Season 10 Rewatch #3 (Final)

Sep 18, 2016 18:04

The school barbecue has been cancelled (we cancelled it) due to the forcast of bad weather. Watch it be nice and sunny tomorrow :P  Oh well, there was raw food to consider and we couldn't cancel after we bought the ingredients so there really was no choice. We've bumped it forward to Oct 10 which is Sports Day and a holiday in Japan. It is also said to be statistically the sunniest day of the year so... it probably won't rain.

Anyway, I wanted to finish of my notes on Season 10, which I actually finished watching a while ago and never had time to write up. I'm just going to have to rewatch 22 and 23 again because I want to <3 Especially 22. I love that ep.

10-18 Book of the Damned
This was an awesome ep. Dean in a hoody, Dean with hope, talking about a vacation at a beach, then his reaction to the evil book, Sam unable to give up on it even with Charlie thinking that Dean may be right, The argument between Sam and Dean and Dean reminding Sam of what he said in Season 9, Sam telling Charlie that he can’t live without Dean (totally showing that he is trying to save Dean for selfish reasons just as Dean may have back then), and the fight scene in the gas’n sip, Sam switching books and going to Rowena…

Again, interesting parallel with the previous ep regarding burning the book. Cute scene between Charlie and Cas, Awesome scene with the pizza and beer, the song(Behind Blue Eyes by the Who).

I didn’t say anything about Metatron in my first review but I did note this time that Metatron did hint that the curse was old - God level, or LUCIFER level old… but Sam couldn’t ask HIM could he? Totally a hint for Season 11! Also, the quote Cas had in his hand was from Don Quixote “What’s the maddest thing a man can do? Let himself die.”

Also, Dean SINGS (The Boys are Back in Town - Tin Lizzy) in the car at the beginning because he is feeling so hopeful…

Also parallels between Cas’ grace being hidden and Sam and Dean hiding the book from the Steins were fun.

10-19 The Werther Project
Loved this one too. Dean killing all those vamps on his own, Dean making Sam feel guilty for hiding stuff from him by continually apologizing for going off on his own, Sam almost killing himself to save Dean(and only to save Dean - not out of the guilt of killing Susie or anyone else), Dean almost killing himself so that Sam and Cas didn’t have to do it later, Dean saving Sam at the end, and the lesson the universe has been telling them all along - that they are better off together…Awesome episode.

On a side - Susie describes Sam as “Tall white fella, pretty hair” I thought that was cute.

10-20 Angel Heart
This was about Amelia being taken by a rogue angel. The story wasn’t that memorable, and Sam and Cas telling Dean he should stay out of the fight was a bit weird to me, but I loved the mini gulf scene, and the talks between the boys and Claire. Very special.

10-21 Dark Dynasty
This is the one where Dean captures a Styne, and Charlie dies.
The fight with the Stynes in front of the pizza store was awesome, Dean finding out about the book and interrogating Sam about it was brilliant. Charlie found dead was very very sad :’(

10-22 The Prisoner That scene in the beginning where MoC Dean tells Sam it should have been Sam on Charlie’s pire… wow is that hinting at the next ep? Did Dean sense here already that as long as Sam was alive people were going to get killed for Dean’s sake?

I do love MoC Dean (and the scary badass Demon!Dean) and Dean going after the Stynes was beautiful. I loved it soooo much. This ep, the scene by Sam and Cas is beautifully done as well - Sam first telling Cas that they were going to shut everything down because Dean had told him to, then when he finds out that Charlie had cracked the code and had died to keep the information safe… he again pleads with Cas. Cas meeting Crowley at the crossroads - You are not in my contact list LOL! Did I say I loved Dean going after the Stynes? Poor boy though… and that actually reminded me of Cain and how it didn’t matter to him that the young child might not become evil - it was just better not to take chances. Dean does the same thing here, showing that he is getting to be more and more like Cain - hating what he is, and also wanting to cleanse the world… basically a little crazy with crazy logic. Love him shooting the guy in the head since, “you only have one brain.” That was pretty smart. The last scene between Cas and him… *heartache* Sort of reminds me of what Demon!Dean would have done if Cas had tried to stop him from leaving when he first became a demon.

10-23 My Brother's Keeper
The way Dean is portrayed here - without lenience, just like with the Stynes and just like Cain was with his descendants - it is soooo hard to watch. He hurts everyone around him, from the victim’s parents, to the hunter and even the victim herself. And yet, it is born from self-hatred, what he has become. I did enjoy his talk with Death (the food offering with all the bad fats<3) and the surprise twist where Dean tells Sam that He’s the one that has to die. The talk/fight between Sam and Dean was very poignant. The interesting thing is that after he kills Death, Dean sort of is already changing back a little… becoming less MoC Dean. He asks Sam if he is ok etc. even before the lightning takes the mark away. I wonder what kind of effect killing Death had on the Mark...Killing people, killing demons, or angels or even Cain, did very bad things to Dean with the Mark, but maybe killing Death reversed it a bit?? Interesting to think about.

spn, thoughts, supernatural season 10, spn episodes

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