Title: Fragments Pairing: Yoosu Genre: Crack, Fluff, Angstish Lenght: Oneshot author: Suju_shinki Summary: Some Fragments out of their lives An: peachinlabel, I love you thiiiis much 8D Don't think about it too much, just go with it.
Oh Jae. Ever the one to jump to conclusions. He was anticipating that Yoosu had shagged, but instead all they did was exchange ILUs. That part was so sweet, it has me going all "Awww~" 8'DD
And of all places, Chunface and Su just had to have a serious discussion in a bathroom. Those dorks<3
And I have a feeling Junsu will be creeping into Junho's bedroom at night to spy on his beloved Chunface, ready to throw him out the window if he flirts with Junho.
Comments 28
“And you shagged!”
Oh Jae. Ever the one to jump to conclusions. He was anticipating that Yoosu had shagged, but instead all they did was exchange ILUs. That part was so sweet, it has me going all "Awww~" 8'DD
And of all places, Chunface and Su just had to have a serious discussion in a bathroom. Those dorks<3
And I have a feeling Junsu will be creeping into Junho's bedroom at night to spy on his beloved Chunface, ready to throw him out the window if he flirts with Junho.
Love it<3
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This was just brilliant
Love you <3~~~
Me n my sis were laughing all the way~~atleast most of the part..lol
totally your style,, only you can write such crack~!
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