Title: Little by little Pairing: Neo Rating: PG-13 Genre: Psychological, AU, slight romance, angst, songfic: VIXX - On & On Summary: Taekwoon is afraid, and Hakyeon knows of what. Wordcount: 4,669 ( Read more... )
im trying to figure this out but its like pointing at something ahead of you and somehow hitting yourself in the back of the head >__<
anyway! I'd like to say is that I like your descriptions and the way you break up your sentences? like they all are kinda written in a way so the lengths are varied - idk if that makes sense but yeah I like that! the setting was cool and I loved?? how you talked about the house??? (that was like a metaphor for taekwoons head?? haha idk;;)
oh, thank you so much! (and you're dead on, the house is taekwoon's messed up lil head) if i were to say something to explain a little maybe? think of it like what happens to a person when they are afraid of a lot of things, but keep all that stuff inside until they're terrified of thinking, because the things they are afraid of blends with their thoughts in a way? so in the end, they become what they're afraid of. does that make sense? ;;
Comments 3
anyway! I'd like to say is that I like your descriptions and the way you break up your sentences? like they all are kinda written in a way so the lengths are varied - idk if that makes sense but yeah I like that! the setting was cool and I loved?? how you talked about the house??? (that was like a metaphor for taekwoons head?? haha idk;;)
thanks for sharing!
if i were to say something to explain a little maybe? think of it like what happens to a person when they are afraid of a lot of things, but keep all that stuff inside until they're terrified of thinking, because the things they are afraid of blends with their thoughts in a way? so in the end, they become what they're afraid of. does that make sense? ;;
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