Fanfiction: Heroes: Devil In A Miniskirt (Chapter 2)

Jan 21, 2009 19:02

Title: Devil In A Miniskirt (Chapter 2)

Rating: Pg-13

Summary: What if the company had sent Elle to watch over Sylar in the beginning of Season 2 instead of Candice? Chapter 2: “I should just kill you here and make a run for it. You’ve never done anything but lie Elle. You made me a monster, why should I trust you now? I might have been foolish back then, but I am not foolish now”

Chapter 1

“You call this breakfast?” He snapped, pushing his fork around the burnt waffles and half cooked sausage. A child could have made something better than this. He knew he certainly could have. Apparently that had been something else she had lied about, her cooking abilities. That peach pie she had brought to him all those months ago, it was probably store bought. He wasn’t sure why he was mildly disappointed to discover this, but it was. Was anything he had seen of her back then real?”

Elle looked up from her cup of coffee, in the midst of adding packet upon packet of sugar into it. “I told you, I’m not good at the whole domestic thing. There were always cooks at the Company who took care of things like that.”

“You work for the Company?” He snarled in anger, his distrust of her only growing. How could she just sit there, with that satisfied smug little smile on her lips? He wanted to crush, destroy her, wipe that smile from her lips. Didn’t she realize who she was messing with?

“Who do you think rescued you?” She asked simply, adding in some flavored creamer to her coffee now. It was becoming more cream and sugar that it was coffee. Just how she liked it. “I have to say though, I’m rather impressed. We didn’t expect you to wake up as soon as you did. Not after eight surgeries.”

“You still haven’t explained why my powers aren’t working” He snapped as he brought a hand up, trying to bring the cup of coffee to him telekinetically. “You’ve seen me do it before, Elle, you know I can make things move with my mind!” His voice was getting desperate; he couldn’t help but feel panicked. He couldn’t go back to be normal again. He needed his powers. They made him special. He couldn’t be just the watchmaker again. Not now, not ever.

Elle clucked her tongue, getting up from her seat now to make her way over to Sylar, placing what seemed to be a sympathetic hand on his shoulder. “I told you before, Gabriel.” He flinched at that, the mocking way she kept saying his old name. Reminding of that bumbling fool he had been when they met before. Every time she said it he wanted to wrap his hands around her neck, choke her and prove to her that he wasn’t Gabriel anymore.  She had killed Gabriel the day he killed Trevor.

“Until you fully recover, your powers won’t come back to you. When bodies go through extreme injuries, the section that controls powers shut down in order to recover quicker. It’s a self defense mechanism.” A perfectly practiced lie coming out of her perfectly glossed little lips. Like she was going to tell him that her father had injected him with the Shanti virus. She wasn’t dumb. She knew better than to think he was harmless just because he was powerless. Desperation could make even the weakest of lambs dangerous.  And that’s why she had been the better choice. She could fight back, if need be. What could Candice do? Create illusions? Not a very good skill when it came to defense.

“Why should I believe a word you say?” He snapped, turning to face her now, a hand going up to her neck, crushing his large fingers over her tiny frame. “I should just kill you here and make a run for it. You’ve never done anything but lie Elle. You made me a monster, why should I trust you now? I might have been foolish back then, but I am not foolish now”

Elle hissed, grabbing his arm with one of her own, sending a large electric shock up his arm, causing him to cry out and let go. She gasped for air, rubbing her neck lightly. “You should trust be because I’m all you have right now Gabriel. Even if you ran, you wouldn’t get far. So you’re going to have to get over yourself and trust me or you’re not going to make it. I can guarantee it.” She cupped her hand, a ball of electricity forming within it. “As for making you a monster, I never made you kill him,” She pointed out, crackling the blue light a little more before letting it die down.

“You brought him to me like bait, taunting me, calling him special,” He hissed, holding his arm in pain. God, if only he had his powers. If only he could show her what she could really do.  She wouldn’t be so sure of herself now. He’d get her on her knees, beg for mercy, beg for forgiveness, and then he would kill her, taking that pretty power she liked taunting him with. The idea of getting inside of her head, seeing how someone like her really worked, nothing excited him more.

“But it was still your choice, Gabriel,” She pointed out with another smug look on her face. “There’s always a choice, and you didn’t have to give in. I don’t have the power to control someone’s body. I didn’t make you do it. You chose to become that, you chose to kill him as you chose to kill everyone you did afterwards.  Be mad at me for lying to you, leading you on, that’s fine. But don’t blame me for what isn’t my fault. There’s always a choice. You could have gone after me, demanded the truth, but instead you decided it was better to stay there and kill him.”

“You could have stopped me, you could have done something, anything, but you ran like the little chicken shit cow-“

Elle rolled her eyes a little. “If you remember correctly, I did try to stop you from killing him. I even risked showing my own power to do so, knowing that you might just turn on me and take my power instead, and it wasn’t enough. You made your choices. No one made them for you. I’m not saying you need to feel guilty, but take ownership for what you’ve done. You think I’ve never killed anyone? I’ve probably done it for less reason than you ever did, but I’d never say it was anyone’s fault from but my own. I made my choices and you made yours. You decided being special, getting that power, was much more important than being Gabriel.  But now you’re powerless, and injured, and whether you like it or not, I’m the only one who cares enough to be here to help you. So you better suck it up and get over it, because it’s going to be a hell out a lot easier if you do.”  In all honesty, she still felt guilty, just a little, over how things had gone down that night. She had wished she could have saved him, because maybe then she could have saved herself, but it wasn’t enough. They were both too messed up. They could never be the girl next door and the watch maker who loved her. She wasn’t that naïve anymore.

So maybe all they could be at this point was a prisoner and his captor. For now, that would have to do.

“Fine,” He conceded. “But this is only temporary. A truce. As soon as I get my powers back, I swear to god, I’m going to kill you.”

To that Elle simply smiled, making her way back to her own seat at the table now, taking a sip of her coffee before replying. “Oh Gabriel,” She cooed in a voice that was both teasing and mocking. “You sure know how to make a girl feel wanted.”

He groaned a little, closing his eyes.  For a second, he thought he would have been better off dead from his wounds than powerless and stuck with her. After a minute or two he opened his eyes, looking over to her. “As lovely as reminiscing with you is, what are we supposed to do until I’m better? This place seems like it has the bare minimums.”

“Well, I’d say we could screw, but that would probably reopen your wounds” He couldn’t tell if she was joking or not. But he couldn’t give it too much thought before she dug into her purse, pulling out a pack of cards.

“How do you feel about Go Fish?” She asked with a smile that seemed different than her smirks and grins earlier. Almost childish.

Perhaps he could find a use for her yet.

devil in a miniskirt, fanfic

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