Friends Events Calendar

Feb 10, 2007 23:02

Friends Events Calendar

Short, concise description of the idea
Add a field to the Update Journal function to specify dates, to be used if the entry is an invitation. Add a calendar function to allow users to see their friends' upcoming events.

Full description of the ideaSee the concise description and implementation detials. The form implied ( Read more... )

~ listed - needs retagging, calendar sharing, event promotion, notifications

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Comments 25

7rin February 12 2007, 23:51:28 UTC
1. I don't use My LJ, and from the results HERE, neither do a lot of other people - it'd need to be accessible from somewhere else (such as included on the calendar archive view?).

2. It'd ABSOLUTELY need to be able to be restricted in much the same way as any other post can be: i.e. Friends only, Custom filters, etc.

3. I'm guessing you're talking about something akin to Google Calendar? If so, count me in. :)


azurelunatic February 13 2007, 07:05:19 UTC
To further prevent abuse, of course, you'd have to also set calendar event invitation options the same way -- anyone may invite me, only friends may invite me, only this filter may invite me, no one may invite me.

I'd want to see trackback on it, too, so when looking at the calendar I could see the usernames and subject lines that are tracking back to the event:

Event: Party at my place
Location: My place [Google map]
Date: (Tomorrow)
Duration: 4pm-Midnight
Security: Friends
Details: RSVP, BYOB, hope to see you there.
Invited Guests: azurelettuce, gameboyguy13, burr86

azurelunatic: Check it out: awesome party at my place
azurelettuce: Twenty reasons my alter ego is on crack, starting with the guest list
hcolleen: I won't be getting much sleep tomorrow, thanks Azz *eyeroll*
gameboyguy13: I wish I was in Phoenix right now


mikz February 13 2007, 16:49:39 UTC
Re your first point: I might not have made it clear that each user's calendar would only show their friends' events. This limits the possibility of abuse; if you don't want to see somebody's invitation, take them off your friends list ( ... )


azurelunatic February 13 2007, 17:43:01 UTC
'Trackback' is a feature that's somewhere on the implementation list, that semi-automatically links two related entries together. Say I have an insightful post and my roommate links to it in the normal fashion; that link only goes one way, from her journal to my journal.

I don't understand the exact mechanism of trackback exactly myself, but it winds up with a link that goes both ways -- one in the comments/trackback section of the original entry being linked to, and one in the entry that's doing the linking and commentary.


halo_of_thorns February 13 2007, 04:52:24 UTC
I think this could be a good idea.
I support it.


the_magician January 25 2008, 14:00:15 UTC
I think it is a great idea (because totally independently I suggested almost exactly the same idea, with the same ideas of filters etc. though I didn't think about combining it with the Friends birthdays list, which is an excellent idea).

One addition, I'd like it to be able to either export or RSS feed iCalendar/iCal or vCal records so I could import them into my PDA/Smartphone/Outlook/whatever day to day central PIM/calendar I use (even Google ( ... )


ashlandiah May 26 2013, 20:35:36 UTC
YES! I just suggested this- But I think it's obvious! A way to ad events to your calender is obviously a feature that needs to be added to livejournal. People would start using this awesomely simple site if there was a better way to connect and organize with your friends.


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