The Boy in the Mirror Part 6 - Fun House

Sep 20, 2016 01:41

As seen in the warning, you can expect some really dark stuff here. If you don't want to read about Dean getting very (very) hurt, don't read this.

*If you read it and like it, but cannot comment (I totally understand), I also have this up at AO3 and would be pleased to get an anonymous kudo. *hugs*

Title:Fun House
Rating: Explicit
Warnings:Graphic Depictions Of Violence,Rape/Non-Con Underage
Tags:wincest feels, sexual slave, rape, angst, wincest feels, brother feels, hurt Dean, hurt Sam
Fandom:Supernatural (AU)
Series: Part 6 of the The Boy in the Mirror series (chapter 1 of 4)
Summary: Sam and Dean Winchester are picked up by a travelling circus while they are very young. The circus is a very dangerous place for two young boys and Dean must give up a part of himself in order to protect his brother.

Timed a few months after Shattered Pieces. A chapter of revelations, heartache and turmoil for both Dean and Sam. The start of a new beginning.

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters Sam and Dean Winchester. They belong solely to the creators of the TV show Supernatural.

My love to siennavie who created the artwork that inspired the story ( ) and created the beautiful banner and dividers, and karakuri_doll for her beta and encouragement. Thank you. All remaining mistakes are mine.

Fun House
Chapter 1

The darkness on Sam’s eyelids lifted and a gentle breeze ruffled the curtains and traveled over his warm skin as he floated in and out of consciousness. Dean’s sinewy body was attached to his own lanky frame in perfect alignment of a large S, skin against skin, one muscular arm possessively over him, thighs pressed firmly against his ass … which, come to think of it, was giving him a little tingling sensation in the back of his groin. As he lazily reached down to his dick to relieve it, Dean’s arm slid down too and his hand rested lightly on his.

“I can help you with that Sammy.” His brother’s light breath tickled his ear and he felt a shiver go all the way down to his already sensitive member. Gently lifting his hand out of the way, Dean covered him with his soft warm hand.

Sam gasped and arched back as a jolt went through him at first touch, then with a deep shuddering breath he let himself go as Dean’s palm firmly stroked his eager young dick, down to the base of his shaft, cupping his balls and rubbing the taut skin below, then up again. He groaned in complete bliss of feeling Dean against him, his arm around him, cradling him in his hand.

Dean then wrapped his forefinger and thumb around his erection and started to pump slowly, his breath puffing gently on Sam’s neck. Sam’s dick pulsed and then throbbed as the speed gradually increased and small fireworks shot down to his toes. Precome dripped from the head and he gasped and moaned as Dean’s thumb began rubbing the come all over his dick, massaging the head and nudging at his slit as he continued the rhythmical pumping. The fingers squished as they slipped and glided over the bumps and crevasses with the added lube. Dean’s legs ground against his ass, his firm dick wedged between the cheeks, and wet kisses trailed down his ear and neck. He moaned and trembled, caught up in a massive wave ready to break at any second.

“Feel good Sam?”

“Yeahhhh,” he gasped. “Dean…? I think... I think I’m gonna come.”

“Come for me Sammy,” Dean whispered in his ear again and Sam grabbed hold of Dean and hung on for dear life as the wave crashed and thousands of tiny foam bubbles popped simultaneously into nothingness.

Sam gasped and sat up. Birds were chirping outside in the crisp morning air, and he found himself alone, again, come all over his dick and stomach. He swiftly turned his head … yes, and on the sheet as well. He groaned softly as he quickly used the sheet to wipe off as much as he could.

Then his thoughts turned to his crazy, hot dream and he suddenly desperately longed for that comforting presence of his brother - the happiness he’d felt when they were finally curled up together after a long day. Dean had always been there for him...if not quite in the way he’d dreamed. He wrapped his arms around his knees and rocked back and forth as his heart felt like it was going to explode inside him.

He hardly ever even saw Dean anymore - he was always training with Grange or on one of the Master’s chores. It seemed almost like he was avoiding him for some reason. Why? Just as he felt the tears start to well, he heard the trailer door burst open, and Dean flung open the curtain a second later, gasping like he’d run a mile.


Sam quickly hid his surprise and schooled his face into a scowl.

“So where were you this time?” he pouted as he lowered his eyes and tried to look everywhere but at Dean, tried to stop the stupid tear in his eye from falling...cause that would be just perfect wouldn't it? Showing Dean what a baby he was.

“I was with Grange. You know, the usual training. Hey...,” Dean stepped closer and peered at him with concern. “Are you ok?”

“Yeah, of course, why not?” He quickly scooted off the other side of the cot, avoiding contact.

Dean glanced at the sheet he held awkwardly in front of him and his face lighted up in a grin.

“So, who was it? Angelina Jolie? Brad Pitt? or...both?” Dean chortled.

“Shut up, Dean. We’re going to be late for chores.” Sam hissed as his face burned.



He left quickly, feeling Dean’s grin on his back and his face on fire. Good thing too. He was getting hard again.

Dean let out a relieved sigh as Sam left, then grimaced as he rubbed his own crotch. Just one more thing that made him shy away from sleeping in the cot with Sam. His only purpose in life was to keep Sam from the same fate. To keep him safe. And yet the longing that he got when he looked at him…. He was terrified of what he might unconsciously do if he continued to sleep in the cot with his brother, feeling the smooth pure skin on his and the soft ass against his dick. Damn it! He almost went crazy just thinking about it.
He flopped back on the cot, cradling his head in his hands as he faced the ceiling.

That wasn’t all. The nightmares he’d been having…. It didn’t matter that the Master had not given him any brutal beatings since the Strega incident. A brief reminder - a look or a touch during the day had him dreaming every single lash over again at night and waking up sweating and panting, having to reach back to touch his back just to make sure it wasn't bloody from the all-too-real lashing.

He’d asked Grange last night if he could crash at his camper so as not to wake Sam, making sure to encircle their own camper with salt and some sigils Grange had taught him as usual so that Sam would stay safe from any monster that might decide to visit the circus again.

Then, he’d spent a restless night in a chair trying to avoid the nightmares. It hadn’t worked.

Glancing quickly at the window, he got off the bed as quickly as he could to wash and get a clean shirt on. He’d better hurry. Today was a circus day.

Chapter 2

fun house, the boy in the mirror

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