Title: Not as Clueless as Believed (Sequel to “He Needs to Know” and “Why their Dinner Burned”)
Author: Stephie
Chapters: 10
Pairings: Inoobu, Takayama, Arijima, Hikato, and Chiitaro
Rating: Pg-13 for the moment... I may fluctuate
Genre: General I guess, I'm not good with the whole Genre thing...
Warnings: Adult Topics
Summary: Even though BEST
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TT_TT what the.... Inoo... unconscious.... stupid... bacteria...
GAH!!! man you are good in writing these stories..
“Horn dog,” Daiki smiled. Yuto smiled in response and then Daiki wrapped his arms around the taller boy. “But you’re my horn dog, so thank-you.”
Awhh a sweet moment.. sort of.. in that perverted sense...
ay..... Daiki lost it.. the calm lost it.. that's uber BAD~~
love the chapter... confetti time!
-throws teardrop-shaped confetti at you-
-points to confetti- that seems fitting..
hmm reminds me of One Drop.
yup it was a strangely sweet moment, you don't know why it's sweet and yet it is. Confusing isn't it?
Daiki the Calm? is that his warrior name now? lol I can just picture it "I am Daiki the Calm" "and I an Inoo the Electric Onion!" lol I'm sorry just goin a little too far with that onion thing. Sorry.
Whoo CONFETTI!!!! I LOVE CONFETTI!!! Teardrop CONFETTI!!! I LIKE THAT SONG!!! yes the confetti is very fitting, but the emotion I wanted people to have! WOOT GO ME!
oh man.... at this rate... we're going to have warrior names for ALL of HSJ...
i'm trying to do my best to get Inoo the Electric Onion story up by this weekend. but i have a feeling it might be postponed...
that or if i do post it up it's going to be REALLY bleh~~~
seriously... i don't know how you do it..
juggle writing and updating a fic with school and everything else in life..
Warrior Names....Hmm we'll have to think of some....
*thinks....* I got nothing...I guess it's situational.
-runs away from hopeful readers-
LOL i would say Yabu the Weak.. but that's just sad...
honestly, i haven't written anything in so long that my mind is on semi-writer's block.
i could have finished this one story looooooong time ago.. but that was the time when my old laptop kept wigging out on me... -_-"
it eventually got to the point where i didn't finish that story either.
i was so close to finishing it. but i lost motivation because everytime i tried finishing that story. my laptop shut down and deleted everything i typed.
i rewrote the ending like at least 4 times and every single time, it'd shut down and delete.. >.>
so now i have to start all over and regain my fic writing sense. because that writing style eventually turned into writing essays and research papers style instead. LOL.
Truthfully I wanted to finish this story a looooonnnnggggg time ago....I never had the intention to make it a triology...It just happened. I mean, it's still not done...I just keep thinking of more things to throw in there, I need to just end it but I don't want to rush the ending :( I'm literally going crazy with this.
I know what that is like...it's hard switching back and forth between the two.
Yabu the Fallen.
Daiki the Calm
Inoo the Electric Onion
LOL!!! 3 down 7 to go! XP
oooo like the ideas just flow out of your head and you just have to write about it. but you want to end it. Your head just won't let you. ahhh! don't go crazy over it. there is indeed no rush. well, what ever happens, happens. it can't be helped.
- Inoo the Onion
- Yabu the Fallen
- Daiki the Calm
- Hikaru the Humorous
- Yuto the Tall
- Chinen the Cute and
- Ryutaro the Quiet
but I can't think of one for Keito, Yamada or Takaki, DX I was thinking maybe "Takaki the Cool" but I don't know.
Yamada the.... i want to incorporate Strawberry in there somehow. but it doesn't sound right. -_-"
Yuto the tall.. i like that one.. and
Hikaru the humorous.. uses the same first letter. ahha true..
Keito the.. . . . -blanks out-
Takaki the energy waster. JOKE! ahhah
Takaki the cool, that can work. but i feel it's too vague.
let's change that to 7 down and 3 to go. LOL..
I'm glad you liked the ones I decided...But Yeah I'm drawing blanks for the other three...
it'll come up... somehow. someday.
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