Title: Line 49
Pairing: Yulsic, Taeny, Hyoyoung, Yoonhyun, Sunsic
Rating: G - NC-17
Genre: Drama, romance, angst, high school AU
Summary: The struggle is different for everyone; we all take different measures to deal with our problems. Friendships are created and tossed upside down, love is found, love is lost, and trust is formed and betrayed as
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Yaaaass. Editing my comment now will make the newest chapter ~feel~ like it's gonna appear sooner!! So sexxxcited. Now, onto my feels~~
So maybe, she thought, turning over on her side, what she was feeling wasn't love. --Seobb. You're a smart girl. Les be real. Have you seen Im Yoona? You made out with her, bish. That's not only love, but LUCK omg.
No really. That internet struggle tho. So heavy; so angsty; so good. Glad she's at least reaching out to her friends lately. She shouldn't deal with this enormous amount of guilt alone. :(( Listen to Taeyeon--TALK. andmakeoutImeanhuh.
Heheh TaeNy sound like a married couple at times like this. :3 Now for one of the biggest questions: WHO IS STEPHANIE. I'm starting to accept her to be like Gossip Girl (in the book, at least--*spoiler alert*)--where GG's identity is no longer relevant. I say this because:
1. If Stephanie is indeed Tiffany, she really jumped on that call fast. Would it actually occur that quickly while she's in the car? Or maybe I missed a time cue. :OO
2. Feels like a breach of trust for Fany to know all this shizz and string Taeyeon along as if she's not privy to her personal struggles. Very disingenuous.
...FANY, IS YOU GAY? You have to be. Everyone here is gay. Including me.
Oooh Sunny. I mean, homewrecking is grimy and all, but....are you gonna sex Jessica up on the side? Maybe every now and then? Weekends?...will that smut happen again because holy crap. WHAT ARE MY PRIORITIES?
First loves are rough. Yeesh, Sunny. Hope you're happy in the end, gorl.
Thankssssss for this chappie. :DDD
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