Weekly Challenge #1

Jan 15, 2012 13:38

Weekly Challenge #1

This week's prompt is Donna's blackmail material.
Your entry should focus in some way on what kind of blackmail material Donna has on someone. This can either be canon (like material she has on Louis or Cameron) or something else.

The rules to the challenge are located here.

Word Requirement:
Minimum: 100 words (drabble)
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weekly challenge #1

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Re: Polaroids - Gen (Donna, Harvey,Mike) Rated: PG (part 2/2) lastasalways January 18 2012, 10:50:10 UTC
She also learnt the value of holding onto the evidence for a rainy day. Age 16 against Justin and his middle child induced sense of injustice. Honestly, this didn't involve blackmail so much as the threat of revenge and a lesson for the future.

It had started with Justin's usual 'why can I never do anything, I'm ignored by everyone, and nobody cares about me' spiel. It lead to them not seeing the movie she'd been waiting for weeks to see. Then to rub the salt further into her wounds, all her friends had seen it and wouldn't shut up about it.

That same week Justin started his whole spiel when she'd wanted to go out with friends. Her unrivaled fury still going strong, she dragged him off and threatened to show all of his little friends a picture of him putting on their mom's lipstick from a few years ago.

She had gone out with her friends. Funnily enough, it was that same picture that taught Justin to demand that blackmail material be destroyed and her not to over use a piece of blackmail.

Since those childhood days her blackmailing had died down but she still couldn't break the habit of collecting material. Like the photo of a small puppy licking Harvey's face off. She'd had to show it to Jessica for Harvey not to call her bluff, but he had attended Martha's second marriage with her.

Mike on the other hand was trying to decide if she was some minor god like creature. She enjoyed making him think she knew all and flaunted her ability jus to see his deer in headlight look. She really didn't have to do much. He was young and an only child. He really had no defense against her ability to get embarrassing photos and information of him. Unlike Harvey who had an older brother and had adapted accordingly.

Mike was like an unprotected treasure chest of embarrassing moments. Markers up his nose, sleeping under his desk, things like that.

Harvey, anything like that was caught by luck. Like the puppy incident or a kid shoving an ice cream cone in his face. She was saving that one for something special or if Martha divorced and got married again. His brother must have been something to see in action to enforce that much defense.

It made what she had gold, and soon Mike would be an almost Harvey and maybe get a good laugh out of his younger days but the cache that she was building... She was going to get fancy dinners once a week until she was 90.


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