The Boy in the Mirror Part 6 - Fun House Chapter 3

Sep 20, 2016 01:50

As seen in the warning, you can expect some really dark stuff here. If you don't want to read about Dean getting very (very) hurt, don't read this.

*If you read it and like it, but cannot comment (I totally understand), I also have this up at AO3 and would be pleased to get an anonymous kudo. *hugs*

Title: Fun House
Rating: Explicit
Warnings:Graphic Depictions Of Violence,Rape/Non-Con Underage
Tags:wincest feels, sexual slave, rape, angst, wincest feels, brother feels, hurt Dean, hurt Sam
Fandom:Supernatural (AU)
Series: Part 6 of the The Boy in the Mirror series (chapter 3 of 4)
Summary: Sam and Dean Winchester are picked up by a travelling circus while they are very young. The circus is a very dangerous place for two young boys and Dean must give up a part of himself in order to protect his brother.

Timed a few months after Shattered Pieces. A chapter of revelations, heartache and turmoil for both Dean and Sam. The start of a new beginning.

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters Sam and Dean Winchester. They belong solely to the creators of the TV show Supernatural.

My love to siennavie who created the artwork that inspired the story ( ) and created the beautiful banner and dividers, and karakuri_doll for her beta and encouragement. Thank you. All remaining mistakes are mine.

Fun House
Chapter 3

His chores finished, Dean headed to the Master’s camper for his own performance to beat all performances. The only thing that made his life truly worthwhile, keeping Sam safe. His only true job - to satisfy the Master’s dick. But of course the Master wouldn’t let him get away with just that.

Trussed up by his wrists and blindfolded, he shivered as the Master walked around his strung up body, tracing his arms, abs and back, leaving goosebumps in their wake. “It’s time, bitch. It’s time for you to pass on what I’ve taught you. All the pain… you can let it go and give it to someone else. You are going to fuck them and make them cry and beg you to let them come. You will whip their little asses and show them who’s boss, while I watch. It’s a promotion. Assistant bitch keeper.” The Master laughed loudly. Dean could feel the Master’s breath on his face as he growled, “Now, will you be an obedient bitch and do that for me? ”

“No, sir.” Dean trembled with fear of the consequences, but he wasn’t about to give in to this. Not this. He would sacrifice his own life to protect Sam, but he would not make anyone else suffer the way he did.

There was a big sigh, then Dean felt the Master leave his side. His voice was far as he began to speak again. “The thing you keep forgetting, bitch, is you are not the victim. You are a dirty little slut that begs me for more, and loves it when I let you come. And, you feel so bad about yourself you even enjoy the beatings I give you, don’t you? Does it make you feel better to think that you are somehow sacrificing yourself for your brother? Be my guest, but you’re lying to yourself.”

Suddenly he heard the buzzing of a vibrator which grew louder until it was right in front of him. He felt his dick being held up by Master’s thumb and forefinger, and his breath hitched and he gritted his teeth even before the machine was pressed directly on his head. “Ahhhhhh!” He gasped as he tried to breath through the overwhelming assault on his senses. Around the head, on the slit and down his growing shaft - the nerves in his body seemed to gather and wreck havoc in whatever place the vibrator was. Soon his traitorous dick was standing quite well without support and he could no longer think of anything other than the sensations centered around it. Suddenly the vibrator was taken away, and as he tried to recover his breath, he heard the whistling and farting noises of lube being pushed out of a tube and the squelching of hands being lubricated.

“You want it so much, your dick is throbbing with it. I know you feel it. This is all you, boy. And you know you’ve deserved and wanted the punishments I’ve given you. But, once you become my assistant and start training others, then there will be no more need. You know I’m really doing you a favor. Giving you what you want.”

Suddenly the Master was back in front of him and slick fingers were wrapping around the base of his dick. Gripping him firmly, they started stroking up his shaft very slowly, over the sensitive head and slit and off the top with a maddening squelch, then again from the base, over the head and off the top.

Squelch… squelch….. squelch...

The sound on it’s own made his dick respond in little jerks while the emptiness between strokes made him crazy for more. Dean groaned.

“A wet pussy would feel so good right about now...just sinking your dick into it and and feeling the heat…,” the Master whispered thoughtfully into his ear as he stroked up again, and he felt the tingling sensation spread out in waves toward his legs and abdomen, his dick growing taut as unwanted images galloped through his mind. “Nooooo…..” He sobbed, unable to erase the images as the Master continued to pump his slick dick. Then relief and disappointment as the Master released him and stepped back. Dean felt like he’d run a mile as heat radiated from his face and sweat trickled down his neck.

“Say yes, and you can come now.”

“No,” Dean answered through his teeth as he tried to keep his head working.

“You want to play a bit more, do you?” The Master laughed and then started to pump Dean’s dick slowly and then with increasing speed. Soon Dean was panting and trembling as his dick throbbed with the extra blood pumping through it’s veins, the skin hot and taut as a drum. Just as he thought he would topple over the edge, his head was cleared forcefully by the sudden hard pain in his nipples as the Master pinched them vigorously. Again the same question.

Delirious, Dean barely whimpered his negative reply.

He wasn’t sure how many times the Master brought him to the edge and back again. Each time he said no, until finally the Master untied his wrists and bent him over the desk.

It was after eleven when Sam finally finished his chores and started walking back to the camper. He was so exhausted, he couldn’t wait to go back and fall into bed, but he also felt good. He was proud of his work and the extra change he and Grange had been able to collect from the visitors. Ruby had also come by after the show as he was carrying some stuff to Granges’ camper, praising him for the performance until he blushed beet red.

Then his face clouded over as his thoughts turned to Dean - something he had tried to avoid until now. He hardly ever saw him during the day and now that he seemed to be avoiding Sam even at night, he desperately missed him. What kind of job did the Master have for him that he was always so late? Sam suddenly changed course and turned to walk toward the Master’s office.

He could see a dim light through the crooked screen on the window, and as he silently leaned his fingers against the sill and peered inside, he saw them both facing him, Dean bent over the desk and the Master riding his ass! Sam drew in a breath and stared in horror as he vaguely heard Dean telling the Circus Master how good it felt and begging, pleading for more in what looked like the depths of passion. Then as he watched, the Master looked up directly at Sam and grinned.

Sam’s mouth opened even further. Then, tears spilled from his eyes and he suppressed a sob as he turned and ran back to the trailer.

As soon as he’d collapsed on the bed he couldn’t hold it in any longer. His face in the pillow, hands gripping the sheets, all the emotions vomited up in an intense wail from the bottom of his gut. He sent a series of punches and shouts into the mattress until his arms and voice wore out. Gasping for breath, he turned and curled up, his arms around his head as he shook and sobbed quietly. No wonder his brother was so late every day. He just couldn’t get enough of being fucked by that man. A big, grown man with a real dick and hair and… and...the Circus Master! How could he have ever thought that Dean felt about him the way he felt about Dean? Did he even care at all? He buried his face into the pillow again and cried out until there was no breath left. The sobs gradually quieted as his exhaustion took over. His body sank into the bed like lead and his shallow breathing gradually deepened as he fell into sleep.

He was briefly awakened by Dean unbuckling and pulling off his jeans for him an hour later. As he crawled into the sheets still half asleep, he vaguely heard Dean telling him that he had to go out again, and to not leave the camper while he was away. In his mind he was begging Dean not to go. Grabbing at his waist and pleading with him. But his mouth wouldn’t move, and nor would his arms.

Chapter 4

fun house, the boy in the mirror

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