The Space Between (fic)

Aug 26, 2010 21:08

Title: The Space Between
Fandom: Fringe
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Peter/Olivia
Word Count: ~2800
Spoilers: Through the end of S2.
Summary: Post S2-finale fic. There's always something keeping them apart.
Disclaimer: I don’t own the fabulous show of Fringe. And the fact that the title shares the name of a song by the Dave Matthews Band is ( Read more... )

my fanfiction, fringe, olivia dunham, peter/olivia, peter bishop

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Comments 29

lunawho August 27 2010, 05:01:36 UTC
I want to hug this fic. Is that odd and unusual ( ... )


sugangel7 August 27 2010, 19:33:19 UTC
Ah, thank you so much for the lovely feedback! You picked out alot of what I was hoping would come across ( ... )


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sugangel7 August 27 2010, 19:43:03 UTC
I'm so honored that this is the first Fringe fic you read and that you enjoyed it! Thanks so much for the feedback.

I can understand your hesitation in reading P/O fics, because the writers have created such a careful dynamic on the show -- where the two of them are never really purely romantic or fluffy -- and I'm so glad that their relationship felt right to you in this story.

If you want to read more P/O fic, I'd recommend heading over to the op_ficathon because what everyone's posted so far has just been fantastic. I also compiled a rec list back in May if you're interested. And there's some more in my memories as well.


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sugangel7 August 28 2010, 12:58:37 UTC
I'm glad to hear you're enjoying them. Thanks for your comment on "Number Two." It was challenging but fun to get into Altlivia's head! :)


presquerousse August 27 2010, 13:08:58 UTC
This is excellent. I loved the use of lines from the show and the way you painted Peter and Olivia with this awkwardness between them, but reaching out for each other across the gap. Everything feels fractured, but yet there's this hopeful atmosphere.

I'm terrible at long, insightful comments, so I'm going to end with a couple of my favourite lines:

"And she no longer wants to feel pain. She just wants to lessen his."

"Then, at least, it was the laws of physics keeping them apart. Now, the gap feels self-imposed.

And Olivia is pretty sure she has no Cortexiphan-enhanced abilities to help her bridge it."

Just wow. Beautiful!


sugangel7 August 27 2010, 19:47:34 UTC
I think you know from our discussions at fringe_rewatch how much I love it when Fringe echoes earlier lines and such in the episodes, so whenever I write anything Fringe I always have to touch on at least one line from the show. I'm glad you enjoyed the ones I picked out here.

And fractured yet hopeful is what I was hoping would come across, so glad to know it did!

Thanks for your feedback and letting me know specifically what you liked about this. I really appreciate it!


greyslostwho August 27 2010, 15:44:56 UTC
ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL. Thank you so so so much :)

"cut with the precision of deliberate betrayal" - that was my favourite line, those words are so intense :) And I loved that you had a paragraph simply saying "She missed Peter."

I love that you had them talk it out, I loved how real it felt... I could see the conversation in my head as you had them say it - they're completely in character. This is a beautiful story and I'm privileged to have it written for me :)
Thank you so much.


sugangel7 August 27 2010, 19:52:25 UTC
I'm so so glad you liked it! :)

The "deliberate betrayal" line was one of the first to come to me once this fic started flowing, and that I knew needed to be in there. But total credit goes to my beta holycitygirl for suggesting the lone repetition of the "She misses Peter" line.

I'm glad you enjoyed their conversation and that it feels in character to you. I'm much more comfortable writing introspection than dialogue, and this is my first time really writing Peter.

Again, so so glad you enjoyed this. I really did love your prompt and I'm happy I could write this fic for you!


ms_pollygreen August 28 2010, 01:37:52 UTC

BTW, this is the first Fringe fic that I read...great thing I've started right :D

Thanks for sharing ♥


sugangel7 August 28 2010, 05:50:04 UTC
Thank you! I'm so glad my story could be your first Fringe fic and that you enjoyed it!

Gorgeous icon by the way!!! I LOVE that line (and that entire scene *sigh*)


ms_pollygreen August 28 2010, 14:44:37 UTC
Hee, thanks!!
Yours is gorgeous as well ♥

I hope you don't mind that I added you x)


sugangel7 August 28 2010, 17:12:52 UTC
Not at all! I've added you back. :)


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