In Plain Sight, Chapter 3

Nov 15, 2007 23:24

Title: In Plain Sight
Rating: R [Violence, language smut between Adam and Sylar, later Mylar fun]
Pairing: Sylar/Adam K., Sylar/Mohinder
Cross-over: Heroes/24
Characters: Adam Kauffman,Sylar, Mohinder, Tony Almeida, Chloe, Kim Bauer.
Spoilers: Season 1 of Heroes and some of season 2. No real 24 spoilers to speak of.
Word Count: 1,551
Summary: Adam Kauffman is back at CTU overseeing the latest threat. A virus has affected the L.A. area and a geneticist named Mohinder Suresh is working with CTU to help stop the Shanti Virus. But when he sees Sylar's doppleganger in Adam, things get complicated, especially when the actual Sylar hits CTU. Adam and Sylar meet and it changes both their lives, and Suresh's, forever.
Author's Notes: So this fic idea came from the desire to see two Zachary Quinto characters meet up. What would happen when Sylar meets his twin in Adam? How could Mohinder work with a man who reminds him of one of his greatest fears, and worse, what if he started to feel for him? So basically it's angst and smut with a plot, enjoy!

As Sylar spoke his strong hands continued to travel over Adam's slim frame. Down over his chest, his stomach, and further. His right hand was on Adam's left leg, on the man's kneecap as he pressed down Adam winced and sucked in air between tightly grit teeth. Sylar lifted his hand off, he looked into Adam's eyes as he felt weird about the reaction at first. It was like seeing himself in pain, it threw him off. For a moment, Gabriel came back out from within Sylar as his expression softened.

“What's wrong with your leg?”

Sylar's brown eyes softened and stared down at the knee in question. A quick flick of the left hand and a small hole ripped into Adam's khakis. It got larger and larger until his kneecap was fully exposed. Adam gulped slightly as Sylar spread the frayed and torn material out so that he could see what caused Adam's pain. The kneecap was puffy and purple.

Freshly bruised up and tender as Sylar lightly touched it again. Adam grunted in apparent discomfort as he felt Sylar's rough finger tips on his skin. Through those fingertips, Sylar felt Adam's every tremble. Slowly, he straightened back up and once again looked Adam nearly right in the eye.

“How did that happen?”

Adam, narrowed his eyebrows quizzically at his attacker. The man's genuine seeming concern shocked Adam. He knew that he could tell him since apparently Dr. Suresh and this Sylar person had history together. Thin lips quivered as he forced out his reply.

“When...When Mohinder thought I was you”

Sylar moved his left hand over to Adam's cheek as he caressed it gently. It wasn't so long ago that Suresh had done the same thing to Sylar himself. Had tried to hurt him, it made him feel for Adam. He looked so scared Sylar thought, he stepped closer to Adam as he leaned in.

“It's okay, shh. Here...”

Adam watched Sylar move in and press his lips to his own. It was a gentle kiss, one to reassure the other participant that everything would be okay. But as he felt this kiss, slick and insistent, Adam also felt that he could move his arms again. The hold on his body weakened as Sylar momentarily let down his guard,his eyes closed as his tongue probed Adam's warm mouth. He felt a rough spot on the left side of Adam's mouth as he pushed in deeper, sliding around.

Once Adam realized that he could move his arms again, he wasted no time. Sylar went from feeling Adam's warm wet mouth to complete and shattering agony in a matter of seconds. Adam had used everything he could muster up to push the man away from his body. His hands shoved right against Sylar's black-clad chest, something that normally wouldn't have phased him. Things were different since Kirby Plaza. Adam shoved straight into where Hiro's sword sliced through Sylar's chest. A place that though stitched, was still very sensitive.

Mohinder meanwhile had been waiting at Adam's work station for the past twenty or so minutes. At the ten minute mark, he asked one of Adam's co-workers if she knew where he had gone. With an unnecessary annoyed glare she curtly replied that he was down in the server room. He stayed and waited for a few more minutes then decided to go find Adam on his own. Mohinder made his way down to the proper level and was in the hallway not a few yards away from the door when suddenly the relative silence of the area was ruined.

A bellowing, pierced the air and echoed down the hall from the behind the door Mohinder approached. It startled him as he moved quicker to the door, as a nasty thought entered in his mind. He'd heard that scream before.

In the room Sylar had completely lost his hold on Adam who dropped back down to the floor. He bent over and dealt with the excruciating pain he felt in his chest and stomach. His eyes closed tight each breath became focused to try and regain himself. But when his eyes opened again, any trace of the gentle, caring Gabriel was once again gone. He jerked his head upward, eyes wide and full of rage as he moved toward Adam again, hand out. Before Adam could even blink he found himself flung hard into the back wall. Any empathy Sylar felt towards his double was gone as he moved his hand up and started to choke Adam, slowly.

“That...was not a wise decision.”

With a quick slash of his hand, Adam's shirt was ripped open. He cried out in pain, neck twisted back as Sylar also managed to cut his skin with the careless gesture. As he felt the stab of air in his fresh wound Adam screamed out. His body could barely squirm held in place against the wall and his throat constricted beyond his control, each breath an even more desperate gasp. Slowly, tauntingly Sylar walked right up to Adam, his body pressed against his as he squeezed Adam's throat just a little more.

Sylar's right hand stroked Adam's heaving chest as it went down to the button of his pants. He looked right into Adam's eyes as he slowly started to unbutton them and slide the zipper down along it's jagged metal track. Adam begged for Sylar to stop with what little breath he had in him as the man toyed with his body. Tears streamed down Adam's face as he felt more helpless than he could ever have imagined. Sylar saw them and stared intently at them.

Quickly he moved forward and forced his mouth once more onto Adam's lips. Sylar pushed his tongue into Adam's mouth and swirled it around, he could taste the few salty tears that had leaked in during Adam's recent gasp for air. His left hand yanked down Adam's khakis and roughly tugged and rubbed at Adam's forcibly hard member. Adam screamed and moaned, his body a shivering mess as Sylar used him. Suddenly, he stopped and then pulled his mouth away again as he heard the door being forced open. Sylar turned to look and instantly caught the sight of an old friend.

He turned around fully and grinned at Mohinder as he dropped Adam to the floor. He was half naked and shaking as he coughed and gasped to breathe again, his eyes burned as did his lungs. Sweat plastered his hair to his head and coated every inch of his skin, a cold fear sweat. Mohinder was completely aghast as he glanced down at Adam at the floor and the utter impossibility that stood before him. His heart felt like it just stopped beating for a few minutes as Sylar stepped toward him.

“Mohinder, how have you been? It looks like you've been busy. So have I.”

Mohinder's wide eyes looked back down at Adam who could breathe again but didn't dare try to move as he stayed on the floor. He glanced between his captor and Suresh as he wondered if Sylar would continue to forget he was there.

“My God! What did you do to him?”

Sylar cocked his head back as he looked at Adam, who cringed and looked away from him the minute those dark eyes set on him. He shrugged as he looked back at Mohinder.

“I was just getting to know Adam here a little better. I bet it was very interesting when you two met. It's flattering to know that you thought right of me. Some time has passed since our last meeting but I've had my eye on you Mohinder. Once again, you've helped me fulfill my purpose.”

Mohinder looked at the corner of the room where Samantha's corpse lay in a pool of sticky crimson blood. He gagged at the sight of it, an a total gut reaction that could not be helped. As he turned back around to face Sylar, he only caught a flash of his arm as Mohinder was knocked backward onto the floor. He smacked into the wall by Adam, Mohinder grunted and quickly sat back up but when he did, the only thing that remained was Adam on the floor and what was left of the girl in the corner. Sylar was once again gone.

He twisted his upper body as he looked toward Adam, broken and pale curled up as he all but hugged that corner of wall. Cautiously, Mohinder moved toward Adam. His hands out, he settled his right gently on Adam's shoulder. He flinched hard, all muscles fraught with tension as he cried out in protest. Mohinder kept his hand on Adam, he got closer as he could hear Adam the victimized man mumbling.

“H-h-how?! How could he, he didn't even touch me....then he did. How is that possible?! What did he do? W-why is he here?!”

Over and over again Adam repeated these questions as he choked out sobs. Mohinder did his best to comfort him as he didn't want to admit that many of those same questions were caused his heart rate to double and his hands to shake. Worse of all, was the feeling that this may only have been the beginning.

fic: in plain sight, adam kauffman, mylar, heroes, sylar, 24, mohinder

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