This is what happens when I think that two Zachary Quinto characters needed to meet...

Nov 11, 2007 03:23

Title: In Plain Sight, Chapter 1
Rating: R [Violence, language, smut between Adam and Sylar, later Mylar fun]
Pairing: Sylar/Adam K., Sylar/Mohinder

Cross-over: Heroes and 24

Characters: Adam Kauffman,Sylar, Mohinder, Tony Almeida, Chloe, Kim Bauer.

Spoilers: Season 1 of Heroes and some of season 2. No real 24 spoilers to speak of.
Word Count: 1,402
Summary: Adam Kauffman is back at CTU overseeing the latest threat. A virus has affected the L.A. area and a geneticist named Mohinder Suresh is working with CTU to help stop the Shanti Virus. But when he sees Sylar's doppleganger in Adam, things get complicated, especially when the actual Sylar hits CTU. Adam and Sylar meet and it changes both their lives, and Suresh's, forever.
Author's Notes: So this fic idea came from the desire to see two Zachary Quinto characters meet up. What would happen when Sylar meets his twin in Adam? How could Mohinder work with a man who reminds him of one of his greatest fears, and worse, what if he started to feel for him? So basically it's angst and smut with a plot, enjoy!

Two years had passed since Adam Kauffman had walked through those doors, though it seemed that much remained the same.

Many of the same people still worked there, he could see Chloe, Bill Buchanan, and even Kim Bauer. He arrived to his new work

station which was across the room from his previous desk.

A desk currently occupied by Kim, he wondered how it was she even worked there still. Nepotism was such an unwelcome presence at work and especially considering the importance of what CTU did. He set his black messenger bag to the side of the desk and started to set up his system. A tall dark haired woman walked up to his work station.

“Welcome back Adam, Bill wants to see everyone in the conference room in five minutes.”

There wasn't even a flicker of his eyes away from the screen as he responded.

“Yeah, thanks I'll be there in a sec. God, who worked on this system last? The firewall protocols are completely out of date.”

A few well-placed strokes on the keyboard and Adam had logged into the system and started the system's various components to his preference. If he was going to be back here, then he was going to work in the way he was accustomed to. After a few minutes, he checked his watch and gathered up a few files and his notebook and headed upstairs to the conference room. He sat down in the black office chair at the corner of the table as he laid out his notes.

Bill Buchanan walked into the now full room and everyone sat down. Each person adjusted their laptop and notes as he began.

“At approximately 1000 hours this morning reports started circulating of four people afflicted with the same ailment in the Los Angeles area. By noon the number of people with this virus had increased ten-fold. It is a remarkable strain of a once extremely rare virus that only affected three people who shared a similar genetic trait. However, these new cases do not have that trait. It has been suspected that they were in fact exposed to a viral agent by a certain group of individuals. If you'll go to the folder marked....”

Adam typed away on the white ibook at the very edge of the table. He looked over at the file with the suspects background information. It wasn't any sort of terrorist group he had ever heard of before.

“Are we sure that this group has a solid connection with the events? I mean how do we know that these people were exposed to this virus?”

Buchanan stopped in mid-speech at Adam's questions. Certainly the briefings went by a lot smoother in the past two years than they would today. Bill turned toward him and looked over the sheet of paper in his hands.

“There is a geneticist who could be considered the expert on this subject. According to him, there is no way that the virus could have just developed in a person without the genetic factor for it without it having some serious assistance. If this is true, however, that it has developed in more people than the chances of it becoming trans-mutated and able to spread are much more significant. Within the hour this geneticist, Dr. Suresh, will be arriving to work with to try to figure out what could have made the initial strain so hostile. Until then, I want to see a work-up on this Company. All known associates, employees past and present, history of the group and so forth.

Once that is completed, make sure that everyone has a copy to work from on the network. Oh, Adam your security clearance came in, you'll find your access codes on your desk after the meeting. So let's get that work-up together, time is of the essence here. Seventy five percent of the people infected with this virus are in critical condition as we speak.”

Samantha straightened the pages spread out in the manila folder in front of her as she looked up.

“What are the symptoms that are presenting in the victims? How quickly does it work its way though the system?”

“The virus presents as something resembling a flu at first. Aches, fatigue, physical sickness. But as it continues, the weakness on the outside intensifies while the victim's nucleotides break down and disintegrate at an astonishing rate. Without treatment, the victim can die as soon as 24 hours after contracting the disease. Dr. Suresh has developed the only known effective treatment and is currently involved in mass-producing a version of it in case the virus cannot be contained. The infected are quarantined at Mercy Hospital so the hope is that the virus will be contained and away from the general population.”

A few flashes of what happened those two years ago went through Adam's head. What happened to his sister when she become a victim to something quite similar. Of course that was a biological agent that was released. After having lived through a family member becoming a victim to an attack, Adam knew how important it was to prevent others from going through what he did with the loss of a loved one.

Buchanan finished his presentation and the room emptied out as everyone went back to their stations. Adam settled back in at his new desk as he uploaded all of the information on the company that had been mentioned in the briefing. For the next half hour he compiled as complete of a work-up on the organization that he could. Despite his considerable amount of hacking skills, it was quite difficult to find out much about this group or any of the people involved therein. Adam popped his knuckles absent-absentmindedly as he read through all the files he found.

He was interrupted mid-sentence as the phone on his desk rang insistently. A series of high pitched trills emitted from the polished black phone next to his right hand. A quick cross over reach and he answered the phone to find that Dr. Suresh had arrived. Adam would be working with the man since he had seniority within this phase of the operation. He hung up the phone and got up to meet the man as he finished going through the usual security procedures.

After he went downstairs he reached the level that Suresh would be at. He saw a small escort of CTU types with him as the man was handed a file. Adam came forward to meet them as Mohinder's attention was fully placed on the file.

“....and this is Adam Kauffman one of our finest analysts. He'll be working with you closely on this matter.”

Adam stepped forward his hand outstretched, Mohinder glanced at the motion and extended his as well. A strong handshake occurred as Mohinder looked up from the file. Tensed up muscles in his hand matched those of his shoulders as he looked at the man who stood before him. Tall, dark hair, dark eyes, pale skin, long limbed, and that voice.

Low at first but it has a slight lilt to it that becomes more apparent in longer conversations. It defied the comforting logic that Mohinder held on to for the past months. Sylar was no more, he was dead, there was no way he could be standing right there in front of him. Mohinder stepped back, his hand wrenched away from the man before him. As his heart rattled his rib cage once it finally started to once again beat, he looked around frantically.

The chair behind him was shoved into as the wide eyed man stumbled backward, he kicked the chair towards Adam as he went. The top of it rammed into Adam's legs and he stumbled forward but was able to balance himself barely before falling down. Suresh was at the corner of the room as everyone stared in awe as he flailed like a man who shouldn't be wearing a smart tan coat but a straight-jacket.

“How?! How in the Hell are you.....I mean,'re dead! You have to be! Someone stop him, call the police. It's Sylar! Why is everyone just standing there?!”

Adam recovered as he rubbed his bruised and throbbing knee, a look of confusion on his face as he moved towards Mohinder.

“Dr. Suresh, what are you talking about my name is Adam Kauffman. I work here. Calm down!”

fic: in plain sight, adam kauffman, mylar, heroes/24 fic, sylar, mohinder

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