aah don't worry about LF. i myself only worked on it a little bit yesterday. glad you had fun. but yeah. fun trips are never long enough ^__^
it's good we split it, cuz translation was pretty rough. it took me longer to translate 26 minutes of CB than it took me for an entire LF ep. there's just too much medical speak going on, it takes for ever to look up the correct terms ^_^;;
i haven't checked the subs yet. i think it's kinda tough having 2 translators for one ep. the editor needs to make sure the final result is consistent in style and language. especially since i tend to use American English, while seri-san uses British English XD
^__^ it's actually thanx to Querbeet. i don't think i would have considered doing it, but they asked me if i wanted to, so.. it's a collab with seri-san too ^__^
omg i was saying sth along the same lines last night. like, in spring we had DV Ryo-chan, now we have arrogant Yamapi >< are they trying to make us hate NEWS or sth? XD well, not us fans.. just people who aren't.. fans! XD
Maybe thats Johnny's news Strategy >=D johnny the evil little dwarf... ehh man XDDDD. now we just need Jin as a terrorst (but please Bakanishi Jin-terrorist... so that its more fun XD) and Tegoshi as a psycho who wants to rule the word...(aint he doing that already XDDD)
i have a feeling the actors themselves had sth to do with why the ratings are so high. i'm curious to know the ratings during the show though. how they went up and/or down.
ah, we've edited those subs quite a bit ne. the hardsub will be out soon ^__^
hmm questo primo ep.. fammi sapere che ne pensi. i sottotitoli hanno avuto diversi edit per la versione hardsub. sia per il timing che come contenuto ^_^;; spero che la prox puntata andrà più liscia. poi racconterò tutto ^_^
Comments 183
So did you translate this one?
how was your trip? had fun?
Yeah just checked the thread @DA. It's much easier for you now ne ^__^V
glad you had fun. but yeah. fun trips are never long enough ^__^
it's good we split it, cuz translation was pretty rough. it took me longer to translate 26 minutes of CB than it took me for an entire LF ep. there's just too much medical speak going on, it takes for ever to look up the correct terms ^_^;;
i haven't checked the subs yet. i think it's kinda tough having 2 translators for one ep. the editor needs to make sure the final result is consistent in style and language. especially since i tend to use American English, while seri-san uses British English XD
Yamapi seems to have a bad ass/cold character too XDDD, this is gonna be FUN.
omg i was saying sth along the same lines last night. like, in spring we had DV Ryo-chan, now we have arrogant Yamapi >< are they trying to make us hate NEWS or sth? XD well, not us fans.. just people who aren't.. fans! XD
ahh so its thanks to them, *bows low* ^-^
Let me see for myself why it had those ratings
Sugoi ratings though... thats some way to kick off a drama series!!!
ah, we've edited those subs quite a bit ne. the hardsub will be out soon ^__^
Grazie mille per il tuo lavoro ^^
Ma quanto stai lavorando!
Prenditi un po' di vacanza, se no l'estate finirà prima che tu possa dire "bah" XD
Bè, quello era un consiglio da amica, adesso passo alla fangirl: WAAAAAA!! Continua a lavorareeeeeeeee!!!
XD doppia personalità, bwahahah
eh lo so. ma tanto per un paio di settimane torno a casa, e li avrò poco tempo per fare 'ste cose, quindi me la prenderò più con comodo ^__^
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