
Sep 18, 2016 23:50

I was starting my rewatch of Season 11 and decided, why not update my Master Post with the reviews while I was at it? Ended up getting caught up in updating and haven't got very far in the rewatch BUT I finally finished updating the Master Post with all thoughts, gif and icon posts for Season 11. YAY!

It's interesting to see what I focused on and changed each year. 2014 I did a lot of vids. 2015 I did major icon posts. 2016 I think I've focused on getting to know my friends more - reading fic and preparing birthday posts including picspams. I've also posted a lot more gif posts separately from the Season 11 reviews so I could get the reviews out quickly, and done the same for Season 6,7 so there'd be something to look at while I delayed those reviews to once in two weeks instead of every week.

Still haven't added all the Season 7 posts and all the banners that I've made to the Master Post but that will have to come later :P I guess I have to make a column for picspams too....

Anyway, I feel accomplished :D

my day

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