Title: Quiet Pairing: Leobin Rating: PG-13 Genre: Psychological, AU, romance, angst, songfic: Nell - 백색왜성 Summary: Taekwoon is lucky to have someone to point him in the right direction, both in life and death. Wordcount: 3,185
Title: Like Gravity Pairing: Haken Rating: PG-13 Genre: AU, romance, songfic: Nell - 지구가 태양을 네 번 Summary: Time stops when Hakyeon sees Jaehwan again. Wordcount: 3,828
Title: Little by little Pairing: Neo Rating: PG-13 Genre: Psychological, AU, slight romance, angst, songfic: VIXX - On & On Summary: Taekwoon is afraid, and Hakyeon knows of what. Wordcount: 4,669 ( Read more... )
Title: Cowardly Beings Pairing: Rabin Rating: NC-17 Genre: Angst, romance, high school AU, hurt/comfort, songfic: Nell - Meaningless Summary: Hongbin tries to run, but only ends up in the arms of what he fears the most. Wordcount: 14,916
Title: Pathetic Pairing: Wontaek Rating: PG-13 Genre: Angst, romance, AU, songfic: Nell - 얼음산책 Summary: Taekwoon wants nothing more than for Wonshik to stay away - except, maybe, for him to come closer. Wordcount: 2,159
Title: The Answer Pairing: Kenbin Rating: PG-13 Genre: Angst, romance, non-AU, songfic: VIXX - 대답은 너니까 Summary: A certain song tears open old wounds in Jaehwan's heart, if they ever truly closed to begin with. Wordcount: 6,427
Title: No More Hiding Pairing: Navi Rating: PG-15 Genre: Angst, drama, romance I suppose~ non-AU, songfic of Adam Lambert's Aftermath Summary: Wonshik wonders about Hakyeon's sexual orientation, only to find he has no idea what any of it means anyway. Wordcount: 12,314
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Title: Rainbow Pairing: Yunjae Rating: PG-13 Genre: Fluff, humor Summary: The best part of separation? The reunion. Wordcount: 7,558
A/N: Hello~ This is the last songfic request that I'll be filling (at least for a while), and this time it's for "Rainbow" by South Border. Uhm... since the song is really happy, I've moved away from the usual angst a
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