Those devious, vile, brilliant Republicans.

Oct 03, 2005 11:19

Ok, so there is a vote coming up in California concerning a number of propositions. I personally hate propositions, because it is not the will of the people, it's about which side can hoodwink the populous more. the reason we have a representitive government instead of a true democracy is because the average person is a Tardo who will belive anything a shyster tells them.

Anyway there are 7 people in my house and we all got the official voters guide. but then something came in the mail for me today. it was a special vote by mail (absentee) ballot. there was a worning on the ballot that said that due to the consolodated precincts polling places will be in different areas as they may be difficult for voters to find. So they are providing this special ballot as normally you have to get an absentee ballot in order to still vote.

It was wondering why I got this special ballot and no one else in the house did. I mean most people who are voting have a very limited time to vote, ususally on a lunch break, as voting happenes on a teusday. And then I openend the ballot and found out exactly why I am the only peson to get this ballot...

I'm the only Registerd Republican in the house.

The Republicans have come up with a new way to fix votes. they change the polling places so that democrats can't find them on their lunch break. By the way this is the first I have heard about the consolidated precints. then they make sure that the republicans all vote in absentee ballots. More republicans get to vote than democrats, the vote swings their way.

those fucking bastards.
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