The Space Between (fic)

Aug 26, 2010 21:08

Title: The Space Between
Fandom: Fringe
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Peter/Olivia
Word Count: ~2800
Spoilers: Through the end of S2.
Summary: Post S2-finale fic. There's always something keeping them apart.
Disclaimer: I don’t own the fabulous show of Fringe. And the fact that the title shares the name of a song by the Dave Matthews Band is ( Read more... )

my fanfiction, fringe, olivia dunham, peter/olivia, peter bishop

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lunawho August 27 2010, 05:01:36 UTC
I want to hug this fic. Is that odd and unusual?

Where to start with the loveliness? First off, I love that you have them clear the air a little bit. She is angry at him for not realising it wasn't her right away. He is mostly angry at Walter, but a little bit at her too. (Way to work in what Joshua Jackson has been saying about Peter in interviews. I give you points for that).

I love how you reverse some of the things they say to each other--what with having Olivia say "You're not alone in this." In a way, I think the coming series will be a role reversal for them. I think Peter will be the one insanely lost about what's going on, and Olivia will have to be the silent, strong shoulder for him this time around.

Also, I love that you pointed out the Greek saying from New Day in an Old Town. I have a feeling it's going to turn out to be very important too--much like Charlie's lines turned out to be very important. It would be interesting if it turned out to be the way Peter identifies Altivia (since he and Olivia are the only ones who know the importance of that line to him on a personal level).

I think my all time favourite part of this fic though is simply the thought she has about missing Peter, despite the fact that he's with her in a physical sense. There is literally nothing more heartbreaking in a close friendship than the feeling you get when you see a friend after a long time and still feel like you're miles apart. It's one feeling I think every person in the world encounters at least once and it's almost life-scarring. It made me want to hug them both, because if Olivia feels like Peter is miles away emotionally, you know he must feel it too.

I'm going to stop gushing in your ear (or eyes) now.


sugangel7 August 27 2010, 19:33:19 UTC
Ah, thank you so much for the lovely feedback! You picked out alot of what I was hoping would come across.

And hah, I've tried to stop watching & reading interviews because what all of the actors have been saying is just making me overly anxious! But yeah I understand where JJ is coming from in regards to Peter for the most part.

The role reversal was one of the main things I wanted to highlight in this, given the prompt. In an early draft, I even had those two words here explicitly before finding a more subtle way to illustrate the point.

I'm glad you liked the return of the Greek phrase. I think you know from my post on Peter a few weeks ago how important I hope and think it should be for his character in S3. I would be so thrilled if it was the way that Peter found out it's Altlivia. At the very least, they've gotta bring it back soon right (and maybe in the premiere since it was introduced in the last premiere?)

I'm glad the idea of her missing Peter in the emotional sense resonated for you. It really is a heartbreaking thing to experience in a friendship, something not easily corrected or fixed.

Again, thank you ever so much for your kind and detailed comment! =)


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