his full body flinch, it took everything he had not to scream and wake the slumbering Adam.

The next day, after a long day spent staring at computer screens, doing research, and dealing with the occasional crisis out in the field, Mohinder and Adam were happy to get out of there. They left the premises unaware that both of them were being watched.

Sylar decided to check up on Adam, maybe get to know him better even still. For hours, he waited outside of CTU to catch a glimpse of Adam. He thought that maybe this time it would be better if he could take the man somewhere they wouldn't be so rudely interrupted.

At four o'clock, his patience was rewarded when he could hear his own stolen voice getting closer. Adam rounded the corner in the parking lot in the middle of conversation with someone else.

“...So Jack is ambushed by a group of terrorists waiting for him right outside the building. I'm on the line with him and he needs to get this password to break into their main server. I mean, I can hear the gunshots on the other line, Jack's got minutes till they're right on top of him...”

Sylar rolled his eyes as he listened. Like getting a password was some big accomplish--... His thoughts were halted as he heard the man with him reply.

“Did you get it to him on time, Adam?”

Sylar nearly choked on the gum in his mouth as Mohinder walked next to Adam, his brown eyes wide and eager. The smile on the man's face,so content, sickened Sylar to the core. They moved together down the parking lot and Sylar started to follow. He decided to see just what his old friend and his new friend had been up to.

heroes/24, fic: in plain sight, adam kauffman, mylar, sylar, mohinder

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