Friends Events Calendar

Feb 10, 2007 23:02

Friends Events Calendar

Short, concise description of the idea
Add a field to the Update Journal function to specify dates, to be used if the entry is an invitation. Add a calendar function to allow users to see their friends' upcoming events.

Full description of the ideaSee the concise description and implementation detials. The form implied ( Read more... )

~ listed - needs retagging, calendar sharing, event promotion, notifications

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the_magician January 25 2008, 14:00:15 UTC
I think it is a great idea (because totally independently I suggested almost exactly the same idea, with the same ideas of filters etc. though I didn't think about combining it with the Friends birthdays list, which is an excellent idea).

One addition, I'd like it to be able to either export or RSS feed iCalendar/iCal or vCal records so I could import them into my PDA/Smartphone/Outlook/whatever day to day central PIM/calendar I use (even Google!).

Perfection (which is always a long way off) would allow a calendar entry to connect to the original posting that added it to the calendar (which would include the full details of the event/party/whatever) and allow RSVP and other responses (again ideally RSVP would be handled in a similar (or better) manner to Facebook). Perfection would also allow the poster of the event to point to an address record (in user profile or elsewhere) with the location details (address, satnav location etc.), contact details (phone numbers etc.) and such of the venue.

Also duration of event (or start and end dates) plus TIME are required (so When: Saturday 26th January 2008, 7pm, 3hours
What: Cinema trip to see Sweeney Todd
Where: Leicester Square Odeon, London WC1(blah blah blah)

The "What" could be a link to an LJ entry with the subject line as the default description.
The "Where" could include a link to Googlemaps, multimap, mapquest, or similar



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