Weekly Challenge #1

Jan 15, 2012 13:38

Weekly Challenge #1

This week's prompt is Donna's blackmail material.
Your entry should focus in some way on what kind of blackmail material Donna has on someone. This can either be canon (like material she has on Louis or Cameron) or something else.

The rules to the challenge are located here.

Word Requirement:
Minimum: 100 words (drabble)
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weekly challenge #1

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Comments 33

Donna, Harvey/Mike (Rating: PG-13) anonymous January 16 2012, 21:05:58 UTC
Donna smiled as she sat back down at her desk. She watched Harvey go back to his office, angry. She shook her head and turned back to her computer ( ... )


Re: Donna, Harvey/Mike (Rating: PG-13) mander3_swish January 17 2012, 20:00:42 UTC


Harvey/Mike, Donna, Louis (Rating: PG-13) flamyshine January 17 2012, 05:38:34 UTC
Title: Mike’s secret admirer
Pairing: Harvey Specter/Mike Ross
Other characters: Donna, Louis Litt
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 5,031
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters.
Warning: none
Summary: Donna looks in Harvey’s drawers to borrow his stapler and finds something intriguing instead.



Gen - "Fashion Faux Pas 1/2" rated PG-13 phreakycat January 17 2012, 22:00:39 UTC
"You really should wear red more often," Donna tells him, leaning back in her chair and tapping a pen against her lip thoughtfully.

"What?" Mike says, frozen halfway to Harvey's door. He can't say why, exactly, but something in Donna's tone is setting off all his dangerous red-head plotting evil things warning bells ( ... )


Re: Gen - "Fashion Faux Pas 2/2" rated PG-13 phreakycat January 17 2012, 22:00:53 UTC
"For good?" Mike repeats hopefully ( ... )


Re: Gen - "Fashion Faux Pas 2/2" rated PG-13 rippersgirl06 January 17 2012, 22:52:56 UTC
LOL that was fabulous!


Re: Gen - "Fashion Faux Pas 2/2" rated PG-13 phreakycat January 17 2012, 23:46:16 UTC
Thanks! :)


Polaroids - Gen (Donna, Harvey,Mike) Rated: PG lastasalways January 18 2012, 10:48:21 UTC
Donna was the oldest of five, ten years older then the youngest. The thing that happened with being the oldest of that brood is that as a survival instinct she learnt that the best way to control her siblings was the power of blackmail material, and not to use that power for evil ( ... )


Re: Polaroids - Gen (Donna, Harvey,Mike) Rated: PG (part 2/2) lastasalways January 18 2012, 10:50:10 UTC
She also learnt the value of holding onto the evidence for a rainy day. Age 16 against Justin and his middle child induced sense of injustice. Honestly, this didn't involve blackmail so much as the threat of revenge and a lesson for the future ( ... )


Right Place, Right Time [1/2] _nevergone January 19 2012, 22:25:17 UTC
Donna knocked on the door of Louis' office rapidly before he looked up from his computer and acknowledged her. Donna coming to his office only ever meant one thing, she needed a favor. Or worse, Harvey needed a favor.

"What do you want from me, Donna? That's rhetorical of course, because the answer is no."

"Louis, I'm insulted. Can't a girl just come visit you because she's looking for some good old fashioned intellectual stimulation?"

"Seriously? That's the best you can come up with?"

Donna shrugged. "Well, it was short notice, and you're not exactly worthy of my best material."

"So what exactly is it you want from me? Or rather what did Harvey send you here to get from me? 'Cause the answer is still no ( ... )


Re: Right Place, Right Time [2/2] _nevergone January 19 2012, 22:27:40 UTC
"You know," Donna started, facing the screen towards her and giving it a once over. "It actually kind of looks a little Specter-esque, I mean, poor man's Specter-esque, but is that what you were going for with it? To look more like Harvey? I think Harvey, of all the people I plan to show, will definitely get a kick out of it. In fact, he'll probably never let you live it down."

"Fine," Louis snapped. "I'll make your damn call. Just delete the picture and I never want this to be spoken of again. Got it ( ... )


Re: Right Place, Right Time [2/2] flamyshine January 20 2012, 00:45:05 UTC
Ahaha, Louis with a toupee. Ah, scary mental image! You wrote Donna and Louis so well that it feels like I've watched it on the show :D Great stuff!


Re: Right Place, Right Time [2/2] _nevergone January 22 2012, 15:16:53 UTC
Thank you! :) At first I was amused thinking of Louis with a toupee, then the more I thought about it, the more frightening it became lol


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