Fanfiction: Heroes: Devil In A Miniskirt (Chapter 12)

Apr 12, 2009 02:04

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter  11

The next three days went by quicker than either one of them expected them to. For the most part, Elle was busy making sure they had everything for their little road trip, often tying him up when she had to leave the shack. Sylar wasn’t given much choice but to rest. By the end of the week, his chest wounds were much better healed. Soon enough, he might be strong enough to try over powering her again.

But he was beginning to think maybe it would be best to wait. She had the resources to most easily help him get back to New York. From there, he could find Mohinder on his own and force the scientist to help him.  For now though, he would keep Elle around, until the moment when she became more annoying than useful.

He kept telling himself that was the only reason he was keeping her around. Maybe if he said it enough times to himself, it would become true. He could only hope.

It was on the third day that he was tied to the bed when two agents made their way into the shack. Elle had been out, filling the car she had picked up with gas.  There was one female agent, a pretty girl with redish hair, and an older man.

“You know, we wouldn’t have to be going through this trouble if Bob had given me this job originally like he was supposed to. That Elle is irresponsible. Everyone knows she has a soft spot for this guy. Not that I blame her, his looks are to die for,” The girl muttered as she took a knife, beginning to undo his binds. Sylar remained silent for now, taking in the two. Even in better condition, there wasn’t too much he could to fight back without his powers. He would have to make sure he played his cards just right.

Luckily, he was usually pretty good at that.

“Candice, cut down the chit chat. We have to get in and out before Elle gets back. That was our instructions. It doesn’t matter what would should or could have been, it’s the situation at hand that we have to deal with.” The man seemed to be much more like the no nonsense type. Sylar definitely liked him better, if he had to choose a preference.

“Whatever you say, Mr. Peterson,”  Candice replied with a roll of her eyes. “I just wish I could see the look on the little bitch’s face when she discovers she lost her toy.”

“I’m nobody’s toy,” Sylar hissed, in annoyance, bringing a hand up to grasp around the girl’s neck as soon as she unbounded them.  “So, are you the one of us, or the one of them?”

“She’s one of us, but her power is super lame. I mean, it’s no wonder Daddy chose to send me to stay with you,” came a voice from behind them. All three turned to see Elle standing at the door. Her hands were lifted in front of her, crackling with electricity. The smile on her face was anything but kind.

“It’s about damn time you got here,” Sylar snapped at her with a grin, tightening his grip against Candice’s  throat.

“Sorry, but I had to make sure we had fuel. Funny how cars don’t run without it.” Elle smirked a little, letting her electricity build up in her hands. “But it looks like I came just in time for the fun.”

“Not so fast Elle,” Peterson warned, pulling out a gun, but not any type of gun. It was a rather large sized water gun. He began pumping it up before spraying the girl down, causing Elle to spark and cry out in pain. “I was told by your father to bring you and Sylar back.  You haven’t been handling things the way he wanted you to. Your loyalties have been in question, and the fact that you tried to fight us will only make things worse.” He let a few more sprays hit Elle, causing the blonde to fall down on the ground, huddling in a ball, bringing her knees up to her chest.

As Sylar watched Elle fall down in pain, his grip on Candice’s neck only increased. He pressed a thumb against her windpipe, crushing it. He had read in a book once about the most sensitive points in a person’s body. He hadn’t thought much of it at the time, but the knowledge was welcome now. He watched Candice flail and sputter for air until her body suddenly began to shift in his hands. As her pulse died down her neck became bigger, and suddenly she waved much more. She looked completely different from how she had when she had been alive.

Suddenly, Peterson had his real gun out and before he had the chance to shoot it, Sylar lifted up Candice (if that was even her real name)’s body the best he could, pushing it towards the older man. The weight of the corpse slammed the agent into the ground, knocking his gun out of his hand. Sylar quickly grabbed the gun and kept it pointed at Peterson while he took the sheet from the bed, throwing it over to Elle. “Dry off, so we can take care of this guy as quickly as possible.”

Elle was a little too stunned to speak. He could have just made a run for it. But he helped her. Which meant he didn’t hate her quite as much as he liked to pretend he did. She smirked a little to herself as she dried herself off; tossing the blanket away once she was done with it. She smirked a little as she approached Peterson now, her hands lighting up with electricity. Before he could pull out his water gun again she sent out a shock, causing him to collapse on the ground in pain.

“Help me grab him,” Elle commanded Sylar, taking one side of the agent, waiting for the serial killer to take the other side as they began leading the man over toward the bed.

“What are we going to do with him anyways? Shouldn’t we just kill him?” Sylar couldn’t help but feel sort of antsy. If her father had sent these two after them, who was to say they didn’t have backup waiting somewhere nearby? He was nothing, if not a bit paranoid.

“We will.” Elle clarified as she began tying Peterson down with the ropes that had been previously used to tie Sylar down. “But we need to get some answers from him first.”

Sylar frowned, crossing his arms over his chest. “Fine, but we need to hurry to this up. Otherwise I’m going to leave without you.”

Elle was about to make a comeback to that when Peterson groaned in pain and spoke. “I don’t care what you two have planned, I’m not going to help you.”

The blonde just laughed at that. “Isn’t he just precious? He thinks we’ll be giving him a choice.” She placed her hand on Peterson’s chest, giving him a shock. “I can make you tell me. Now. Is my father sending anyone else?”

Peterson hesitated, and Elle shocked him again, causing him to cry out in pain. “There are agents who are on standby, who he wants to send after you in case Candice and I don’t come back.”

“We’ll have to start moving then.” Elle pursed her lips and gave the man another shock. “What about the scientist my father hired? Is he still researching a cure for the loss of powers.”

“You mean the virus? As far as I know, yes. “

“Virus? What virus, what is he talking about Elle?” Sylar grabbed her wrist, his face snarling in confusion.

“The real reason your powers are missing has nothing to do with your injuries, if that’s what she told you,” Peterson shot out. Maybe if he could cause discord between the two of them, he could use it to his advantage.

Elle gulped. Well, the cat was out of the bag now. She better just own up to the truth, or at least some of it. “I had nothing to do with the decision, but the Company did inject you with the Shanti Virus, something that neutralizes people’s abilities.” She smirked a little. “Why do you think I’m taking you to Suresh? I knew Daddy had him working on a cure. I told you. I’m not letting them have you.”

He rolled his eyes. He eyed the gun in his other hand. For a moment there, it seemed like a good idea to just shoot her and go on his own. But if other agents were going to come after them, and he was without his powers, perhaps it would be best to keep her alive a little longer. He tightened his grip on her wrist and began tugging her toward the door. “We better head out now then, so they can’t find us,” He growled.  The more time he spent with her, the more complicated everything got.

“One last thing before we leave.” Elle wrenched her wrist out of Sylar’s grip and smirked, turning back towards Peterson. She raised her hands and cupped them. “Now, we can’t risk you reporting back to Daddy somehow, so this is where we’ll have to say goodbye.” She shot out a blast of electricity at him, watching as the clothes caught on fire. It would probably spread and burn the whole place down, but it didn’t matter much now.  She turned and headed out the door, pausing as she looked back at Sylar with a smirk.

“Are you ready for the roadtrip of a lifetime?”

Sylar sighed a little, and made his way to the passenger’s side of the car. “As ready as I’ll ever be.”

devil in a miniskirt, fanfic

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