Oct 26, 2005 12:12
well, now that i'm done crawling into a hole and hinding, life needs to return to normal. Sunday was my mother's memorial. It was a wonderful service, if very christian. how ever it's fitting as my mother was very christian. My mother had a lot of friends. 300-400 people showed up to the memorial, the sancuary was packed.
It was horrible. I never want to do anything like that again.
I just barely got through my eulogy. I don't think anyone understood that last third of it as I was crying so hard. then I had to sing. I got though the song, but wow. it was tough. I sang "The Parting Glass" which is an irish song of rememberance for the dead. ugh. now I'm going to tear up even more when i sing it. I ran into some extrememly old friends that I havn't seen since college. Some of them I kept in touch with, others I left behind when i stopped being christian. it was very odd to see everyone.
Now I'm getting back in to the swing of working. i decided that I'm not going to model anymore, the pay isn't good enough and the time spent could be placed in other venues. but mainly I don't want to model anymore because i've been doing it for 4 years. I need some major forward progression in my life right now. I want to start writing and going to back to school and build a dauerroetype camera and take Bodrain and Taiko lessons and play capoeira again.
My new job at the Valley Hunt Club is going pretty well. I have about 8 clients who realy love me already and have been to eery class they can make. The club is also getting a reformer so I can start doing private training with clients, which pays $60 an hour. so if I can get the 4 more classes that I want up and going and take maybe 10-15 hours of private training a week at the club, I will be doing quite well. but it's a big "if". I really want to get out of the service industry for good this next year. but it's hard to take the pay cut.
On another note, I'm thinking of purchasing a new car in the next year. I inherited my mothers truck, but the milage is poor, and my poor car needs a lot of TLC, puls it's still a crappy little econo box that I drove into the ground. 120,000 miles in three years. I need something that has good gas milage, but can also tow a tent trailer. I'm looking in the 15-20,000 dollar range.
I found a new gin. It's called magellan. I'ts a naturally blue gin that has some very lovely spicy accents. I still like the tasmanian pepperberry gin better, but this new gin is right up there for me with bombay sapphire.