Title: Not as Clueless as Believed (Sequel to “He Needs to Know” and “Why their Dinner Burned”)
Author: Stephie
Chapters: 10
Pairings: Inoobu, Takayama, Arijima, Hikato, and Chiitaro
Rating: Pg-13 for the moment... I may fluctuate
Genre: General I guess, I'm not good with the whole Genre thing...
Warnings: Adult Topics
Summary: Even though BEST
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Comments 27
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And uwah!!! Now Inoo is out for the count! AGAIN!!! XD Why do I find his reaction funny? I guess it's because I'm S... I can't help it! LOL
Thanks for the update even though you're so busy! :D
You're Welcome....Thanks for reading and Commenting
TT_TT what the.... Inoo... unconscious.... stupid... bacteria...
GAH!!! man you are good in writing these stories..
“Horn dog,” Daiki smiled. Yuto smiled in response and then Daiki wrapped his arms around the taller boy. “But you’re my horn dog, so thank-you.”
Awhh a sweet moment.. sort of.. in that perverted sense...
ay..... Daiki lost it.. the calm lost it.. that's uber BAD~~
love the chapter... confetti time!
-throws teardrop-shaped confetti at you-
-points to confetti- that seems fitting..
hmm reminds me of One Drop.
yup it was a strangely sweet moment, you don't know why it's sweet and yet it is. Confusing isn't it?
Daiki the Calm? is that his warrior name now? lol I can just picture it "I am Daiki the Calm" "and I an Inoo the Electric Onion!" lol I'm sorry just goin a little too far with that onion thing. Sorry.
Whoo CONFETTI!!!! I LOVE CONFETTI!!! Teardrop CONFETTI!!! I LIKE THAT SONG!!! yes the confetti is very fitting, but the emotion I wanted people to have! WOOT GO ME!
oh man.... at this rate... we're going to have warrior names for ALL of HSJ...
i'm trying to do my best to get Inoo the Electric Onion story up by this weekend. but i have a feeling it might be postponed...
that or if i do post it up it's going to be REALLY bleh~~~
seriously... i don't know how you do it..
juggle writing and updating a fic with school and everything else in life..
Warrior Names....Hmm we'll have to think of some....
*thinks....* I got nothing...I guess it's situational.
INOO O___O woah!!!!!! so what going to happen now???? .___. i know you wont tell me but i just had to ask XD hahahahaha......or will you.... hmmmm ....no wait dont tell me XD hahahhahahaha i'll just find out when chapter 11 comes out :D hahahahaha
i just realized it now cuz i go blinded by your awsomeness XD sometimes the fic gets fuzzy..... so i dont really understand whats happening in some parts XD hahahahaha so yeah.... XD my wild imagination cant picture sometimes whats going on XD hahaha wheeeeeeeeeee oh any CONFETTI YAY hahahahahahaha XD confetti for you ......wheeeee hahahahaha
but then, i'm sorry. is it my fault? T__T i suggeated for you to update and got you lte for class. :) again, i spy a few mistakes, but nothing major.
i have no idea where this story is going anymore and im actually quite excited to find out what is going to happen. :D
but please, concentrate on your studies first silly. :D goal point is near! ganbatte kudasai! :D
It's not your fault at all, don't worry about it, I finished posting it in class....we were learning politics anyways, for the final exam so it didn't really matter.
I'm happy that you don't know actually. If you did know it wouldn't be suspensful now would it.
Studies suck! Story not suck...I choose story....but passing this midterm is sort of important...so I'll study DX
Thanks for the luck I'm going to need it.
but then, your story's not predictable. :D hahaha.
awww. :D i know what you mean. T_T i dont wanna study anymore either.
Poor Inoo-chan!!! Hopefully both of them will wake up before midnght!
This fic is awesome!! Can't wait for ur next chap...
You'll see...Is all I can tell you. nope
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