Weekly Challenge #1

Jan 15, 2012 13:38

Weekly Challenge #1

This week's prompt is Donna's blackmail material.
Your entry should focus in some way on what kind of blackmail material Donna has on someone. This can either be canon (like material she has on Louis or Cameron) or something else.

The rules to the challenge are located here.

Word Requirement:
Minimum: 100 words (drabble)
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weekly challenge #1

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Re: Gen - "Fashion Faux Pas 2/2" rated PG-13 phreakycat January 17 2012, 22:00:53 UTC
"For good?" Mike repeats hopefully.

"Well, that might be a stretch. Let's just say that if you do as I say and don't piss me off, it'll stay safely tucked away in all its leotard-ed glory. Sound good?"

It doesn't sound good. Not at ALL. It sounds terrifying and a little bit like selling his soul to the devil. But really, what choice does he have?

"Sure," he squeaks, trying to muster up a reassuring smile. "Whatever you say, Donna."

"That's a good boy," Donna says fondly. "Don't forget my coffee tomorrow - just remember, my cousin works at Kinko's. I can have life-size posters made at the drop of a hat."

Mike gulps and nods frantically.

"You can go ahead and leave those files here - Harvey's almost done with his meeting, and I'll be sure to let him know you had them here on time."

"Thank you, Donna. And, um, you look stunning today - that color green looks ravishing with your hair."

Donna smirks at him and raises a well-manicured brow expectantly. Mike hands her the files hastily and manages to babble a few more placating compliments before turning tail and practically running back to his cubicle.

He almost bowls Harvey over in the process, babbling about poor choices in high school extra-curricular activities and terrifying administrative assistants before continuing to flee.

Harvey shoots Donna a mildly scolding look.

"Donna, are you traumatizing my associate?"

Donna adopts a piously innocent look. "Who, me? Of course not. I simply provided a bit of... incentive for the puppy to behave."

"And by incentive you mean blackmail material, correct?"

"You make is sound so crude," Donna pouts.

"Stop screwing with the kid's head. He's flighty enough as it is."

Donna smirks.

"I don't think you're in a position to be telling me what I can and cannot do, Harvey, or have you forgotten about that little file I have tucked away on my hard drive - acid_washed_jeans.jpeg?"

Harvey blanches.

"Have I mentioned how ravishing that color looks with your hair?"




Re: Gen - "Fashion Faux Pas 2/2" rated PG-13 rippersgirl06 January 17 2012, 22:52:56 UTC
LOL that was fabulous!


Re: Gen - "Fashion Faux Pas 2/2" rated PG-13 phreakycat January 17 2012, 23:46:16 UTC
Thanks! :)


Re: Gen - "Fashion Faux Pas 2/2" rated PG-13 tanpopo03 January 21 2012, 09:06:07 UTC
*cracks up* XD

That was absolutely hilarious!


Re: Gen - "Fashion Faux Pas 2/2" rated PG-13 phreakycat January 21 2012, 09:13:17 UTC
LOL thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it. :)


Re: Gen - "Fashion Faux Pas 2/2" rated PG-13 seschat July 30 2012, 19:47:36 UTC
Omg, that was amazing! I love your writing so much :)


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