Sometimes, when I'm watching "Castle," Rick's mom reminds me sooo much of Kathleen. I get hit with a wave of nostalgia, missing that first year at Flagler when it was her and me and Rebecca and Melissa and Lisa and Sierra. Before I fell for the wrong guy, leading to the permanent alteration of my friendship with Sierra. Before Kathleen got
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Could everyone please go to the following website? My friend Danielle needs people from all sorts of places to look at it- it would be really awesome if you could take a look!!
This is the best thing I have seen in a while, combining my loves of Disney Channel stars, Seth Green, and my future babydaddy Billy Joel. Watch. Love. Worship.
Strictly secularly, of course. No false idols here, nosiree.
I love my Aunt Jeanette. She and my Uncle John have been together since the summer before I started college. She's awesome. Like, I seriously call her more than I call my own mother. She's completely cool, and she doesn't judge, and she's just nice
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