"go ahead and say it, if you must make me blush"

Jan 07, 2009 19:49

I'm taking a break from writing my final essay. I'm at 1,100+ words after 2 hours and that's amazing for me considering that I've been listening to Taylor Swift, talking on the phone to my bro and watching the Simpsons.

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discussion: sanctuary, ! public post, tv: sanctuary

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Comments 10

talkofcake January 7 2009, 20:19:45 UTC
Very interesting theory! I do think though, that if there is an expansion of her gift yet (which I hope to God there is!) it's an expansion of the longevity. So something to do with time or even healing is definitely a possibility ( ... )


sweetveritas January 7 2009, 21:50:29 UTC
I don't think her father picked the answer to be infinity only because there are endless permutations to abnormal life, I think it's because of her: she is infinity.
That is veryinteresting. I love how you touched on her "quiet depression" over it because even though it was explicitly touched upon in Requiem it hasn't been explored since.

I love how you brought up the fact that Magnus is absuing her gift, she's not governed by it in any shape or form, except for the longevity aspect of it. A part of me is trying to articulate something else, something more, that there is something more to her but I can't even explain it to myself or comprehend it myself. IDK.

I just, I see so many possibilities with this, but I'm honestly trying not to over think it since I don't want to be disappointed if I worked this up too much
Yeh, I think that I should definitely start doing that now because my imagination just ends up running away with me, well it kidnaps me to tell the truth lol.


talkofcake January 7 2009, 20:21:45 UTC
p.s. I envision the series finale: an even larger conflict, everyone she knows and loves is in danger and she just SNAPS. She lets the power take over and it's a massive combination of the superpowers we've seen so far in the epic scale. It's...huge.

But LOL, again. Over thinking. Hopeful thinking. IDK, I have to go get ready for work haha.

LOL, edit.

Okay, you know in SG1 how Daniel always gets these fucking EPIC scenes? First when he faces off with Anubis and secondly when he faces off with Adria in 'The Quest pt 2'? Like, I get the shivers sooo bad when I watch those scenes. The whole really-could-be-cheesy science fiction superpowers that actually end up being done right (because SG1 is that good) and just...leave me stunned.

I WANT MAGNUS TO DO THAT! Face off the enemy (whoever that ill be) in an epic Daniel Jackson-ish type scene.

AND OKAY BAI. Really leaving this time, lol.


aletheia08 January 7 2009, 21:08:27 UTC
p.s. I envision the series finale: an even larger conflict, everyone she knows and loves is in danger and she just SNAPS. She lets the power take over and it's a massive combination of the superpowers we've seen so far in the epic scale. It's...huge.

Ooooh it makes me think of Dark Phoenix from X-Men. Although I coudn't take it if Helen turned evil (Requiem scared me for life in that aspect ;)


sweetveritas January 7 2009, 21:55:04 UTC
Ooooh it makes me think of Dark Phoenix from X-Men. Although I coudn't take it if Helen turned evil (Requiem scared me for life in that aspect ;)
Oooooo Dark Phoenix was WICKED!!!!!!
But I think that if Magnus is pushed hard enough, Requiem!Helen may come out and play again :P


sweetveritas January 7 2009, 21:53:03 UTC
Hahaha I can so totally see her going all Evil!Willow on everyone from the stress. But yes definitely, Helen just snapping would be epic.

I WANT MAGNUS TO DO THAT! Face off the enemy (whoever that ill be) in an epic Daniel Jackson-ish type scene.
Oh yes please!!! *begs TPTB*


aletheia08 January 7 2009, 21:14:05 UTC

Where can we send this to the scenarists, in case they lack ideas for Helen's gift ??

This completely fits the "simple and elegant" definition that John gave, as well as what we can guess from Helen's personality : clarity of perception, mental discipline...

"It is NOT only longevity" will be my new mantra from now on ;)


sweetveritas January 7 2009, 22:00:36 UTC
WOOOHOOOOO. I've failed miserably of course :P

LOL IKR; Dear PTB, please make Helen's 'gift' super awesome, preferably along these lines...... yours sincerely, the fangirl holding the scissors to your voodoo doll's neck/leg/groin *delete as appropriate*.

AND. The Ba'ku's planet also had anti-ageing properties so this gift could have incorporated the longevity aspect too.

"It is NOT only longevity" will be my new mantra from now on ;)


aletheia08 January 7 2009, 22:51:12 UTC
Dear PTB, please make Helen's 'gift' super awesome, preferably along these lines...... yours sincerely, the fangirl holding the scissors to your voodoo doll's neck/leg/groin *delete as appropriate*.
Yup, see ? That is exactly what I had in mind!
If they're smart enough tough, they'll be convinced by the awesomeness of this theory alone and won't need other... ways of convincing ;)

Seriously, that quote It took us centuries to learn that it doesn't have to take centuries to learn. is SO fitting for Helen, you'd think it was written for her ;)



sweetveritas January 7 2009, 23:08:58 UTC
*nods* YUP.

AND. They can give Amanda some AWESOME things to do!!!!!! Like be all superhero-y and be all magical and pwerful.

I know right! I looked back over that scene and thought, Jeepers! That's Magnus!!!


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