Rocket fucking racing!!!
HOw cool is that. It's like the old 1920's plane racing but with rockets!!!! It's like the races in the last exile, or nadia and the secret of blue water, but it has fucking ROCKETS!!!!
I so wish I had become a pilot now.
Oct 03, 2005 11:19
Ok, so there is a vote coming up in California concerning a number of propositions. I personally hate propositions, because it is not the will of the people, it's about which side can hoodwink the populous more. the reason we have a representitive government instead of a true democracy is because the average person is a Tardo who will belive
Read more... )
Sep 30, 2005 15:45
Thank you to that person who gave me wonderful alcohol and kind words yesterday.
It meant a lot.
Sep 30, 2005 15:45
Does anyone who is going up to Faire this weekend have room for a Taliesin?
Sep 28, 2005 16:12
no pilates tonight. I have to get certified in CPR tonight for my new job.