Revenge of The Memes

Apr 11, 2009 05:18

It's 5 am and I can't sleep yet. And I've hit a roadblock on the fic I'm working on. And no one is online to talk to, because apparently, other people sleep. How crazy of them. So you get round two of the music meme I did earlier this week. Cause I've had bizzare guilt about the singers/bands I didn't mention the first time. God I love music.

1. Pick 5 bands listed in your profile interests (if you don’t list them there, just choose 5 however you see fit).
2. Name your 5 favorite songs (in order, if possible) from said artist. (In order? Fuck that. Not even the bands are in order.)
3. Explain why you love the songs--you can write what it means to you, quote a lyric, post a video, whatever.

Ani Difranco:

5. Slide by Ani Difranco
She lay down in her party dress
And never got up
Needless to say
She missed the party
She just got sad
Then she got stuck

I love, love this song. Musically, it sounds pretty playful and fast paced, almost like a sliding crash. Which is great for the metaphor of the song. Depression being like a crash you can't avoid. It's an amazing song.

4. Dilate
And you are so lame
You always disappoint me
It's kind of like our running joke
But it's really not funny
And i just want you to live up to
The image of you I create
I see you and I'm so unsatisfied
I see you and i dilate

This song kind of describes my feelings in the last relationship I was in rather perfectly. Enough said there. Beautiful, heartbreaking song.

3. Light of Some Kind
And I still think of you as my boyfriend
I don't think this is the end of the world
But I think maybe you should follow my example
And go meet yourself a really nice girl

How many artists have songs about a woman leaving her boyfriend for another woman? I love this song so much. Random note: Every time I hear this song, I get inspiration for an AU fic where Elle leaves Sylar for Claire. Someday, I may write it.

2. School Night
And you'll never know, dear
Just how much I loved you
You'll probably think this was
Just my big excuse
But I stand committed
to a love that came before you
And the fact that I adore you
Is but one of my truths

This song breaks my heart. But in a wonderfully perfect way. Her voice just sounds so...raw singing this. I adore it.
I couldn't find a fancier video for it, but you should listen anyways:

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1. Grey by Ani Difranco
Regretfully, I guess I've got three simple things to say.
Why me? Why this now? Why this way?
Overtone's ringing, undertow's pulling away under a sky that is grey on sand
That is grey by an ocean that's grey.

This song was my constant companion my senior year of high school. I still listen to it alot. It's just...something I can really relate to. Enough said there.

David Bowie:

5. Heroes
Though nothing
Will keep us together
We could steal time
Just for one day
We can be Heroes
For ever and ever
What d'you say

My parents got married to this song. I used to tease my mom about it alot, as it's not really a happy love song. But it's a great one. It makes me sad how many people I know only know it from Moulin Rouge....

4. Breaking Glass
Don't look at the carpet,
I drew something awful on it

One of his more experimental pieces. I love the Low album so much for how much he tested the waters for what would eventually lead into industrial music.

3. The Man Who Sold The World
Oh no, not me
I never lost control
You're face to face
With The Man Who Sold The World

Guh. This song is so...moving. It really makes me tears up, sometimes. I can't even put into words why this song is so awesome. It just is. Okay? OKAY.

2. Life on Mars
Take a look at the lawman
Beating up the wrong guy
Oh man!
Wonder if he'll ever know
He's in the best selling show
Is there life on Mars?

You know, I watched the show Life on Mars soley based on the fact that it was named after this song.

1. Ashes to Ashes
I've never done good things
I've never done bad things
I've never did anything out of the blue,
Want an axe to break the ice
Wanna come down right now

My favorite Bowie song ever. A great song about addiction and overcoming things. Plus, he references one of his other songs in it. Awesome.
The music video, however, is all sorts of special:

david bowie ashes to ashes
by kareem93

Nine Inch Nails:

5. Only
I just made you up to hurt myself, yeah
And I just made you up to hurt myself
And it worked.
Yes it did!

This is a song that really grew on me over time. I didn't like it much when I first got the With Teeth album, but now I really love it. It's so dark and just...yes. I love it.

4. And All That Could Have Been
All these
And promises and left behinds
If only I could see
In my
You meant everything
Everything to me

This song. It hurts so good. Devastatingly heartbreaking. Sadly, alot of people don't know it as it was on the Still album, but it's pretty damn amazing.

3. Hurt
What have I become?
My sweetest friend
Everyone I know
Goes away in the end
You could have it all
My empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you hurt

This is the first song I ever fell in love with of theirs. Before this song, I had only heard Closer, and I hated Closer. Still kind of do. But this song? I was able to relate to it so much. I like Johnny Cash's cover alot too, but the original will always have a very special place in my heart.

Amazing live version he did with David Bowie:

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2. Reptile
Devils speak of the ways in which she'll manifest
Angels bleed from the tainted touch of my caress
Need to contaminate to alleviate this loneliness
I now know the depths I reach are limitless

This song is so sexy. Dark, but sexy. Seriously, listen to it and tell me it's not. I dare you.

1. Terrible Lie
Hey God, I really don't know what you mean
Seems like salvation comes only in our dreams
I feel my hatred grow all the more extreme
Hey God, can this world really be as sad as it seems?

As someone who's struggled with faith and used to have alot of anger at God, this song has always struck a chord with me in a very profound way. Definitely my favorite off Pretty Hate Machine

Alanis Morissette

5. Simple Together
This grief overwhelms me
It burns in my stomach
And I can't stop bumping into things

This is one of the saddest break up songs I've ever heard. I think it really describes how hard it can be when you not only lose your love, but your best friend as well.

4. Not The Doctor
Visiting hours are 9 to 5 and if I show up at 10 past 6
Well I already know that you'd find some way to sneak me in and oh
Mind the empty bottle with the holes along the bottom
You see it's too much to ask for and I am not the doctor

You know, unlike alot of Alanis fans, Jagged Little Pill is probably my least favorite album by her. It's good, but her later stuff was much better. That said? I love this song. And it's the ringtone for my grandma. Read that as you will.

3. Tapes

All these tapes in my head swirl around
Keeping my vibe down
All these thoughts in my head aren't my own
Wreaking havoc

This song describes a phenomenon me and many people I know have described. Which is having negative tapes that we don't know how to turn off in our heads.

2. Eight Easy Steps
How to lie to yourself and thereby to everyone else
How to keep smiling when you're thinking of killing yourself
How to numb a la holic to avoid going within
How to stay stuck in blue by blaming them for everything

My favorite song from the So Called Chaos album. This song really kind of fits my post high school life. For better or for worse.

1. That I Would Be Good
That I would be loved even when I numb myself
That I would be good even when I am overwhelmed
That I would be loved even when I was fuming
That I would be good even if I was clingy

This has been my favorite Alanis song for pretty much ever. I don't think that will ever change. It's so straightforward and profound. No matter how many times I've heard it, it can still move me to tears sometimes. It's just that powerful. And then the flute at the end. So much win.

I particularly love the Unplugged version:

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5. Parade
Believing in nothing
Makes life so boring
So let's pray for something
To feel good in the morning

I recently super fell in love with this song. It's just so...mood lifting. And upbeat. Hopeful. I love it. It really makes me feel pumped up.
Awesome live version:

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4. Cup of Coffee
You told me you don't love me
Over a cup of coffee
And I just have to look away
A million miles between us
Planets crash into dust
I just let it fade away

This song breaks my heart, but in a wonderful sort of way. I know I've felt this way coming out of relationships and friendships before. Especially in a situation where it's very bluntly told to you that things are over.

3. The Trick Is To Keep Breathing
She knows the human heart
And how to read the stars
Now everything's about to fall apart

I used to be really obsessed with this song. So much so that I hunted down the book it's based on, The Trick is To Keep Breathing by Janice Galloway. It's a hard book to find in stores, as it's printed by a publisher, but it hurts so good. I've just started rereading it for the first time in a few years tonight.

2. Bleed Like Me

Therapy is Speedie's brand new drug
Dancing with the devil's past has never been too fun
It's better off than trying to take a bullet from a gun
And she cries:
Hey baby can you bleed like me?
C'mon baby can you bleed like me?

Another song that sounds upbeat, but dark lyrics. I love juxtapositions like that. I really just fell in love with this song as a concept. Because I think people are so quick to judge people for their problems, without trying to truly understand them. And we all bleed, one way or another.

1. Medication
I don't need an education
I learnt all I need from you
They've got me on some medication
My point of balance was askew

I relate to this song more than almost any other song I've ever heard. I was diagnosed with depression and bipolar disorder as a young age, and medicated when I was pretty young too. I really thought there was something wrong with me for years. A little too much of my personal history with this expelnation, but it couldn't be helped.

The acoustic version is so awesome it hurts:

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5. AntiqueHighHeeledRedDollShoes
Pick me up for heaven sakes.
Aren't I your baby-cakes?
Don't fall for all the little fakes.
Aren't I your baby-cakes?

This song is so fast paced and fun. I love it. I always rock out like a dork when it comes on my iPod.

4. Dig Ophelia
Your eyes never close
Your mind's not at rest
Lay back, get waterlogged
Give us a kiss

Ophelia is like one of my favorite literary females ever. So of course I would love a song about her. And this really a good example of how pretty their use of cellos in their songs are.

3. Any Old Actress
You're a souvenir a darling dear
She used to say that kind of thing
You're a mantlepiece with strong beliefs
Only her black rainbow meant something

Another great cello piece with beautiful and haunting lyrics. I love Melora's vocals in this. I was so stoked that they performed this when I saw them live. And even more so that I found a good recording from that concert:

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2. If Your Kisses Can't Hold The Man You Love...
Might as well be cheerful
No use being tearful
If he's given you the sack
'Cause if your kisses won't hold the man you love
Then your tears won't bring him back

This song is awesome and snarky. I've totally wanted to dedicate it to a few friends in the past. But I never have. Tact has held me back from such decisions.

1. Sign of the Zodiac
Look all around you and notice you're not alone.
We want to give the courage to
Go a different way.
Think of the love and attention we all have shown.
What did we do when we heard,well, we
All came right away.

I'm still forever grateful to Jasmine for finding the album this song is on Ebay for me the year she was my Secret Santa. This is a feat, considering it's out of print. I think I squeed so hard I deafened a few people. But. I love this song. So much. I love the cello plucking, and the lyrics, and just...everything.

Here, have a live version:

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So this time? It took two hours. It was almost five when I started, and now it's basically 7. I am way too thinky with music. But at least now I'm kind of tired. And...there may be a part three to this meme. There are still other bands I feel I should list D: GOD DAMN YOU MUSICAL OBSESSION

I got tagged for the icon post again, this time by chemicalrevenge

I love how angry this icon is. And it's one of my favorite Dr. Cox quotes ever. Always amuses me. It's a good icon to use when pissed off.

Saiyuki + Fight Club = Win. I don't use this icon nearly enough, but it always amuses me. Sanzo does not appreciate his spirit penguin. At all.

This icon kills me with cute. I just love Collonello and Lal. That scene breaks my heart though :(

Blind Mag! Probably my favorite character from Repo!The Genetic Opera. She's so pretty and talented and just guh. I love her. so much.

Ten Things I Hate About You is one of my favorite movies of all time. And Heath Ledger is one of my favorite actors of all time. I tend not to use this icon much though, unless I'm melacholy/thinky.

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