"go ahead and say it, if you must make me blush"

Jan 07, 2009 19:49

I'm taking a break from writing my final essay. I'm at 1,100+ words after 2 hours and that's amazing for me considering that I've been listening to Taylor Swift, talking on the phone to my bro and watching the Simpsons.

I am desperate to find out what her gift is and I've been thinking about it practically non-stop for over a week. I cannot stop thinking about it and when we got what we did in Revelations prt 2 I immediately came up with a theory about why that was. I cannot just BE longevity. That is just too boring for my liking.

I have come up with several theories about what it could possibily be
~ Healing powers a la Wolverine or Claire from Heroes but we haven't seen any manifestation of that because she has been injured with the odd cut here and there and they haven't spontaneously healed so that's out.
~ A sponge a la Peter Petrelli where she can mimic other powers and gifts but that's not necessarily "elegant" now is it?
~ Photographic memory: Magnus seems to instinctively pull out facts and find the appropriate pages in books when needed. She doesn't faff about with contents pages or index pages. She just knows.

"Simple and elegant"

What? Why did Druitt have to use that latter adjective? 'Elegant' just screws up ANY possible theory that I could have.


Last night when I was laying there in the dark waiting for sleep to come, I came up with a theory thanks to Star Trek IX: Insurrection. I instantly made a note of it and went to sleep. You don't have to be a Star Trek buff to understand what I'm about to explain because I will expand it out and it explain it as best I can.

In Insurrection Picard and co. are assigned to relocate a race called the Ba'ku who are a peaceful species who don't utilize technology and voraciously as we do; they emphasise beauty and art and nature - quite the Romantics. But I digress [apologies for channeling Druitt again :P]. When Picard and co. beam down to the planet they are greeted with a group of children playing some kind of hacky-sac [sp?] and Deanna makes this observation, "They have an incredible clarity of perception, Captain. I've never encountered a species with such mental discipline." Leaving this for a moment, later in the movie, Picard goes to Anij and he questions her about their abilities;

Let me ask you a question -- have you ever experienced a perfect moment in time?

A perfect moment?

When time seemed to stop... and you could almost live in that moment...

Seeing my home planet from space for the first time...

Yes. Exactly. Nothing more complicated than perception. You explore the universe. We've discovered a single moment in time can be a universe in itself... full of powerful forces... most people aren't aware enough of the now... to ever notice them...

I wish I could spare a few centuries to learn.

It took us centuries to learn that it doesn't have to take centuries to learn.

With that notion that 'a moment can be a universe in itself', Anij later in the movie takes a flower and blows the pollen [?] from it and it freezes in the air as time slows. Then their focus changes to a humming bird flying up to a flower. It slows down. The whole scene causes a heightened sense of sensory perception and time slows.

I think that Magnus may have this gift. Sensory perception and the ability to slow down time. It's simply and amazingly . . . elegant. But looking back on this, I wondering if this theory is utter bollocks. Hmmmmm.

Is there anything you'd like to add? Any other theories? Or should I just go back to working on my essays?

discussion: sanctuary, ! public post, tv: sanctuary

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