"go ahead and say it, if you must make me blush"

Jan 07, 2009 19:49

I'm taking a break from writing my final essay. I'm at 1,100+ words after 2 hours and that's amazing for me considering that I've been listening to Taylor Swift, talking on the phone to my bro and watching the Simpsons.

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discussion: sanctuary, ! public post, tv: sanctuary

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talkofcake January 7 2009, 20:19:45 UTC
Very interesting theory! I do think though, that if there is an expansion of her gift yet (which I hope to God there is!) it's an expansion of the longevity. So something to do with time or even healing is definitely a possibility.

I think the whole Infinity thing is very important though. I don't think her father picked the answer to be infinity only because there are endless permutations to abnormal life, I think it's because of her: she is infinity. I don't think her gift stops at extending her age, I think it transcends beyond that which is why she seems so quietly depressed over it; I think she will utterly live forever (unless she's shot or killed physically).

"My blood will protect me, I'll bet my life on it."

That sounds strangely overconfident, even considering the stakes. Unless she KNEW that no disease would be able to claim her.

IDK though. I...I almost want there to be something overly epic about her. Something more than we can imagine at this point, like a literal superpower that she suppresses because she doesn't want to be overcome with it, like the men of the Five seem to have been. Maybe "simple and elegant" was merely referring to her longevity, because that's all that the Five even know about, and only her and her father understand her true nature. Something to that extent.

I just, I see so many possibilities with this, but I'm honestly trying not to over think it since I don't want to be disappointed if I worked this up too much


sweetveritas January 7 2009, 21:50:29 UTC
I don't think her father picked the answer to be infinity only because there are endless permutations to abnormal life, I think it's because of her: she is infinity.
That is veryinteresting. I love how you touched on her "quiet depression" over it because even though it was explicitly touched upon in Requiem it hasn't been explored since.

I love how you brought up the fact that Magnus is absuing her gift, she's not governed by it in any shape or form, except for the longevity aspect of it. A part of me is trying to articulate something else, something more, that there is something more to her but I can't even explain it to myself or comprehend it myself. IDK.

I just, I see so many possibilities with this, but I'm honestly trying not to over think it since I don't want to be disappointed if I worked this up too much
Yeh, I think that I should definitely start doing that now because my imagination just ends up running away with me, well it kidnaps me to tell the truth lol.


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