Title: Line 49
Pairing: Yulsic, Taeny, Hyoyoung, Yoonhyun, Sunsic
Rating: G - NC-17
Genre: Drama, romance, angst, high school AU
Summary: The struggle is different for everyone; we all take different measures to deal with our problems. Friendships are created and tossed upside down, love is found, love is lost, and trust is formed and betrayed as
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Comments 4
Yaaaass. Editing my comment now will make the newest chapter ~feel~ like it's gonna appear sooner!! So sexxxcited. Now, onto my feels~~
So maybe, she thought, turning over on her side, what she was feeling wasn't love. --Seobb. You're a smart girl. Les be real. Have you seen Im Yoona? You made out with her, bish. That's not only love, but LUCK omg ( ... )
*prays for forgiveness from the glorious checkinyourbra*
This makes me sad. Brb need to let go of my feels.
Stephanie trying to patch up everything.
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