The Boy in the Mirror Part 6 - Fun House Chapter 2

Sep 20, 2016 01:43

As seen in the warning, you can expect some really dark stuff here. If you don't want to read about Dean getting very (very) hurt, don't read this.

*If you read it and like it, but cannot comment (I totally understand), I also have this up at AO3 and would be pleased to get an anonymous kudo. *hugs*

Title: Fun House
Rating: Explicit
Warnings:Graphic Depictions Of Violence,Rape/Non-Con Underage
Tags:wincest feels, sexual slave, rape, angst, wincest feels, brother feels, hurt Dean, hurt Sam
Fandom:Supernatural (AU)
Series: Part 6 of the The Boy in the Mirror series (chapter 2 of 4)
Summary: Sam and Dean Winchester are picked up by a travelling circus while they are very young. The circus is a very dangerous place for two young boys and Dean must give up a part of himself in order to protect his brother.

Timed a few months after Shattered Pieces. A chapter of revelations, heartache and turmoil for both Dean and Sam. The start of a new beginning.

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters Sam and Dean Winchester. They belong solely to the creators of the TV show Supernatural.

My love to siennavie who created the artwork that inspired the story ( ) and created the beautiful banner and dividers, and karakuri_doll for her beta and encouragement. Thank you. All remaining mistakes are mine.

Fun House
Chapter 2

Sam was still brooding over Dean as he bent over his breakfast of rolls and scrambled eggs when he sensed a presence to his right, a tray clattering on the table, a chair grating on the floor. Glancing to the side, egg still hanging out of his mouth, he saw a pretty girl with brown eyes and long dark brown hair that softly draped over her cheek as she glanced at his face with a shy smile.

He just about choked on his egg as he sucked it in.

“You mind?” Her voice was low and pleasant.

“Sure... I mean, no,” Sam mumbled, then scooted his chair over a little to give her more space.

“I’m Ruby.”

“Sam.” He reached for Ruby’s outstretched hand. “You work here?”

Her hand was cold but firm and she looked at him with eyes sparkling with humor. “Naw, just visiting. And you?”

“Knife thrower.”

“Really?” Ruby looked at him with interest as she slid into her chair. “I look forward to seeing you perform.”

Sam blushed and turned back to his food, almost swallowing a roll whole in his haste before getting up with his tray and mumbling a quick “nice meeting you” before leaving for chores.

Visitors started piling into the grounds from 9:30 to see the animals, buy cotton candy and hot dogs at the vendors and take pictures with the performers. Dean and the other clowns were busy doing jumps and turns, cartwheels and handstands with all kinds of things piled on every available surface of their body and twirling on umbrellas over them Cat in the Hat style.
Dean was quite popular with the audience - especially the girls - and he played his role to perfection, flirting and making them laugh and readily agreeing to signatures for the extra penny.

He knew he wasn’t the only popular young performer. Kids and adults alike exclaimed about the beautiful young boy with curly blondish brown hair and a charming smile, standing confident and tall as the old knife thrower pinned him to the board with sharp knives. He felt a deep pride for his brother and wished he could go and see him too, but he and Sam hardly even met to say two words to each other during the day.

He was watching a particularly pretty young girl walking off with his autograph while clutching her phone number in his hand, when he felt a big dark shadow behind him and a breath on his neck.

“Not bad.” The Master shrugged. “Phone her up and we teach her a few things. I bet she’d be an eager learner. I’ll just watch while you bend her over my desk and put your dick up her ass. How good would it feel to hear her beg instead of being on the receiving end? Feel her squirm under you…? Scream for you? You’d have her trained for me in no time.”

Suddenly he had a horrible vision of himself violating the one person he wanted to protect and he felt dizzy and sick to his stomach. His fingers dug into his palm, crushing the paper he was holding.

“No, Sir. I… I’m good.”

The Master laughed quietly and placed his heavy hand on Dean’s shoulder as he bent forward and whispered into his ear, “Really now? We’ll see about that, won’t we?”

Dean took a shaky breath as he felt the Master leave.

The shows in the main tent started at four and that was probably the easiest part of their duties. He sometimes even got to see Sam perform from backstage, if he wasn't on stage with him. Sam now had a few tricks of his own and was especially good at throwing knives at objects that Grange threw into the air for him.

Dean stood behind and to the side of the stage, hidden by black curtains and out of the way of performers going back and forth, watching Sam and Grange, when his mouth was suddenly covered in the Master’s strong grip,

“If you don’t want little Sammy to see, I suggest you don’t make a sound,” the Master hissed behind him as the elastic belt of his clown uniform was pulled down and a blast of cold air hit his ass. Fingers pried open his cheeks and the Master’s huge dick, rock hard and wet with precome, was poised for a second at the tip of his hole before it was forced inside with a grunt. Dean’s eyes widened and he tasted blood as he bit back a scream. Tears spilled over as the Master drew his fat dick out almost to the tip and pushed back in to begin a brutal pounding. The sight of Sammy and Grange in front of him seemed like a dream as he felt himself grow faint from the pain and lack of oxygen. Just as he thought he couldn’t stand it any longer, the Master quickly pulled out, and turning him around, pushed him down and grabbed his hair to position his mouth at his dick. Dean could not help but look up in dread at the cold black eyes of the Master looking down at him.

“That’s right bitch, look at me. I will fuck you whenever and wherever I please… Unless of course you decide to do as I say and become my assistant instead. No? Alright then.”

The Master thrust his dick deep into his open mouth and he felt the come shoot straight down his throat.

“Now lick it clean. I don’t want any come on these pants. I’ll see you at the usual time at my office.”

Briskly zipping up, the Master straightened his bow and went on stage as if nothing had happened. Dean could hear his steady voice booming across the tent,

“And that, Ladies and Gentlemen, was Grange the knife thrower and his handsome young assistant, Sam. A big round of applause to their beautiful performance!”

Chapter 3

fun house, the boy in the mirror

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